Get Your Ad in Motion with Video Advertising

by JoyLynskey

Learn how to use videos to market your free classified ads for high-quality, attention-grabbing advertising.

Free classified ads is a wonderful way to promote your services or products. However, the one downfall concerning ads is that you are usually limited to a maximum amount of words. This is actually beneficial in a way too as Internet readers are more likely to scan until they find what they are looking for, and long-winded ads may make them lose interest. However, with video sites, such as YouTube, where users can upload videos at no cost, your classified ad can reach a new audience as well as help promote yourself in a different way beyond the standard text ad.

Free Ad List Video Advertising

When Text Ads Are Not Enough

Do you need to explain your ad a bit better than writing will allow? Do you need to show a hands-on demonstration or let viewers see an up close and personal description? Short videos can help you achieve this, and the interface is so simple that even novices can successfully complete this. Once you have your video completed, navigate over to YouTube, create a user account, then click the "Upload Videos" tab. Once your video is approved, simply copy your URL, and plug it into your online classified ad. Several people would rather watch a video which gives them a more personal observation of what you are offering.

What You Should Include in Your Video

Remember to keep your introduction concise yet informative, and short yet sweet. You want to give enough relevant information about your services to keep the viewers interested, but be careful not to drone on and risk losing interest. Make sure the photos and video clips you use are of high quality, and the sound is sharp and clear. Nothing will make viewers run faster than an ill thought-out video that's hard to see and hear. Keep a passionate and convincing tone throughout your video. In order for others to believe, you must make your services or products believable. Wrap up the video with your name and contact information. Be especially careful that your contact information is clear and easy to understand.

User Feedback and Comments

 Last, be certain to reply back to any user-comments. This shows that you are dedicated to what you are offering, and available for customer assistance. Have you ever been on hold with an established company that took forever to take your call? Even worse, have you been promised a call back that never came? This kind of behavior is negative for well-known companies, so just imagine how detrimental it is for someone who is offering a product or service to individuals who've yet to learn about it.

Customer service should always remain top priority, even on a video site. Set reminders to email to alert you when a new comment has been posted, or better yet, take the time to check your video frequently in case technical glitches prevent you from getting notified of each user-comment. Once viewers see you are there for them and to answer questions, they are much more likely to invest in what you are offering.

Updated: 01/10/2012, JoyLynskey
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biztable on 01/26/2012

Video advertising is indeed a great venue for businesses to pitch their services in a more engaging manner than static text ads.

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