Get Over Writer’s Block No Matter What Type of Writing You Do

by AlexandriaIngham

Are you struggling to get over writer's block? Here are a few tips that help me during the annoying time when my muse just doesn't want to work.

The majority of writers struggle with writer’s block from time to time. It could be on a story that they want to get finished or an article that they need to do for a client. Whether you have a time constraint or not, having writer’s block is one of the most annoying things; you just can’t get everything you want finished!

The good news is that many people have found ways to get over writer’s block. There are a few tips that I have picked up along the way. It doesn’t matter if I am trying to do a post for Wizzley, I’m writing for my clients or doing my ‘fun writing’, I use this tactics to get over the block and continue getting something down.

Take a Break and Do Something Else

Get Your Mind Off the Project

One of the best things that you can do to get over writer’s block is to take a break. Sometimes it is your brains way of telling you that you need to get away from the computer and do something else for a while. It could be reading a book or getting some of the housework done. I often find that getting outside for some fresh air is the best thing for me but it will depend on the type of person that you are.

This is also a great chance to get some exercise, whether it is running, swimming or playing a sport. It not only gives your brain the time to mull over the writing without you really thinking about it but it also gives you the activity that your body needs. You will also boost the hormones in your body that make you feel happier so you want to do more afterwards.

The trick with taking a break is to take your mind off it. While you may still mull it over, you’re not staring at a blank screen and there are other things to do. If you read a book, you may find that the idea comes to you from wording within that book. If you are doing the washing up and listening to music, you may find that you’re hit with the sudden plot or next part of the article. You will be surprised how trying to take your mind of it with other things will get your subconscious working on it.

What Do You Do When You Have Writer's Block?

What Do You Do with Writer's Block?
What Do You Do with Writer's Block?

Books to Help Get Over Writer's Block

The Writer's Block: 786 Ideas to Jump-Start Your Imagination

Anxious to write that Great American Novel but don't know where to begin? Help is on the way with our Writer's Block! This guide to beating writer's block comes packaged in the ...

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Writer's Block: Vanquished! Using Images, Oracles and Brain-Hacks (Writing Skills)

Lack of Inspiration or Too Much Procrastination?Most writers experience a block at one time or another. It may manifest as procrastination,lack of inspiration or any number of p...

Only $3.99

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Sleep on the Whole Problem

Let Your Subconscious Do the Work

Let your subconscious work on it overnight. If you want to plot out the next part of the story, think about it while you are trying to get to sleep. Many authors will say that some of their best ideas have come to them during a dream. In fact, I have had a few ideas hit me during a dream and they have worked out very well.

Sleeping on the problem also just gives you the time away. Your conscious mind will never think about it; something that can still be a problem when trying to take your mind of it. It really is left for your subconscious to mull over.

Keep a notebook and pen by your bed, or have a phone that you can easily type on. You never know when you will get some of the best ideas and you need to write them down somewhere. Your brain will probably forget if you go back to sleep and wake up the next morning or after you let the idea settle for a while.

Find Another Project to Do

Stop Worrying About the Current Project

If you are still struggling after sleeping on it and taking a break, consider finding something else to do. This is why I have a lot of projects on the go at the same time. To break it down I have:

  • A non-profit project
  • A few revenue share websites to add content
  • Five different blogs to post on
  • And my private clients

I also have a few eBook ideas that are being fleshed out before I start writing them.

All of these different projects mean that I always have something to do. It may not be what I want to work on right now but there is something to work on instead of worrying that I’m not doing anything. This is really important. The more you worry about not doing anything, the worse your writer’s block will get. If you want to get over writer’s block, you need to take your focus away from it as much as possible.

Stop Editing and Just Writer

Stop editing and just write
Stop editing and just write
Have books to keep the ideas flowing
Have books to keep the ideas flowing

Write Anything and Stop Editing

Editing During Writing Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do

Stop editing your work as you write. This is a common cause for writer’s block as you delete everything you write and then find yourself stuck with nothing. Even if what you are writing sounds bad, get it down on paper. The hardest thing is to write with a blank sheet of paper. I have found that forcing myself to get past the part that is causing the issues is the best way to beat the problem. I then get to a part that I love to write and it flows really easily.

Once you have something and have reached the end, that is the time to go back and edit your work. You may find that you have to delete everything you forced out but at least there is something there to rewrite and work on. At least you know what you wanted to get from it and can work on it from there.

There was one part of my non-profit project a few months ago that I just had to force the writing out just to get past it. I sent it to m beta reader, who was surprised that it was forced because it read really well. I’m not completely happy with it but at least it works and I could move onto the next part.

It is possible to get over writer’s block. Eventually, you will find something that works for you. Exercise and taking a break is the most common option but sometimes you find you have to force yourself to write past it. Avoid focusing on the deadline looming and get your mind into the right mood to write. You will soon find that your content flows.

Updated: 09/02/2013, AlexandriaIngham
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MikeRobbers on 09/05/2013

Most of the times a break is what you need in order to get back to writing refreshed. Nice post.

AlexandriaIngham on 09/03/2013

Haha! Kimbesa, that's a problem I have at times. That's when I just need to force myself to do something! It took me long enough to decide to start work this morning...

kimbesa on 09/02/2013

I can do the break part. It's getting back to the writing that is hard to handle!

ologsinquito on 09/02/2013

I've noticed the same thing. Taking a break is usually the best remedy for writer's block.

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