2D Downloadable and Online Games Like MapleStory For 2015

by Seelyon

Find 2D games like MapleStory for 2014 here, unlike other lists that are out there all of these games are live as of 2014 and are perfect for any MapleStory fan.

Find 2D games like MapleStory for 2014 here, unlike other lists that are out there all of these games are live as of 2014 and are perfect for any MapleStory fan.

As a huge fan of MapleStory I've always been looking for other 2D games like it, unfortunately it's not a genre that gets a lot of attention from MMO developers (I really don't know why, it's a very popular sub genre). While MapleStory is a great game I've played it since beta so I really just wanted to see what was out there.

Every other list that I have read features a large number of games but then I find out that most of these games are offline! After being tired of the frustration I decided to make my own list of 2D games like MapleStory that features games that are still available or being developed for a 2014 release window.

Images on this page are used for review purposes and are provided by game media departments for the purpose of review and critique.


My Favourite Of The 2D Games Like MapleStory

Of all the 2D games like MapleStory that I've played over the years I keep coming back to LaTale and would consider it the best option in this sub genre of MMOs.

I've had a great experience with LaTale that I would say even rivals that of MapleStory, it's been around for a similar length of time and is one of the few surviving games in this space (I've played so many other 2D MMOs that shut down within a year or two which is always devastating). Because LaTale has lasted so long I do feel confident when I invest my time in the game that it will continue to be there for years to come.

In LaTale you can explore a great 2D world while you chat to NPCs, upgrade your equipment, level up and all the other standard things you do in a MMO experience. The real reason why I enjoyed LaTale over MapleStory though is the PvP experience, something that MapleStory took ages to introduce.

PvP does have a good range of options and it's also very easy to get into, it's not some hardcore PvP community here and more of a casual offering. The game also makes PvP more about the skill by boosting the stats of a lower levelled player to bring them in line with their opponent (although equipment still plays a big role).

If you're hunting for a MapleStory alternative that lets you enjoy PvP content or just another great PvE focused adventure you'll find them both in LaTale.


One Of The Online Games Like MapleStory

When I was sick many months ago and only had my laptop at my disposal I wanted to play a new MMO that didn't require a download. This was when I discovered Neosaurs and based on my research it is the only option available for online games like MapleStory. Depending on your preferences you can play it through Facebook or the official website instead.

I'll admit that the game isn't the greatest, it's very simple in design. But if you want something casual that isn't going to demand 100s of hours to make progress it's a great option. It's also one of the better MMO options for younger gamers if you've got a younger brother like myself who always wants to play what I'm playing but is too young to master all the mechanics.

In the game you'll play as a dinosaur like character that can be one of a number of classes and has fairly decent customisation options. These expand as you advance with better equipment, cosmetic upgrades and extra job advancements in a similar way to MapleStory. Neosaurs is particularly a good option if you don't have a large number of NX Cash Codes to rely on in MapleStory.

Z9 Star

An Upcoming Game Like MapleStory

Z9 Star looks extremely promising and has been in development since 2013, I've been following it closely and as of this review (February 2014) it's in a closed beta state. Based on what I have already seen about the game it's going to be MapleStory's number one competitor in this space.

It's hard to comment on to many of the mechanics as little details have actually been released. It is clear that the game will have some crafting and social elements to the game though. This includes farming, hunting, mining and other activities to gather resources, giving the game an almost sandbox type feel similar to Minecraft.

One other feature that the game seems to be pushing is large scale boss fights which are one of my favourite MapleStory elements.

In Z9 Star you'll get to have a complete adventure that isn't just focused on the combat, an interesting combat that is more often seen in larger and less casual MMO games.

Updated: 08/30/2019, Seelyon
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