For many gardeners like you and me, with an interest in container gardening, selecting the best container for our flower and vegetable gardening needs is quite the challenge. After all, we must choose from many different materials, styles, and sizes. Ranging from the largest, through the smallest sized potting bags, plastic planter boxes of all shapes and sizes, heavy clay terra cotta pots; old wooden half whisky barrels the options seem limited only by our fertile imaginations.
Practicality, expense and easy off-season storage, makes potting bags a perfect choice for any gardener that wants to grow things like potatoes in a bag. Tomatoes, herbs, peppers and any other annual plantings you could want in containers. Continue reading, join in on the chat, and discover the benefits of container gardening outdoors using potting bags you too can use in your container garden plans. Enjoy the aesthetically pleasing, sweet smelling and let us not forget bountiful harvest.

Discover the benefits of container gardening outdoors using potting bags
by teddletonmr
The best container gardening ideas incorporate potting bags; make it easy to grow potatoes in a bag, vegetables, and flowers in our gardens, window boxes, decks, and patios
Container Gardening With Potting Bags
Growing potatoes in a bag, tomatoes, and herbs on a deck or patio doesn’t require a lot of space.
Yes, you really can grow several tasty varieties of potatoes in a bag.
Growing all sorts of flowering, fruit, and vegetable producing plants around your garden and landscape beds is quite easy. You see, all you really need, is a spot that receives a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight, more is better.
A good potting bag like one of the Island Grow Pots, or re-purpose an old burlap bag for a more rustic appearance.
Good garden soil is far easier for most of us purchase, rather adding amendments trying to build up tired ole poor dirt.
After trying all the cheap garden soils and potting mixes, in the attempt to save some money. I have concluded,
Miracle Grow garden soils and potting mix work the best in my container gardens and raised beds.
Add a couple seed potatoes cut into small pieces, making sure there are at least two eyes or sprouts, on each and you are ready to plant.
How to Grow Potatoes in a Burlap Bag
Fill the bottom of the bag with 3-inches of garden soil, add potato pieces and cover with 3-inches of good garden soil
![]() Using a burlap bag to grow potatoes teddletonmr |
Container Garden Plans Should Include
Things to keep in mind when selecting the best container for growing those must try potato plants
Why using potting bags is the best way to grow potatoes in your container garden you ask? Ok, let’s discuss the benefits of growing potatoes in a bag and put your mind at ease with the process.
- Oxygenate your plant's root system, potting bags constructed of a breathable fabric, plants naturally air prune their root structure.
One of the most important benefits of container gardening using potting bags, AKA grow bags, like the Island Grow Pots. These types of containers are a great inexpensive alternative, to using your traditional plastic, wood and terra cotta pots or planters.
Potting Bags for Gardening
Anytime you garden with limited space potting bags are a great option.
Potting bags or grow bags if you like, provide your plants with an oxygenated garden soil, allowing for, and encourage strong healthy root growth, and development of healthy plants that produce like crazy.
Gardening with Little Space
2. No more trapped water in a plastic container, due to the fabric potting bags are made of, easily allow excess water simply drain away through the exterior of the bag, unlike those small holes used in the bottoms of plastic containers, preventing over watering.
3. The sturdy handles on each side of the Island grow pots make it easy to simply pick up and move flowering and vegetable producing plants around your landscape and gardens.
4. Filling potting bags with a bag of Miracle grow garden, or potting soil eliminates all the headaches of testing and amending poor soil.
![]() How to grow potatoes in grow bags |
![]() Growing potatoes in a burlap sack teddletonmr |
Question for Container Gardeners
For those of you who've utilized containers for growing vegetables have you ever used potting bags?
No, never heard of them but I will give potting bags a try because;

I am doing container gardens this year and will use some of these. Thanks for the idea and great photographs.

It's amazing how many ways you can grow potatoes. This looks like an interesting option.

I haven't, I've used those plastic bags for hanging flowers along my privacy fence but never seen these. I can't wait to use them, this is a fantastic idea for us urban dwellers who love to garden.

I have heard of them, but not used in this way. I love this idea for growing potatoes.
Yes, potting bags are great for the following reasons:

Potting bags are great because of their allowing plants to have moist, not waterlogged, soil through the excellent drainage possibilities of their pliable materials.
Also, the article indicates that potting bags help, not hurt, oxygenization of potting bag contents.
And they lend themselves to being moved around with light and shade requirements and from inclement, potentially damaging weather.
Also, they look so nature- and user-friendly!
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Container gardening with potting bags chat
DerdriuMarriner, in my experience the short answer is yes. However, I have learned certain fabric bags such as burlap will degrade over time. This degradation causes the fabric-growing bag to become unstable, and lose its form and structure...
Potting bats are ideal for balconies and paved yards.,
Potting bags look comfortable and convenient.
In particular, they persuade me because of your first point under your second subheading, Container Garden Plans Should Include, about oxygenating roots.
They sound particularly helpful and picturesque for gardening alongside retaining walls and around garage and shed walls.
Would they work as floor plants in, for example, utility rooms or on porches if they sat within big dishes?
Would their bottoms, handles and sides be strong enough for independent standing or would they have to be propped against supports such as walls?
Pam thanks for sharing the link to your blog. Where you describe in good detail the experience you had using fabric containers growing beans, tomatoes and potatoes.
Thanks for the link back, may your vegetable crop be plentiful this year. Mike
I am back to tell you that I learned a lot from using these bags over the past growing season (and getting ready for the next one!).
Nice of you to offer for me to leave a link. Here is one I recently wrote. I don't have time to write during gardening months...!
@WriterArtist not only are potting bags affordable, they are light weight making them easier to move around and store in the off season months than heavy concrete or terracotta containers. Where those of us will attest that live in areas where freezing cold temperatures in winters the norm, terra cotta and many concrete planting containers are prone to cracking and falling apart during the freezing and thawing common in the winter months.
Good luck with your container garden, Mike
I like this idea of potting bags, no need to buy containers separately and they look quite affordable.
What a great idea. I might give this a try next spring.
Katie we have had temperatures 15-20 degrees below normal the last week here in southern Indiana. Come to think about it, we had frost advisories all through April this year, which generally is not the case. Makes a person wonder about that whole global warning thing.
It looks like I'm going to have room in my garden to plant these sack potatoes. My cucumbers and watermelons almost froze to death the last couple of days, we experienced temperatures down in the low 40's after getting up in the 80's UGH Ohio!