Games Like Plants vs Zombies

by Seelyon

Want some more casual games like Plants vs Zombies (PvZ)? Try my top alternatives on this page that promise fun, simple but also deep strategy gameplay.

Want some more casual games like Plants vs Zombies (PvZ)? Try my top alternatives on this page that promise fun, simple but also deep strategy gameplay.

I remember when I was first introduced to Plants vs Zombies (and the fact that I then spent the next entire weekend finishing the game). There is something about the comedy of the game and the strategy that blend together to create the perfect casual game experience.

Searching for other games that offered this perfect balance wasn't easy but I managed to find a handful of games that are perfectly suited to Plants vs Zombies fans. Don't forget to vote in the poll below and leave a comment regarding your own favourite games like Plants vs Zombies.

Images on this page are used for review purposes and are provided by game media departments for the purpose of review and critique.

Which Plants vs Zombies Game Is Better?

Tiny Defense/Mini Robot Wars

Easily My Favourite On This List Of Games Like Plants vs Zombies

Tiny Defense is easily the best option around and I was lucky to pick it up for free during a promotion. The game is for iOS devices at a cost of $2.99 but if you'd rather play it on PC there is a port under the name of Mini Robot Wars.

The game borrowed heavily from the Plants vs Zombies formula and at first I thought it was simply PvZ re-skinned to make a quick buck (as is traditional in mobile gaming). This wasn't the case though with a good amount of strategy, multiple locations that changed up the gameplay, mini games and upgrade options.

Starting with simple levels the game throws plenty of enemy robots at you. With your team of tiny robots though you can defeat them and protect your own planet. Both your robots and the enemy robots come with dozens of each type that means strategy is deep and engaging.

I played it endlessly for a week and got a huge amount of hours from the game, I can't recommend it enough and would have parted with the money easily if I knew what I know now.

Teelonians Series

Two Games Like Plants vs Zombies

Teelonians is a series of two games like Plants vs Zombies that are available for free across a variety of online game websites. Both bring great depth and something different that I really liked. Obviously the ability to play both of these games online and for free is a great attraction. So what do the two games involve?

Teelonians Clan Wars: A very standard alternative to Plants vs Zombies that offers basically the exact same sort of gameplay but uses military/clan like units for battles.

Pirates of Teelonians: My favourite of the two games adds some extra depth to the lane style of tower defence made popular by PvZ. Most notably is the way that the unlock system works and the addition of a hero unit in your back line that you can move around to the lanes that need the most help.

As far as free games like Plants vs Zombies go my vote goes right towards the Teelonians series.


An iOS and Android Game Like PvZ

Lumberwhack is a game I've only recently just started getting into and I really like what it offers. It's for iOS and Android and has PvZ elements but isn't a multi lane strategy game.

Your job is protecting the trees from the lumberjacks in this game and you'll use a monkey army to fend off the lumberjacks. Both your army and the humans come in a variety of types that have their own strengths and stats. With plenty of opportunity to upgrade your army you can really pursue a strategy that works for you.

What I really like is the hands on aspects that the game offers. You'll have to control a main unit through the tree tops to collect bananas while also attacking the lumberjack advance and spawning other monkey units. This means you're always doing something rather than waiting around which is one of my issues with games like Plants vs Zombies as the early game can be too slow for my tastes.

Updated: 08/30/2019, Seelyon
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