Free Online Games Like RuneScape

by Seelyon

Good browser games like RuneScape are hard to come across, the game is definitely a leader in the space and not much stands up against it. I've put together a short list of alterna

Good browser games like RuneScape are hard to come across, the game is definitely a leader in the space and not much stands up against it. I've put together a short list of alternative online games that will please anyone searching for their next browser MMO.

I've had a long history with the RuneScape game (I held a free RS membership for a long time), playing the game on and off since it's early days. I would keep going back because I always loved the accessibility that a browser based game provided. I think it's a great genre and now with faster internet speeds and better technology browser games are just as good as their downloadable counterparts.

I'd love to hear from other RuneScape or browser MMO fans in the comments so don't hesitate to leave a message.

Images on this page are used for review purposes and are provided by game media departments for the purpose of review and critique.

Sherwood Dungeon

One Of The Best Free Games Like RuneScape

In my mind Sherwood Dungeon is really the only competitor to RuneScape, it delivers a great MMORPG experience that is both free and accessible in your browser.

One of the features I really like the most thought is that the game does not require a signup to start playing giving you the option to start playing a guest before going through the registration process. It's a small feature but I find it quite de-motivating to go through countless signup processes that take a minute or two and then not enjoying the game at all.

In terms of game world you'll find no shortage of content in Sherwood Dungeon which splits itself up into a variety of islands that each offer different environments. Like any full fledged MMO games you'll get to enjoy plenty of quests, merchants, monsters and other players to enjoy.

On your games like RuneScape search it should start and end with Sherwood Dungeon, it's really the best option around.

Kings Road

Another One Of The Browser Based Games Like RuneScape

Kings Road is sort of a mixture between RuneScape and Diablo, it's more about individual missions and areas as opposed to the larger MMO worlds of big MMORPG experiences. As someone who generally likes to play alone I actually really liked this sort of experience, it's easy to connect with others but it's just as easy to adventure through the game yourself.

The visuals of the game are great from the characters to the locations and even the skills you'll be using against a range of foes. You can choose and easily switch between the durable warrior, the quick archer of the powerful mage. The classes might be standard but the whole experience definitely is not.

You can choose to either play the game through Facebook which makes it easy to keep track of friends and add them to the game or play through the official game website instead.

City of Steam

One Of The Newer Games Like RuneScape

City of Steam is one of the more recent additions to the browser based MMO genre and it delivers a really impressive steampunk vibe that I've really enjoyed being a part of.

I'll admit that the game is walking a very fine line near pay-to-win but since I only focused on the PvE elements this didn't bother me at all. If you are the type that plays a game for PvP I can't recommend it and you'll want to stick to my other two options on this list of games like RuneScape.

The best features for me in City of Steam are the class and race options that aren't just going down a standard path. With the likes of the arcanist, gunner, warder and channeler there is a steampunk themed class for all tastes.

All the extra MMO bits are also there to make it a complete package with pets, bosses, leaderboards and a great economy to the gameplay I did get a lot of fun from the game, just not the PvP.

Updated: 08/30/2019, Seelyon
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