Useful Gifts for Knitters

by dustytoes

There are some things knitters can never have enough of, and being a knitter myself, I searched for items I would love to receive.

As the beginner knitter moves forward and learns more about his or her craft, he or she will realize that there is much more to knitting than picking out yarn colors and learning stitches.

Different types of projects require different types of yarn. Certain types of yarn require various needle sizes. Needles come in various lengths and circumference, not to mention that they come in wood, metal, plastic, bamboo, glass, and ceramic.

Yarn is something knitters can't get enough of. Any knitter would love a gift of pretty yarn. But there are other good gifts for the knitter you know and these gifts would work equally well for someone who crochets.

Does your gift recipient love hand-dyed yarn? Would he or she appreciate new project bags? What about a really lovely set of knitting needles? Knitting gifts can be practical, for the beginner, or extravagant for the one who wouldn't spend the money on themselves.

Give the Gift of Knitting Needles

This is an especially wonderful gift for the beginner knitter.

Yarn may be the most sought after item for those who knit, but needles are not far behind.  Needles can be straight or circular and they come in loads of lengths.

It can be very expensive to try to have all sizes and styles of needles on hand for knitting projects.  Many knitters purchase sizes they will use most often, but secretly wish they had more!

For this reason, knitting needles make nice gifts.  Either ask the person what they need or want, or give a gift certificate to Amazon or a local yarn shop.  If no shops are nearby, shop online where quality yarn is sold.  I list some of my favorite online stores at the end of this page.  They often sell accessories as well as yarn.

Another options would be to gift the knitter with a set of interchangeable knitting needles.  Major brands all offer their version of the interchangeable needle sets.  The main idea is to have lots of needle sizes in the form of tips which can then be attached to cords of various lengths.

Clover Brand Interchangeable Circular Bamboo Knitting Needles

Cords come with interchangeable needle tips, in many sizes, to knit just about anything.
Clover 3683 Interchangeable Circular Knitting Needles Takumi Combo Set

What you get in the Clover set

The needles are Takumi bamboo, and a set like this will save the crafter lots of money.

The Clover Brand is one I use and I love the Takumi Bamboo.  I do not have a nice set like this, but I have bought the individual needles.

This set comes with 12 bamboo needle tips (size 3 to 15) and 5 cord lengths to create 60 combinations.  The advantage of bamboo is that it is less slippery so yarn does not easily slip off the needle.  It's a good product for beginner knitters.  I would have loved to receive a gift like this when I started knitting!

Remember that knitters can use this type of needle instead of straight needles!  Circular needles are a must for projects in the round, like hats, but those same needles work like regular straight needles too.  No need to buy both kinds.

Many well known makers offer interchangeable sets in various sizes and price ranges.  Another wood set is the Addi Click Interchangeable Olive Wood Set.

Knit Picks offers a Rainbow Wood set which is quite affordable, not to mention colorful!  Cord lengths are 24 and 32 inches and can be used for making larger items like sweaters, blankets, wraps and scarves.

What is the knitters favorite type of project?

Knowing what the gift recipient knits most often can be helpful when choosing a gift of needles.  Many people love to knit socks.  For this, smaller size needles are needed and they probably use either double-pointed needles (DPN's) or something like Flexi Flips.  These also work for mittens, boot cuffs, and sweater sleeves.  Anything small which is knitted in a circle.

Hat knitters will need size 16 inch length needles.  Most hats are knit on this length circular needle.  They come in all widths, but sizes 6, 7 and 8 are usually used.

Knitters of advanced projects, like sweaters and clothing will need longer, circular needles.  The best gifts for them may be new project storage bags, pretty scissors, stitch markers, cute buttons, or yarn holders.

Books and Stitch Markers also make nice gifts.

A good knitting book will take the crafter from beginner to advanced and is therefore useful for many years.
Most knitting patterns books will include easier patterns with more difficult. This gives the beginner a chance to try new patterns as abilities progress.
Stitch markers are a knitters best friend and you will see why once you begin to knit a pattern.

A Hank of Yarn Must Be Wound Before Using

Both of these beautiful yarns came from Miss Babs. See the store link at the bottom of this page.
Twisted "hank" of hand-dyed yarn
Twisted "hank" of hand-dyed yarn

Who Wouldn't Love to Have a Nice Yarn Winder?

I've been knitting for a while now, and I still do not have a yarn winder and swift.  In fact, I really didn't know how these items were used, and why, until recently.

Yarn is usually purchased in skeins, hanks, or cakes.  Regular skeins of yarn don't have to be wound again, unless you prefer to do so.  A hank is a long twisted bunch of yarn, which has usually been hand-spun and hand-dyed in natural fibers, like wool.  A hank must be wound into a ball before it is used.

