Once your baby learns to crawl around the house by themself, you'll find that nothing is safe. Babies love to see cause and effect, so don't be surprised if you find items swept off low tables and movable standing objects knocked over.
Around this stage, baby starts getting bored with the normal bright and colorful toys that you've been collecting. In fact, toys become boring after a few minutes playing with them - baby loves to explore new things, and anything they think they shouldn't have has an added attraction.
Of course, you don't want to have all your fragile items destroyed, so it's a good idea to find some safe and fun toys around your house for baby to play with.

Fun Toys Around The House To Entertain a Toddler
by wrylilt
Sometimes toys can get boring (or expensive). What about finding your child free entertainment around the home?
Plastic Containers
Plastic containers are a favourite with babies. Babies love fitting containers of all sizes and shapes together, banging them on the ground and each other to make noise, as well as chewing on them. Some great ideas for plastic container play include:
- Fill a low down cupboard with containers. Help baby learn that this is their cupboard and let them take out the containers and play with them when they wish.
- Stack different sized containers inside each other and let baby explore taking them apart - to learn about shapes and sizes.
Coat Hangers
Coat hangers are another favourite because of their unique shape.
- While working in the laundry and sorting your washing, give baby a few clothes hangers to play with.
- Hang coat hangers on the side of playpen or the side of cot. Baby will have fun swinging back and forth and pulling them down.
Pegs are a favourite baby toy. They are easy to grasp and make a simple and fun entertainment.
- Give baby the peg basket so they can have fun pulling out the pegs, one at a time.
- Clip pegs onto the side of the playpen or even onto baby's clothes. Baby will have fun trying to pull the pegs off.
- Help baby learn about colors by dividing pegs into different colors and pointing at different colors, as well as helping baby put each peg in the right pile.
Empty Bottles
Baby's love empty bottles, since they make great knock down toys as well as roll around.
- Line up bottles in a row for baby to knock down.
- Roll bottles at baby and let baby push them back.
Fill an old box with scrunched up newspaper and sit your child in it. You'll find they have hours of fun, scrunching, ripping and making noise. It's also quick and easy to clean up when they're done!
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This was a cute article. I could see a baby playing with all the pegs and paper :)