How I Made $1.58 on Triond in 18 Months

by DahliaDean

Triond will offer you nothing except disappointment, frustration and confusion.

A Review of Triond

I have to admit that I’m not an active writer on Triond.  Currently, I have 17 articles on Triond (after relocating about ten to a different writing site within my first month of membership).  I don’t plan on publishing anymore articles on Triond; however, I am allowing those 17 articles to remain on Triond, as I’m curious how long it will take me to reach the $50 threshold payout via check.  At this rate, it should only take another 48 years.

You might have read that Triond is a great writing site for beginners.  I would have to disagree.  Triond is a writing site for people who can’t write at all or for people who write extremely well—yes, one extreme to the next.  Members who are able to write well are able to capitalize on poor-quality writers who yearn for success.  This, however, does require both time and effort. 

Your success at Triond will depend upon your ability to socialize and make “friends”.  The more “friends” you have, the greater your earnings potential.  This is because the majority of traffic comes from within the site rather than from the search engines, and making friends on Triond means that you have entered into a silent agreement to swap reads (in order to make money).

It’s quite obvious that I’m not very social on Triond.  I’m not too keen on the idea of reading sub-par material in order to earn ¼ of a cent in return, which brings me to the rate of return for Triond articles.

Triond pays per page views.  Because Triond utilizes several different websites, articles are published (by Triond’s computer) onto the website that is most relevant to your content. For example, a medical article would be published on Healthmad, a book review would be published on Bookstove and a recipe would be published on Gomestic. 

Each category (website) earns a different rate of return.  While one article might pay .01 (yes, a penny) per 10 page views on one website, another article might pay .01 per 20 page views on another website.

Some of you might be very excited by this thought like the person in the YouTube video below.  The Triond writer appearing in the YouTube video is quite ecstatic about making $1.10 from one article, in a one-month period and from 600 page views.  I’ve never been great at math, especially when it comes to fractions, so please feel free to calculate the rate of return and post your answer in the comment section.


You will earn more recycling these cans than you will earn writing for Triond


Mr. Moneybags

Triond’s computer will often publish an article on the wrong website.  For example, I submitted a recipe for a green bean dish, and it was placed onto Healthmad.  The only way to correct this problem (and all problems) is by using a public forum where one (incompetent) employee has been designated to address member issues.  You have to keep your fingers crossed that your problem isn’t overlooked and that your problem is resolved—the first time.  In my case, the issue was halfway fixed.  The green bean recipe was placed onto the correct website, but appeared within the dessert section.  My second request for correction was never addressed, so I removed the article fearing backlash from children around the world.

Triond’s websites are not reader friendly due to the spammy, pop-up advertisements that appear each time you view a page.  This results with internet users quickly leaving your content.  I don’t know about you, but I will often back out of a website that greets me with an immediate pop-up.  Although this will still result with a page view, your content is not being read.  My main motivator for publishing on the internet is not money.  What motivates me to write on the internet is readership—knowing that people are reading my material.  If 200 people find my article but remain on my page less than two or three minutes, they aren’t reading my content.  I find this to be disappointing regardless of how much money it might earn me. 

Obviously, I won’t be posting a referral link to Triond since I don’t recommend the site—at least not for serious writers.  What I do recommend, if you are contemplating joining Triond, is checking out the “help” page of Triond—the forum where problems are reported to the administration, and the members are begging for assistance.  It is there where you will see for yourself much of what I have explained.  You will find questions like:

 --y iz my contint denie!

--Why haven’t I earned money after 90 views?

--y u thinking my content pore kwality?

--7th request to reassign my article.  Why are you ignoring me?

On the other hand, if you find that earning $1.10 in one month is some serious cash, and you don’t care about readership, Triond is probably right up your alley.

Updated: 01/05/2012, DahliaDean
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Bob on 05/21/2012

Thanks for sharing your experience on this site. I'm new to online writing and I am still trying to make sense of all the different options available.

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