Hanukkah Decorations

by blackspanielgallery

Hanukkah decorations can be found, and some are quite nice. Enhance your celebration with quality decorations.

Hanukkah, also called the Feast of Lights, is a joyous annual special day for the Jewish community that can be celebrated with beautiful decorations to make the mood even more festive. The decorations available for a Hanukkah celebration vary in quality from pieces of high quality to tacky. It is possible to select nice pieces from those available. And the type of decorations varies to centerpieces, ornaments, lights and more.

The color scheme is blue, or blue and white. Symbols used include the dreidel, the menorah, and the Star of David.

Most of these decorations can be used for other occasions as well. If it is your intention to use some decorations for other occasions, you should select pieces that do not have the work Hanukkah on them.

Hanukkah Centerpiece

Hanukkah Gingerbread House

Considering the time of year Hanukkah comes, a nice centerpiece option is a gingerbread house.  Kurt Adler Hanukkah gingerbread houses come decorated in blue and white with a dreidel on one side and a menorah on the other.


The LED lighting uses so little electricity that the lighting is battery operated, so this light-up decoration can be displayed on a table where no electrical outlet is available.


Kurt Adler Hanukkah Gingerbread House

Light-up Centerpiece
Kurt Adler 7-Inch LED Hanukkah Gingerbread House Tablepiece

Hanukkah Light Strings

Holiday Lights

Holiday lights can be used to string on a mantle, garland, or tree.  They can also he hung from a ceiling.  Select lights with a Hanukkah theme and add them to your Feast of Lights celebration.


Please notice these can be used on other occasions.  And battery lights can be placed in a wide range of places.

Hanukkah Ornaments

Themed Decorations

Whether you have a tree to decorate or not, hang a few Hanukkah ornaments to make your home more inviting to guests during the festive time.  It is easy to find places from which to hang ornaments.  Just look around and surprise yourself with the options that are there.


The Kurt Adler three-piece Hanukkah ornament set features a blue, decorated gift bag, a menorah, and a Star of David.  These ornaments are in glass, so they can be quite reflective when light falls on them.


Kurt Adler is known for quality pieces.


Other single Hanukkah ornaments can also be found.  Below is some of them shown for your consideration.


You can place candy out is a cup and children, and even some people who are too old to be children, will help themselves. 


Another possibility is to have chocolate coin shaped candy packaged in nets.  These are wrapped in gold foil to mimic gold coins.

Israel Flag Cup

Great for Candy

Party Pack

Serving food and beverage requires having plates, napkins, cups and more.  First, paper is easy to clean up.  There is no washing of dishes required.  A party pack can supply you with matched items, and this can make shopping for paper products easier. 


Of course, you must have enough party supplies for the expected guests. And even some extra pieces are advised to replace those that are dropped or inadvertently cleared to the trash bag.

Mark the Party

Place a clear indicator to show the guests exactly where the party is to be.  A Hanukkah flag does the job quite well.  Just place the flag outside and inform your invited guests what to look for.  They will find the party more easily.





Throwing a party for Hanukkah is not much different than throwing a party for any other occasion.  There are things you can find to make this a really festive occasion.  And they are not hard to find. 


There is a need for more articles like this on Wizzley, and they can be more easily written by our Jewish authors who can delve deeper into the symbols and their meaning.  I, a Catholic, am not an expert on Jewish holidays, so if you see something that needs improvement please let me know.  I sincerely tried to be respectful of a culture with which I have less familiarity than others, and hope I have succeeded.  


This article contains links to affiliate programs and Adsense advertising.  These must use cookies to allow for proper crediting. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


The introduction image is our own Zazzle product.  The image used on the cup is in public domain and is from WPClipart.

Updated: 12/01/2019, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 11/22/2019

Derdriu, I have no idea. The candy coins were listed as possible products, and I needed a way to incorporate the cup since I have the right to show its image. I am not Jewish, so I did not get to the food and drink. what I do know is there are Orthodox, reformed, and Conservative versions of the Jewish faith, although the more strict would claim only one. In fact, we have a Hasidic synagogue nearby, which is extremely strict. So, food and drink would for some, the more observant forms of the Jewish faith, have to be kosher, and that includes not mixing meat and dairy products. what I am hoping is Jewish writers here write on the meanings of the items used, other feasts, and especially the food and drink. The research would be more than I have time to do, but would welcome and read such articles. My goal was to remain respectful, and show what I could.

blackspanielgallery on 11/22/2019

Veronica, I thought this was an area where not many articles were written, so I looked up products. The ones shown are what looked best, and it was like writing a Christmas article. I wish I knew more about the feasts. I would think the items not marked Hanukkah would also work for the Feast of Booths, and perhaps Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah, but I am uncertain.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/22/2019

blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practicalities and products.
Blue and white combines so beautifully. Can you think of any food that could be served that is authentic and that mixes blue and white?
You mention candy in cups and gold foil-wrapped chocolates in nets: Is the former the same as the latter, or is it a different kind of candy altogether?
What would be served to drink?

Veronica on 11/22/2019

What an absolutely beautiful page. I love this story about this Jewish festival. IT's a story which always catches the imagination of my young pupils.

I have not seen these Hanukkah decorations before.

thank you .

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