Guided Meditation - How to Meditate for Beginners

by katiem2

Learn how you can begin meditation today and earn all the benefits meditation has to offer. Stop wondering how to meditate, you can learn now with this easy guided meditation cd

The turmoil of the mind creates many hardships for the body and the lives we attempt to enjoy. Meditation has long since proven to eliminate disease, stress and help us deal with the stress and hardships of life. While most of us can't seem to figure out how to meditate others come by it easy. If you're among those who find it hard to meditate guided meditation could be that Ah Ha moment you've been hoping for. You can begin meditating today with simple guided meditation available on convenient CD's.

Guided Meditation With Wayne Dyer

This is the best way to learn and enjoy the benefits of meditation.
Getting in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through Medit...
$14.36  $6.25

A Guided Meditation for Beginners

Guided Meditation for Dummies

You think you can't do it, that it just isn't in you to meditate, well everyone has a starting point. You don't know how to do anything until you are taught. Most of us learn by watching, listening not written instruction. Guided meditation helps the person new to meditation.  This practice makes it easy for first timers to really get it and begin to enjoy the quiet or silent place of meditation and in fact crave meditation.

Getting in the gap is a guided meditation lead by Dr. Wayne Dyer. He helps you understand in very simple terms how to find the place of quiet peace removing all distractions and allowing the benefits of meditation to take hold.

Dyer has a very calm and soothing voice. He basically walks you through meditation while he does it himself, its as if you are in the room with him. You simply relax, listen and join in the meditation. Having this cd gives you the support needed to learn until you gain confidence to do it your self. 

Meditation for Anyone

Anyone truly can meditate and enjoy the benefits it offers.

We sometimes over complicate the simplest of things to the point which we can't achieve. Meditation is one such thing and yet there is no reason to procrastinate.  

Guided meditation is a great way to realize this truth and embrace the power of meditation for yourself.

It truly does make a huge difference in life.

You can do this and you'll be so glad you did, besides no one has to know, you don't have to advertise your personal right to meditate.

Do You Meditate?

Many claim great benefits from meditation have you experienced the benefits of meditation?
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No, I have never practiced meditation because...
HollieT on 10/27/2012

I find it so difficult to relax and I have a wandering mind. I find concentration very difficult.

Yes, I meditate and it offers me so much in terms of...
DerdriuMarriner on 08/23/2018

Vipassana meditation in the morning is insightful and relaxing.

B etty on 02/23/2013

I meditate every day and can't imagine life without it.

noline on 10/28/2012

Clarity of mind.

Ragtimelil on 10/24/2012


Guided Meditation for Manifestation

This is the morning guided mediation by Dr. Dyer.

I like this meditation a lot, It is a great example as to how you can use meditation to improve your life in ways you never thought possible.

This is the exact guided meditation I shared with you above. This is the morning meditation with Dr. Dyer. When you buy the cd you get an evening guided meditation as well.

After a while the positive action of meditation becomes second nature, your train of thought, it is not a big time commitment, rather a means by which you become more productive, happier and successful. 

Guided Meditation

Updated: 11/14/2018, katiem2
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katiem2 on 11/14/2018

Derdriu, It is vital to our overall health and well being that we drain all the negative static from ourselves somehow and daily.

DerdriuMarriner on 08/08/2017

katiem2, In particular, I like your statement that "We sometimes over complicate the simplest of things making it something we can't achieve" and that meditation really helps us overcome that. If you only can do one meditation a day, what time do you prioritize?
In a completely different direction, do you water your plants early in the morning or late in the afternoon or depending upon the plant?

katiem2 on 06/26/2014

EmmaSRose, Wayne Dyer is great for the beginner starting meditation and others alike.

katiem2 on 05/25/2013

Mike, I do as well

teddletonmr on 05/25/2013

I find meditation beneficial

katiem2 on 10/29/2012

JamieL, Great you will be glad you formed a habit of meditation. :) Enjoy

JamieL on 10/28/2012

I've been wanting to start meditating for a while, and this page has encouraged me to give it a try :)

katiem2 on 10/28/2012

Hollie, Great to hear you listened to the guided meditation, it's amazing to listen and come to the realization that anyone can enjoy the benefits of meditation. :)K

HollieT on 10/27/2012

Hi Katie,

I haven't listened to the CD all the way through, but I have listened to a little and you're right, he does have a very soothing voice. I think I need to buy his cds, then I can listen to him anywhere.

katiem2 on 10/25/2012

Roohi, Glad to have reminded you of the power of meditation. :)

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