Mary Kay can be a great business opportunity for anyone who chooses to apply themselves and work their business. Mary Kay has been in my life for over 10 years now. I set my own goals and achieve them at my own pace. It is great to be able to pick it up and put it down when I need to depending on what else is going on in my life. I consider myself successful because I always achieve the goals that I set for myself and am very happy with where I am at in my business. I don't drive a Pink Cadillac and I am not a Director. I don't want to achieve that with my business right now. I am in this to make a little extra money every month to support my family. The great part about this business is that you can set your own goals and achieve them for what you want to be in the business. I would like to share some of the tips I have learned along the way and also some of the mistakes I have made in hopes it will help you become the successful consultant you want to be.

How to be a Successful Mary Kay Consultant
by Angel
Tips to become a successful Mary Kay Consultant. Many of these same tips can be used to achieve success in any sales type job.
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How Do You Make Money With Mary Kay?
You make money two ways with Mary Kay.
Retail Sales
Retail Sales
Mary Kay is set up to where you purchase the product from the company at wholesale prices and resell them at retail prices. The prices are already set. Your profit is 50% on the product. To remain an active consultant you must purchase a minimum of $200 in wholesale product or $400 retail from the company every quarter. As long as you purchase that amount, you get the 50% discount which allows you to make 50% profit on the product when you resell it.
Recruiting allows you to recruit consultants under you and earn a commission on what they purchase from the company. Not on what they sell to customers. The commission is either 4%, 9%, or 13% depending on what level of consultant you have gotten to. The company website and consultant training tools explains all of this in detail. It is important to understand where the levels are at so that you can set your goals appropriately.
20 Tips to Become a Successful Mary Kay Consultant
Have a sense of urgency about your business. You have to have a desire to achieve your goals. Whether it is to sell $300 a month or to become a Sales Director, you have to have the desire and motivation to work it.
Create a strategy. Develop a plan on how you will work your business and stick to it. Be consistent.
Only take advice from those that you are willing to exchange places with. You don't want to take advice from someone who is not selling anything or who is always negative about the business. Take advice from other successful people in the business.
Work on yourself. Write down all of the positive things about you and then write down the things that you need to work on. Use this list as a reminder to work on those things and do it. Do not compare yourself to others. You will always try to be as good as they are when you are a different person and have different positive points and different negative points. Be yourself and work on yourself.
Mary Kay scripts work! DO NOT make up your own words to sell the product or try to book appointments. The company has so many different tools in place to help you with what to say. They tell you exactly what to say. Use it. I have made the mistake in the past of making up my own words. They did not work. I then started using the company scripts and they work. I was truly amazed. They may sound cheesy to you at first but trust me... they work. Use them.
Make a goal poster. I keep my goal poster updated monthly. Cut out pictures of things you are working toward. Write down things you want to accomplish. Put them all on this poster. Keep the poster updated. Most importantly you want to make sure your goals are applicable for where you are at this point in your business and life. You would not want to put a picture of a pink Cadillac on your goal poster if you just signed up and have not sold anything yet. That is a goal for a little later in your Mary Kay career. You may want to set some goals for monthly sales at this point or even a picture of a Red Jacket. All of those goals make sense for a new consultant.
Build Relationships. Building relationships with other women is so important in this business. It is great to sell someone $1000 worth of makeup the first time you meet them. But what if you never talk to them again. You never followup and never call them to check and see how they like their makeup. They will probably never buy from you again. You have to be that persons go to woman for their beauty and skin care needs. The only way to do that is to build a lasting relationship and yes, friendship with them.
Complete your Weekly Accomplishment Worksheets. These worksheets reflect exactly what you have done for the week. It is a reminder of what you need to do. Especially if you have set goals for sales. I have made the mistake of not doing my weekly accomplishment worksheets and it really hurt my overall sales. It was not visible to me what I had done and therefore did not tell me what I needed to do to accomplish my monthly sales goals.
Don't be cheap when it comes to your customers. Give them gifts. Give them discounts in their birthday month. Make them feel special. This helps to build that relationship and shows them that you care. Mary Kay has so many little inexpensive gifts under Section 2 products that you can purchase to keep in your inventory for your customers.
Be a professional sales person. It is okay to laugh and joke with your customers. It is not okay to be negative and use inappropriate language. You are representing Mary Kay. There will be times when there is alcohol at some of the parties you go to. You are there to do facials and consult on makeup. Do not participate in drinking. I would also suggest to host to not have alcohol but you know you can't always control that. You can control yourself. Be professional.
