Graphic Design Schools in Miami: Sun, Fun and a New Career

by EducationInfo4U

Creative minded individuals discover technology means artists no longer starve. Companies are seeking up-and-coming artists to join growing ranks of graphic design professionals.

Many creatively minded individuals are discovering technology means artists no longer starve. In fact, corporations, publishing companies, advertising firms and others are seeking up-and-coming artists to join the growing ranks of graphic design professionals. Without training in digital art, layout and logo creation, typography and other professional design elements, the most artistic individual is going to have a tough time landing a job in this growing field. This makes graphic design schools in Miami attractive for reasons other than fun in the sun.

Oh, the Places You Might Go

For many students, Miami might sound like the perfect place to attend school. Nearby beaches, a robust nightlife and plenty of diversity make the city a beacon for adventurous learners. However, students who take advantage of graphic design schools in Miami may find their journey is just beginning with an education stop in the city. Thousands of employers across the country and internationally are looking for new designers. The possibilities for work range from high-level corporate positions to loft-living freelance freedom. Successful completion of a degree in graphic design can launch you into the world of publishing, the dream-like land of entertainment or the satisfying work of non-profit organizations. 

Corporate and Advertising Design

When people talk about graphic design, one of the first jobs most people think of is marketing or advertising. Graphics designers are required for ad layouts, logo design, brochure development and more. Large corporations often hire their own designers. For example, Coca-Cola has several creative departments who work on a variety of campaigns, publications and products. Teams design packaging, update logos, lay out signs and brochures and even provide custom layouts for several corporate publications. You do not have to land a job with a huge corporate like Coca-Cola to make use of a degree obtained from graphic design schools in Miami, however. Smaller corporations may have their own marketing departments. There are also thousands of stand-alone advertising firms that deliver services to small businesses and corporations. Working for large corporations provides a stable job environment and a chance for growth. Smaller ad agencies offer the chance to work on varied projects and build multiple skill sets.

Creative Entertainment

If corporate structures or advertising layouts do not appeal to you, there are many other options. Time spent at graphics design schools in Miami may open doors into magazine or book publishing, for example. The growing popularity of electronic media is making it more important for publishing companies to deliver books, articles and other information in a variety of formats. Consumers demand interactive materials with a high visual focus. The need for constant, polished content opens the doors for graphic design professionals of all levels. Creative design is used outside of the publishing industry as well. Non-profits and other organizations often dominate the social networking scene, and they understand that a picture is worth a thousand Facebook posts. One graphic design student recently learned this truth when she created her own Facebook profile picture promoting Tom's "One Day Without Shoes" Event. The nonprofit saw her design and integrated it into their campaign for that year. No matter where you end up working after completing degree at graphic design schools in Miami, you can be sure your work will be seen!

Graphic design is a growing career that offers many creative career paths. Skill sets required in today's design world go beyond at artistic eye and ability to sketch. Knowledge of electronic and paper design elements, proficiency with Illustrator and Adobe products and an understanding of the business philosophies behind design are required. Luckily for all the aspiring artists out there, good graphic design schools can supplement your talent with these skill sets, opening an entire world of opportunity.

Read about Graphic Design Occupations

A number of occupations are commonly classified under the broad term of graphic designer. Graphic design career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum. Many of these job descriptions overlap heavily.

How to Become a Graphic Designer

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Updated: 02/03/2012, EducationInfo4U
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