How to assemble the best basic home tool kit

by teddletonmr

Homeowners and renters like you and me, benefit a great deal from having their own must have basic tools around the house.

There is one-thing a homeowner and renter like you and me understand all too well. Our homes will always need a little redecorating, maintenance and upkeep from time to time. Sure, we can always simply rely on the super, landlord or hire someone else to do the work for us. However, that can and generally is an inconvenient costly affair. In fact, as I believe you will soon discover, more bothersome and expensive than the small price of a few basic tools. The physical and emotional challenge of rolling up our sleeves, getting our hands a bit dirty and simply do whatever needs doing, to fix what needs fixing ourselves.
Generation X, Millennium, and yes-even Boomlets, too can become a handy person. While we Baby Boomers, Mature/Silent, let us not forget the GI generation can easily learn the new tricks we need to fix stuff that needs fixing. In and around our homes, lawns, and gardens, save valuable time, a butt load of money, and as an added bonus enjoy becoming just a bit more independent.
The best first step you should take right now, continue reading this article, and learn How to assemble the basic home tool kit you should have, and do what needs doing. It’s much easier and rewarding than you may believe. …

Basic things that should be in your home tool kit.

For most of us, there is more to a basic tool kit than a hammer, screwdriver, and a pair of slip joint pliers...

I believe we all are well aware, back in the good ole days of the GI Generation, Mature Silent, and Baby Boomer generations analog technologies. Our mom and pop’s typical basic home tool kit consisted of a few basic hand tools such as a claw hammer, straight and Phillips head screwdrivers, crescent wrench and a few sets of assorted pliers. Although still to this day, good tools we should keep around the house. Several other reasonably priced, extremely useful, new, and cool tools today are must haves for our up to date basic home tool kits.

The best claw hammer, multi-bit screwdriver, adjustable wrench, and slip joint pliers

No self-respecting handyman or woman’s basic tool kit is complete without these basic hand tools.
Stanley 51-621 16-Ounce Curve Claw Fiberglass Hammer

This 16-ounce Stanley curved claw hammer is the perfect choice for any finishing DIY project that requires driving or pulling small brads, common and finish nails. The fiberglass handle makes this carpenters hammer comfortable to use and durable

Only $22.95

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Stanley 69-189 Ratcheting Multi-Bit Screwdriver

This ratcheting screwdriver provides us with the flexibility of using Multi-Bit, straight blade, Phillips, hex and square driver bits all with the same ratcheting handle assembly. The three-position ratcheting mechanism, left, right and lock position

Only $9.99

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Irwin Industrial Tools 2078708 Slip Joint, Diagonal, Lineman, Adjustable Wrench and Groove Joint ...

This tool kit contains the perfect mix of Slip Joint, Diagonal cutting, and Lineman pliers, with Adjustable Wrench and Groove Joint pliers your basic home tool kit should have...…

$54.91  $48.66

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Generation X embrace modern technologies

Cutting edge technologies make measuring, leveling and doing things much simpler for todays techies

For the fine folks born between 1965 through 1980, Generation X if you will. These soon to be techies grew up during the transition from written based knowledge, to digital based information. Making generation X, less about the old school tech and far more comfortable with today’s cutting edge technologies.

Trusting the mighty Google search results, and enlisting the speed and convenience of the dependable smart phone, iPod, kindle Fire HD, and laptop delivering everything they need know on how to do and fix just about anything from the break of day, to a broken heart. For these high tech yuppies, High tech rules, and old school drools.

Continue to Embrace the cutting edge technologies, enjoy the many benefits ease of use and accuracy of a digital level, talking tape measure and the how to tips contained in the home maintenance for dummies kindle version

Talking tape measure and digital level make measuring and leveling easy as pie

Finally, you will have no more trouble correctly measuring doors, windows, and moldings, leveling shelves, hanging pictures or new appliances when you discover how to use these proper tools for the job.
Home Maintenance For Dummies

A hands-on, step-by-step guide to properly maintaining your homeYour home requires regular maintenance to operate safely and efficiently. The expert advice in this second editio...

Only $15.0

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Talking Tape Measure English

This English speaking measuring device will come in handy for those who love to work with their hands, but find the tiny lines on a measuring device difficult or impossible to r...

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Johnson Level and Tool 40-6064 Digital Angle Locator

Includes Digital Angle Locator - 40-6064, 9V Battery, Instruction Manual, Soft-Sided Pouch

Only $54.95

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Tools for the Millennium Generation - Aka "The 9/11 Generation"

Born between 1981 and 2000, optimistic, and focused this generation has grown up in a time where digital technology rules the day,

Having never known a world without their trusty computers, digital read outs, and laser accuracy the norm, expected in fact. When the time comes for these focused individuals assemble the best basic tool kit for their needs. Easy to use, accurate, reliable reasonably priced digital tools are the best choice, more to the point, required.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise, when the time comes to test an electrical circuit before replacing that old outdated light switch, thermostat, or wall outlet the best tool for the job is a digital circuit tester. There are many such testers on the market these days however the best by far is the Fluke 1AC-A1-II Volt-Alert AC Non-Contact Voltage Tester found online at amazon, or your local home improvement center.

There are no wire leads to get tangled or lose track of, simply hold the Fluke tester  in one hand and test the circuit.

Utilizing precision laser technology

Bosch DLR130K Digital Distance Measurer Kit
Only $174.89

The best tool for measuring and calculating area

Installing hardwood flooring, carpet, tile and much more requires an easy to use tool that accurately measures and calculates area.

