How to Avoid Getting Sunburned Kids

by katiem2

There are many safe and easy ways to avoid getting sunburned. Get the facts on the simple ways to avoid getting burned and damaging your skin and eyes.

Should We Avoid Sunburning - More than our skin can be damaged from the sun or worse yet a sun burn. The trend in sun exposure is currently leaning toward the healthful benefits of sun.

While we are aware the sun is good for us, in small doses, it also can burn our skin and eyes leading to dangerous health threats later in life. The first thing to know is sun burns can occur to both the skin and eyes, two vital body features we need for many years to enjoy life. While it is common to think about skin care most of us don't take into consideration the damage the sun does to our eyes.


How to Protect Kids From Sunburns

The last thing any parent wants is a sunburned child.

my daughters are light skinned redheads, keeping them safe from the sun is intense, one little slip and they are fire engine red and oh how bad that can make a parent feel, not to mention the pain of the child.  It can happen and very quickly and all the more reason we busy parents need to have our tools to fight sunburn on the ready and fully stocked.

Sunscreen and Eye Protection for Kids

Children need to wear both sunscreen and good eye protection while out in the sun. Once we think about the countless hours our children spend outdoors involved in play and sports alone, it is considerable.

It's up to us parents to both set a good example and teach our kids to protect themselves from the sun.  Starting these habits as babies and toddlers leave no room for struggle as they become second nature. Developing good habits while young will prevent sunburns from being an issue in your family.  

It's Never to Late

If you're thinking you may have missed the boat with your child not to worry, you've no doubt practiced the use of sunscreen so you're good.  All you need to do is buy your child some cool sunglasses they will like, have them on the ready and the habit will develop easily.  Remember to wear your protection setting a good example.


Sunburn Prevention

Sunburn Prevention and Protection

Sunburn Prevention Protection List

  1. Keep fresh sunscreen for all over body, face and lips on hand everywhere, home and car.
  2. Always have UV swimming goggles on hand storing them in a clean dry storage container away from the sun to prevent the quality of the goggles from decaying prematurely.
  3. Don't forget to have UV sunglasses for both you and your children to wear outside at play and in the car while driving short or long trips, developing good habits, rituals if you will.
  4. Keep a basket packed with clean sun protection garments on the ready for the kids to put on while not swimming as they come out to play.
  5. Use the burn protection in your laundry for swimming gear, towels shirts etc.
  6. Keep lots of fresh water and fresh fruits on hand for kids to snack on while swimming and playing, water melon is an amazing fun and nutritious snack achieving both goals.
  7. Keep a on the go bag packed at all times for outings, stock it with all the protection mentioned here for spur of the moment summer fun.

Protection From Sunburning

When it comes to protection sunscreen is the easy answer but there are far more choices.

While sunscreen is important protection from sunburn, the over all body temperature from sun exposure adds up to more than the outward appearance.  

Stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat exposure are all things we can avoid with a few adjustments to our family play time.  

Tips for Sunburn Prevention

Summer is one of the most fun times of the year and kids need to enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Adding porch and patio covers is a great idea for protection at home.
  • Adding a sun protection to your laundry protecting all the clothes your family wears up to 96 % UV protection from the sun, check out the product to your right.
  • Wearing hats and sun protecting garments is another smart tool to prevent sunburning, there are many great children's garments made with sun safety in mind.  

Start Protection Your Eyes Now

  • Taking a portable umbrella or mini shelter to any outdoor event adds comfort and protection enhancing any good time.
  • Let's not forget the most obvious weapon against heat exhaustion, lots and lots of cool water.

It is also vital to stay well hydrated while spending time in the sun.  Hydrating your body keeps the skin hydrated and therefore more healthy overall. 


Eye Damage From Sunburning

Did you know your eyes become damaged from overexposure to the sun as well?

The sun damages your eyes just as it does your skin.  Do you have, or know anyone with chronic blood shot eyes?  Look into a mirror do you have yellowing or brown spots?  This, as well as chronic blood shot eyes, is most commonly caused by years of sun damage. It's true the cause of red blood shot eyes are not what you often think rather sun damage.  It is vital to protect your young children while they are out playing in the sun. The two vital products you need to have on hand for both you and your children is sunscreen and sunglasses. The cheap 99 cent cute glasses for your kids are not protecting your child's eyes. You need to buy good sunglasses for your kids, just as you should yourself.


Plus, create a designated place, in your home and car, for the entire family to keep their sunglasses safe and on the ready for anytime you spend time in the sun. The next time you see an adult with blood shot eyes, and think they must have had a bit to much to drink last night, think again, the odds are they suffer from chronic blood shot eyes due to sun damage.  Long term unprotected exposure to the sun damages the eyes.

Enjoy the sun year round all the while protecting yourself from sun burning!

Updated: 05/16/2013, katiem2
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katiem2 on 03/01/2012

Lissie, Very good point protective garments are a great alternative and I like the benefits you've mentioned.

Thanks for commenting Rob, good to have you.

Lissie on 03/01/2012

I'm so happy you survived Angel - in my view sunbeds should be illegal - my mother died of melanoma so I may be biased. When I lived in Australia I swam in long-sleeved rash vest and knee length board shorts - its much more comfortable and quicker than covering yourself with suntan lotion all the time! Keeps a lot of sand out of uncomfortable places on surf beaches too!

Rob on 02/01/2012

Thank's Katie- was unaware of sun damage to the eyes.

katiem2 on 02/01/2012

Thanks Angel, Glad to know your okay now, but I'm sure the process of treatment was not easy, nor the fear of what you faced. My most positive thoughts are with you. Protect yourself and your kids!

Angel on 02/01/2012

This is very important for me. I have had malignant melanoma. Tanning beds got me! I was 20 years old. Sun protection is so important. Great page and very useful information. Especially for kids.

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