A hank of yarn requires a swift and a winder.  The swift will hold the large circle of yarn while it is wound into a cake on the winder.  (You could have someone hold it for you and wouldn't need the swift.)

Yarn Winders

Change a skein or hank of yarn into a "cake" with a yarn winder. A "swift" is used along with a winder when yarn is purchased in hanks.
Stanwood Needlecraft Large Metal Yarn...
$80.95  $75.46
Yarn Ball Winder by Craft Destiny - E...
Only $31.44
Wooden Umbrella Swift Yarn Winder - K...
$30.85  $29.04

The Knitter May Need Lots of Storage Bags

Depending on the size of the project, knitters usually need bags of all sizes.

Storage and organization quickly become a priority for knitters.  As the yarn collection builds, it becomes helpful to keep similar weights of yarn together.  Or maybe color coordinating is a better idea.  No matter, yarn needs its place.

Each time a project is begun, the yarn, needles and pattern (if there is one) need to stay together in one place.  Also, who knits one project at a time? I usually have a minimum of three projects going at once.  Currently I keep my projects in baskets, but these are not good for travel.  I love the idea of a zipper tote.

Small bags hold small projects and are easier to pack in a suitcase.

Yarn Storage and Organization

These products will keep beautiful yarn safe and clean until use.
Innovative Home Creations Colonial 48...LH Oxford Fabric Large Capacity Under...

Ideas For Storing Yarn - Under the Bed and in the Closet

Most knitters have an overabundance of yarn and have to find someplace to keep it all!

The overwhelming choices of yarn for sale can boggle the mind!  

For one thing, no one who does yarn arts can have too much yarn, and storing that yarn can become a problem over time.   Yarn needs to stay clean and dry.  Under the bed zipped bags are nice, if there is room under your bed.

I like to organize my yarn by weight - worsted together and fingering together, etc. to see all the color choices for the item I want to knit.  A closet hanger can make finding yarn easy.  All you need is about a foot of space in a closet where the bag can be hung. 

Little Gifts for Knitters and Crafters

I like the neck light which allows knitters to knit in the dark without disturbing others.
Clover Knit Mate Knitting Accessories...
Only $11.99
MINGER Rechargeable LED Book Light Ne...Susan Bates 14099 Knit-Chek for Knitt...
$4.39  $2.88

Give the Gift of Beautiful Yarn

If you would love to give yarn, or a gift certificate for yarn, to someone but don't have a clue where to look online, here is a list of my favorite places to buy yarn online.  I have bought yarn from some of these sites.  Others have beautiful yarn I plan to buy one day soon!

On Etsy 



Other Online Shops:

Miss Babs 

The Fibre Studio

Simply Socks Yarn

Some of my yarn stash

Pretty yarn
Pretty yarn
Madeline Tosh yarn
Madeline Tosh yarn

My New England Blog Contains Some Knitting Posts

I write about knitting, cooking and my New England roots.
Sharing some favorited patterns from a summer knitting collection.
An update on my latest hat knitting project. This one is a very long hat called the Doublemassa.
Beginning the lined, Doublemassa hat pattern. It is a stocking cap done using two different yarn colors.
Updated: 12/30/2018, dustytoes
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If you knit, what gift would you like to receive?

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dustytoes on 11/29/2018

My grandparents taught me self-reliance too. Between growing our own food and making warm weather wear and teaching us about nature- moss grows on the north side of a tree, etc. And other ways to find my way out of the woods if I got lost. I remember my grandfather walking in the woods with us grandchildren and showing us the young trees that would make good canes due to their curved roots.

frankbeswick on 11/29/2018

So your grandmother crocheted as well. Very talented. My mother did not crochet, she left that to an old aunt, who used to make crochet work for us.

I greatly value wool and all crafts that use it. Beside being good at knitting my mother was adept at darning and so she saved many a garment. Waste not, want not! I think that Veronica and I get our interest in self-reliance and its associated crafts from our mother

dustytoes on 11/29/2018

I'm sure my grandmothers had special knitting containers as well. All I have is a set of straight needles of all lengths and sizes, and an old tin with crochet hooks and stitch holders. It's a shame we lose track of such things, but I'm happy for what I do have.

frankbeswick on 11/28/2018

My mother had a large wooden purpose- made knitting box.She kept the wool at the bottom and there was a tray at the top for needles. I don't know what became of it after her death.

dustytoes on 11/28/2018

I've never used ceramic or glass needles, but I often use wood and bamboo. It's less slippery. But when knitting lace metal is best with a more pointed tip. So I guess it depends on the project. Usually I don't have a choice as I don't have that many types of needles in each size.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/27/2018

dustytoes, Thank you for the practical information and product lines. Of the needles that you mention, which do you prefer, from least to most, of bamboo, ceramic, glass, metal, plastic and wood?

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