Two unusual herbs for your herb garden

by whitemoss

Grow lovage herb and sorrel herb to give your recipes very special flavors. These herbs make tisanes and herbal remedies too. Make a space for these herbs in your life.

Lovage-do you know what lovage is? Lovage is a very useful, easy to grow herb, that adds flavor to soups, casseroles and salads, and can be used as a herbal remedy.Lovage has a celery like flavor. It's very easy to grow. Find out more here.

Sorrel is a more common herb- in fact sorrel grows wild and may be mistaken for a weed.Take a look at the photos of sorrel below, and see if you recognize this great little herb Find out how to use sorrel for your health, in cooking and salad. Read on..

Sorrel and Lovage . Special herbs for your herb garden

Grow these unusual herbs for herb recipes and herbal remedies

Here are two of my favorite herbs, sorrel and lovage. I use these herbs every day from early spring to late autumn for herb recipes, salads, herbal teas and tisanes. These herbs grow in my herb garden outside my kitchen door, and what makes them extra special is the fact that you can't usually find these fresh herbs in your food store.

Both sorrel and lovage herbs are easy to grow in a herb garden or in a pot in your yard. Now is the time to plant herbs for cutting all through summer.

Herbs have been grown as long as man has been alive. Herbal remedies were used centuries ago before modern medicine, and many people still use traditional herbal medicine and alternative herbal remedies .

Here we'll take a look at my 2 special herbs, and see why they might be candidates for a place in your own herb garden. You don't have a herb garden? Well , now's the time to make one, even if it's just a few tubs or pots outside your door or on a windowsill.


The Lovage herb from my herb garden
Lovage at White Moss House
Lovage at White Moss House

Lovage Recipes and more lovage information

Find out more about the lovage herb

How to grow and use the lovage herb- recipes and tips from the experts.
You'll find lovage recipes, lovage herbal remedies and lots about lovage right here. If you think you might like to try growing lovage, you can buy seeds from Amazon. Did you realize that Amazon has a great range of garden seeds? Me neither, but they do. With the huge turnover of products at Amazon these seeds should be fresh and just waiting to shoot up in your garden.


How to use the lovage herb

Lovage is a herb that has a similar flavor to celery. The lovage herb can be grown easily from seed, and once lovage is established in your herb garden it will grow happily for years.

Use lovage in stews and casseroles for an interesting flavor. It has a flavor rather like celery.

Make a lovage soup. Leek and lovage soup or potato and lovage soup make a great combination, and the bright green color and fresh herb taste are winners. Here is a recipe for old fashioned lovage and potato soup from

Make a lovage tea, or tisane, or lovage cordial. This is said to aid digestion.

Use lovage chopped and mixed into cream cheese for a herb spread, or make a  lovage dip, or use lovage to stuff a chicken or baked potato. Chop lovage leaves into a summer salad.

Readers in the UK can buy lovage , sorrel and all sorts of wonderful garden things from the wonderful gardeners' website called Crocus. If you're not in the UK but love plants, take a look for inspiration.

You can buy lovage seeds from Amazon.

Wouldn't you love to grow lovage? Amazon stocks a choice of lovage seeds.
Lovage Heirloom Seeds

Truly does work as celery. Easy to grow so you will have it on hand.

"The Adventuresome Gardener" 10 Unusual Seed Packets By Botanical Interests in Gift Box

These 10 seed packets are boxed and ready to give to your favorite gardener. This is a very thoughtful gift for the experienced gardener. I'd love to receive this gift set of herb seeds.

Outsidepride Lovage - 1000 Seeds

This is a great value pack of lovage seeds.Lovage (Levisticum Officinalis) - Lovage is a very old herb with properties perfect for today's healthy lifestyles. Its unique flavor, which many people compare to celery, can b...

Only $7.49

Here's a beautiful picture of lovage seed heads

Lovage adds beauty to any garden. Here's lovage as a poster pin up.
Lovage Against Blue Sky


How to grow and use sorrel

Sorrel grows very easily in most herb gardens, but is rarely seen in your food store. Fresh sorrel leaves have an acid, slightly bitter taste, so you can use them in cooking in place of lemon. For instance, a sorrel sauce is great with fish, or stuffed into a barbecue chicken. Here is an excellent recipe for sorrel sauce from

Sorrel soup is great, or you can use young sorrel leaves in a salad.

Sorrel has long been used for herbal remedies, and it's acidic nature has led sorrel to be used for cleansing the digestive system.