Measuring things in and around our homes accurately I believe we will all agree is a bit troubling at times. For instance, there are those instances when your basic 12-inch ruler and yardstick is simply too inconvenient. Especially when our measuring task is figuring the square footage required for installing new hardwood flooring in a bedroom, Then again using a12, or 25-foot tape measure, is too flimsy and awkward for a single person, requiring a second set of hands to get an accurate measurement.

The good news for the DIY type homeowners, handyman, and woman that will enjoy the benefits of using an easy to use digital lazar   measuring tool, the Bosch digital distant measuring kit delivers. Small and light enough to fit in a shirt or jacket pocket, measuring a room for crown molding, baseboard, flooring and  odd shaped spaces is easily accomplished using the handy Bosch lazar accurate measuring kit..

The best way to locate a wall stud

Many home repairs, remodeling, or improvement projects require attaching something to a wall stud.

When the need arises for attaching something of consequence to a wall, and a simple drywall anchor isn’t strong enough to hold the weight. There is really only one sure-fire way to attach kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanity or wall bracket for a monitor or flat screen TV. That helps eliminate all fear of light duty anchors ripping out of the drywall, allowing our prized possessions crashing to the floor.

Finding a wall stud with a digital stud finder and secure with the proper fastener is really the only way to ensure securing items to a wall successfully. The best and easiest to use, digital stud finder on the market today, is the Zircon stud sensor electronic stud finder. Savvy internet shoppers will find this must have basic tool, available from the link to the right of this collomm, or their favorite home improvement store website.  

The easiest to use stud finder

Zircon StudSensor e50 Electronic Stud Finder
$31.51  $24.59

Proper tools for Generation Z, Boomlets AKA tweens

Just for a little fun with a purpose, teach kids how to identify, and use their own tool kits.

Tweens ranging in ages from 8 to 12 years of age are involved in many activities. One such activity many tweens enjoy is riding their bike. Be it a Mountain bike, urban road bike, beach cruiser bike, or speed road bike, one thing all bicycles do have in common. Sooner or later, just like our homes, all types of bicycles require some sort of repair, and maintenance be performed.    

Rather than spend a large chunk of their allowance paying someone else to do the service and repairs for them. The independent minded tweens enjoy the many benefits of making necessary repairs and routine maintenance.

The most frustrating part of any repair or maintenance job is not having the proper tool for the task.The Park tool advanced mechanics tool kit, your tween bicycle mechanic will have everything he/she will need for those routine bike repair, and maintenance jobs. OK, a good bike repair stand such as the Park Tool PC-10 home mechanic repair stand is a must have basic tool as well.

Advanced bike mechanic tool kit and stand

With this bike mechanics tool kit a tween can start a bike repair business, and learn how to earn their own money
Park Tool Advanced Mechanic Tool Kit
Park Tool PCS-10 Home Mechanic Repair Stand
$198.95  $174.95

Gen-Z Boomlets, toddlers and elementary school age kits

Toddlers and elementary school age kids love to learn new skills every day, to walk, recognize colors, read, and write are just the beginning.

As toddlers, all kids face the challenge of learning how to do many basic things. For most kids, learning to walk and get around the house is the first step on the road to gaining their independence. While attending elementary school, inquisitive minds, learn there are many benefits in the mastery of the skills required to holding a pencil, crayon, or bit of chalk inspiring our creativity, affording us the ability to leave our mark on the world through artistic expression. Similarly, learning how to recognize and use basic tools around our home and, or apartment, is equally stimulating, I dare say important.

For your Bob the builder type boys and girls, the Home Depot 18-piece toolbox, contains the basic tools a toddler will need to learn both what, and how, basic hand tools are used.

Homeowners and renters of all ages should have a basic tool kit

Considering your interests, home repairs, maintenance tasks, remodeling projects, and hobbies make it easy to understand why we all should have our own basic home tool kit.

With a few basic tools, you too can easily learn to fix stuff around your home and get the most out of your favorite hobbies. For starters, consider changing the batteries in all the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, your TV remote control, or replace the knobs and pulls on the kitchen and, or bathroom cabinets around your home. Before you know it, you will find yourself successfully completing all sorts of basic home repair and maintenance tasks, you may have not believed possible before.

Empowered with a newly found confidence motivating you to take up the challenge of doing more home repair projects yourself, You will find yourself wanting to learn how to, and perform, all types of new projects around your home, lawn, and gardens further expanding your tool kit.

Just imagine for a moment, how good you will feel, not only starting, but finishing all those repair and home improvement projects on your wish list. With the help of a few basic tools, and the willingness to roll up your sleeves and do the job yourself. Just think about all the time, and money, you can save by doing things like, replacing outdated light switches, tire old looking electrical wall receptacles, and out of style doorbells yourself.


Updated: 04/07/2013, teddletonmr
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K. Lynn on 04/12/2013

Dang it I have this beautiful antique mirror I want to hang in my down stairs bathroom and can't find my stud finder, all the more reason I need to get everything organized info a tool kit.

teddletonmr on 04/04/2013

Hey Katie, good to hear your youngest daughter likes to fix and maintain things around the house. She just might find a talking tape measure, and digital level a couple smart tools she should have in her basic tool kit.
Your handywoman’s bag of useful smart tools will make it much easier to accurately measure, and level, all manner of things such as, the cooktop, range, and fridge in the kitchen, or all those other craft and gardening projects she enjoys doing. :)
Be well, Mike

katiem2 on 04/02/2013

I need to revise my tool kit, my youngest daughter has a way of misplacing tools during one of her many projects, she is very handy so I def want to have plenty of tools on hand. :)K

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