Gyaru Style
by Angel
Gyaru style is a Japanese Street Fashion style of dressing. Come take a look into Gyaru.
What is Gyaru Style?
Gyaru is a type of Japanese Street Fashion that originated back in the 1970s and lasted until approximately 2000. It has a presence now but has been on a decline since the year 2000. Japan's Fashion Week did not include an Gyaru Style in their shows this year. The decline has been attributed to the economy and there only being a short limited time frame that a young person can be Gyaru. With students going to college and looking for jobs they are dressing and acting more professional. Gyaru is not liked by many men, working types, or elders. This type of style is not accepted by them.
Gyaru is characterized by big eyes, false eyelashes, and big hair. Sounds like the 80's to me. That is exactly what my view of this type of dress looks like. This is a rebellious look. A Gyaru girl looks like a vamped up Madonna. Just my opinion. I do like the style and found it very interesting. Interesting enough to share what I found out.
Wikipedia Defines Gyaru as:
Subcategories of Gyaru
There are a lot of different subcategories of Gyaru.
A few of them are:
- B-Gyaru
- Banba/Bamba
- Baika/Bozosoku
- Ganguro
- Ganjiro
- Himegyaru
- Gyaru-OH
These young girls typically copy R&B Artists. They have very dark tanned skin. Their hair is typically corn rows, weaved, or extensions. From my understanding, the tan is always real with B-Gyaru.
This is more of a rock and roll style. Fishnet panty hose with high heel boots is a must. Skin is either pale or dark tanned. A lot of bright neon colors are also worn.
This look requires a lot of black colors with chains. This style is usually part of the Banba look. It reminds me of the punk styles of the 70s and 80s. Hair is usually pink with mohawks, braids, or worn long.
This look requires very tanned skin with wavy or straight long hair. Nails must be crazy.
The girl that wears this look refuses to tan. She wears long hair and has big eyes like the other looks.
This is the princess look girl. She wears pink makeup, fur, and bouffant hair. The hair is usually caramel color or dark brown.
This is the male version of the Gyaru. The hair is typically spiked in a mullet style. Pink hair is common. These guys are tanned but usually do not wear makeup.
Gyaru Fashion
Essential Items to Sport the Himegyaru Look
- Big Hair
- Big Eyes – buy some circle lenses and false eye lashes
- Pastel Dress with detail
- Makeup with a routine
- Big Shoes
- Budgeting Skills – can be expensive
- Cute Pocketbook
- Sparkly Nails
- Crazy Stockings
- Cell phone with a lot of sparkle
Get the Gyaru Style
Related Article on Decline of the Gyaru Style
Article on decline of Gyaru in Tokyo.
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Definitely for the young . . . or young at heart.
@pinkchic18- you can pull this off for sure. All you need is a wig and some long eyelashes. This reminds me of the way I used to dress back in the day... Thanks for reading and commenting.
This is a Gorgeous look! I wish I could pull it off.
Sherri - fashion is a crazy thing. I wish my mom would have kept her stuff so I could wear it now. Thanks for reading and commenting.
2uesday - It is very interesting. It reminds me a lot of the way I used to dress in the 80s and 90s as a young girl. The Madonna look. I also found it interesting that there were so many categories within the style. Thanks for reading and commenting.
LadyGuinevere - I also thought this style was very interesting. Reminded me of when I was a young teenager and some of the things I would wear. Thanks.
Interesting styles.Just wait in 20 years they old will be back. Fashion tends to do that. About the only thing that hasn't was the hoop skirts. Great article and pictures.
Katie - I thought it was very interesting. Reminded me of how we used to dress in the 80s and 90s with the big hair.
I like it very anime like if you will, my girls will no doubt be loving this fashion trend from over the pond. Thanks