You can grow sorrel from seeds, and once sorrel starts to grow in your herb garden, you'll need to keep trimming the tops to stop it from bolting. I strongly recommend sorrel to you- it's a great, rather underrated herb.

The best books about herbs can be found here on Amazon.

Jekka Mc Vicar is the best author in the world on herbs ( in my opinion)
Jekka's Herb Cookbook
Firefly Books
Only $17.3
The Complete Herb Book
Firefly Books
$27.5  $20.0

You can start to plant sorrel in your garden as soon as the soil starts to warm up.

If you don't want to grow your own sorrel from seeds, now is the time to buy sorrel as a ready to plant herb.
Sorrel Perennial Herb - 8 Plants - He...

Here's another excellent book about herbs

Full of information and recipes, this book gets lots of 5 star ratings.
Homegrown Herbs: A Complete Guide to Growing, Using, and Enjoying More than 100 Herbs

Homegrown Herbs is the definitive guide to planting, growing, harvesting, and using more than 100 herbs. An internationally renowned herbalist, teacher, and certified organic gr...

$14.03  $3.47

View on Amazon

You can also buy sorrel seeds from Amazon.

Amazon has seeds right now for you to plant
Sorrel, Large Leaf (Rumex acetosa) Seeds - Rumex Acetosa - 0.5 Grams - Approx 450 Gardening Seeds...

The Large Leaf Sorrel is a leafy herb that is great in soups, salads, or baking. The plant can grow up to 2 feet tall. Sorrel has a lemon-like taste and high vitamin C content. ...

View on Amazon

Baby sorrel

Recognise the sorrel herb?
Sorrel at White Moss House, Grasmere.
Sorrel at White Moss House, Grasmere.

If you love all things about herbs and gardens, take a look at my favorite websites

Crocus has beautiful ideas for your garden. L'Occitane is just fabulous

If you love in the UK and love gardens, you probably already know about Crocus, which is a wonderful garden and home website.You can buy herbs, plants and all manner of garden items from Crocus.

Those of you in the USA might just enjoy looking at the Crocus pages for the sheer pleasure of it!

If you love the glorious scents of nature in your home , then the glorious website of L'Occitane is for you. I love the Amber Home perfume- rated 5 star by it's users.

These special scissors make cutting your herbs really easy

Did you know you could buy special herb scissors?
Herb Scissors Set with 5 Multi Stainl...
$18.99  $11.99
Joyoldelf Gourmet Herb Scissors Set -...
Only $8.99
Updated 2020 Herb Scissors Set - Cool...
$17.99  $11.99

I was amazed when I first looked on ebay to see what a fantastic selection of herbs were on sale.

Browse ebay for your herbs
Updated: 05/13/2015, whitemoss
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Have you used these undervalued herbs? Please leave me your thoughts.

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blackspanielgallery on 05/22/2017

It is amazing how many herbs and vegetables Amazon has. They are a wonderful source for varieties one arely sees elsewhere.

cmoneyspinner on 05/19/2017

DerdriuMarriner and WhiteMoss - There are a few Wizzles here that discuss sorrel and lovage, with recipes. FYI.

DerdriuMarriner on 05/19/2017

WhiteMoss, Do you have special recipes for lovage and sorrel tea or for leek, lovage, potato and sorrel soup?

whitemoss on 09/30/2014


cmoneyspinner on 03/04/2014

Shared to my Facebook foodie page - Everyday Exotic Spices.

whitemoss on 05/16/2013

What an amazing experience! Good luck with it all.

whitemoss on 05/16/2013

You're welcome!

frankbeswick on 05/16/2013

I am showing at Tatton not as just me but as part of the Trafford allotment entry. I do not know what days I am allocated, as we have only eight passes to share out. I am making a three sisters bed, an old American Indian technique that uses companion planting of pumpkin, sweetcorn and beans.I am likely to spend at least one day in the preparation section, ensuring that my entry is properly laid out. I have my pumpkins, beans and sweet corn growing under careful protection.

katiem2 on 05/16/2013

I love gardening, thanks for the tips on the unsung heroes of the herb world, sorrel, and lovage. I had no idea but love learning new and useful additions to everyday life. Thanks for the tips.

whitemoss on 05/16/2013

Thank you for taking the trouble to leave this comment- I'm very impressed to hear that you are showing at Tatton. I don't think I can get there this year sadly- I could have looked for you!

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