I enjoy starting my vegetable and flower seeds indoors and then transplanting them outside once the soil is warm enough. And I grow enough plants to share with family, friends, and coworkers. Every year some of my plants find a home in the Greenland Gardener Raised Garden. I helped construct this raised garden bed from a kit. Since the garden bed is raised, the plants are not bothered by as many curious critters visiting the yard. The bed is also raised off the ground so that it is easier to harvest and weed (though not many weeds grow in this raised garden).

Happy Gardening with the Greenland Raised Garden Kit
by dlstewart
The Greenland Gardener Raised Garden provides a neat garden area that is easy to harvest and weed. The kit s also quick and easy to assemble.
This raised bed garden kit is designed to go together without tools. The boards and corner pieces slot together for solid construction. This kit contains:
4 – 40” Composite Boards
4 – Corner Connections
4 – Vertical Stacking Clips
The finished raised garden bed size is 42” x 42” x 8”. The boards are manufactured from recycled plastic waste, which Greenland Gardener says keeps 22 pounds of plastic out of landfills. I’m impressed that the boards look like real wood. The composite material is designed not to rot, warp, split or crack.
It is recommended to lay a weed barrier between the ground and the garden bed. The weed barrier helps prevent weed intrusion. To fill the raised garden requires 7 cubic feet of garden soil.
The kit box lists vegetable types and how far to space them in the raised bed. The Greenland Gardener website also has planning tools to assist with garden layout.
Our Experiences
I have been growing vegetables for over 30 years. When my brother and sister-in-law started their vegetable garden years ago, it was natural to share the vegetables I started from seed. Eventually they went from a regular garden to raised bed gardening. It was a fun project selecting and helping them set up the Greenland Gardener Raised Garden Kit. The raised garden proved so successful that the following year I bought them an extension kit to enlarge the Greenland Gardener raised garden bed, which we easily installed.
We installed the raised garden on the side of the house where it would receive good sun. First we removed the grass and made sure the ground was level. Next we rolled out a weed barrier. The ground preparation was the most work. Assembling the raised garden from the kit took minutes. Simply start with one long board and slot it into a corner piece. Next, slide a second board into the same corner piece to create a 90-degree angle. Another corner piece is slotted into the board end, and the remaining boards and corner pieces are added to complete the raised bed frame.
To fill the bed, it required a total of 7 cubic feet of soil. We used Miracle Gro garden soil, which contains fertilizer. We then leveled the soil and proceeded to plant the garden. Water the plants as usual.
Every year my sister-in-law asks me to provide them with cucumber, pepper and tomato plants. I enjoy variety, so have several types of each to share. She also buys eggplant plants, which I don’t start from seed. We place a tomato cage over each tomato. The raised bed is 8-inches deep, and the tomato cage works fine. If a deeper garden is needed, you could stack two of these beds one atop the other and use the provided clips to hold them together.
This Greenlander Raised Garden Bed has been in use for five years. The boards are in excellent condition. The raised bed is attractive and easy to care for. It survives our New England winters, and the plants enjoy growing in it. Just make sure that each year the soil is replenished. We add compost and fertilizer to the bed before planting.
The Greenlander Gardener Raised Garden Kit and the expansion pack have worked great for us. The materials are durable, and the kit was easy to assemble. I’m already growing plants that will be transplanted into the garden at the end of the month. Can’t wait for the taste of home-grown vegetables!
Enjoy the day,
Copyright 2015 Dawn L. Stewart
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