Ask questions. Never assume anything.
Learn the art of telling a story. Tell your customers about why you joined Mary Kay. Make it interesting. Tell them success stories about how others have found the Mary Kay opportunity and loved it. Everyone loves a good story.
Become who you are talking to. Learn the different types of personalities and become that when you are dealing with people. You don't want to be hyper and bubbly to a person that is really low key. You will probably scare them off.
Don't take on other people's problems. This is where I messed up a few times. I would recruit women who needed money but they had so many issues and problems that they thought I could save them. It is not your responsibility to save women from their problems. Look for women to recruit that are willing to work and want better for themselves. It is okay to listen and show them how to make a difference in their life. Don't take on their drama.
Watch the scoreboard. You are in sales. Watch your sales and continue to work toward your sales goals by making them visible. Goal posters and weekly accomplishment sheets help with this.
Don't be pushy. Be pleasantly persistent.
Be careful with the amount of inventory you purchase. I can not stress this enough. The company wants you start off by purchasing inventory. I have made the mistake of purchasing a large inventory without knowing what I really needed. I would suggest you wait until you build up a descent customer base before you invest in a large inventory. You can then keep in stock what your customers use. Otherwise you are left with things that will sit in inventory and not get sold. Please be careful with this one. It can leave you with a huge debt and non moving inventory.
Follow the companies guidelines on what to do with your money. They guide you on what percentages you should keep as profit and what you should put aside to put back into your business.
Set up a separate checking account for your business only. This way money does not get mixed up and you know exactly what profits you have and what you have to put back into your business.
Go to your unit meeting every week! This is where you will find your inspiration to work your business. This is where you will find all of your training tools.
Ways to Boost Your Confidence
Be on purpose with building your confidence. It is not okay to keep saying that you are not confident. You have to work on it. Confidence is a learned skill. You have to work on it constantly.
Set goals and stick to them. As you accomplish your goals you will build confidence to move on to the next goal.
Study what you don't know. There are so many tools available through Mary Kay. Use them to learn things that you don't know. Ask others. Everyone is willing to help.
Guard your circle of influence. You want to be around people with the same or similar goals as you have. Do not hang around negative influences. It will bring you down and affect your confidence.
Be willing to change. Take those things that you wrote down that you need to work on and be willing to change them. As you see a change your confidence will be boosted.
Work on your image. As a Mary Kay Consultant, you should be the best looking thing in the room. Your hair style should be current and up to date. Your makeup should be perfect. Your clothes should be professional and according to what the company recommends. Nice shoes and a nice handbag are a must. You will get those compliments and feel like a shining star when you do.
Dealing with Rejection
We all get told "no" when selling. You can not take that rejection as a personal reflection on you. You have to keep on trying and you will find the yes you were looking for.
Do not take no personally. It is kind of like asking someone if they want a piece of gum. If they so no it does not mean that they dislike you. It means they don't want a piece of gum at the moment.
Do not take forever to rebound from rejection. You will get people who don't want to have a party, a facial, or don't want the product. Don't allow yourself to get into a rut about it. There are just as many other people out there that do want the product. Go find them.
Memorize some of the common rejections and memorize your response to them.
Feel, Felt, Found. Gloria Mayfield Banks, Elite National Sales Director has a great way to deal with rejections by Feel, Felt, Found.
I know how you FEEL....
I had another customer who FELT the same way.....
What they FOUND is....
Start Something Beautiful - A Mary Kay Business
Great Mary Kay Books
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The Mary Kay Way: Timeless Principles... | It's Not Where You Start, It's Where ... | Ask ME About MARY KAY: The true story... |
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More Than a Pink Cadillac: Mary Kay I... | Mary Kay: You Can Have It All: Lifeti... | Miracles Happen : The Life and Timele... |
Things to Look for in a Good Team Member
Do not take on team members who are needy and want to dump their issues and problems on you. I have made this mistake once or twice and it is not a good thing. Here are a few good characteristics to look for when recruiting team members.
They know that they are destined to have more in life.
They value education.
They can embrace the companies philosophy.
They get excited about impacting others.
They are willing to work.
They want a high degree of independence.
They are willing to be part of a team.
Is Mary Kay Worth It?
Yes. Mary Kay is worth it if you are willing to put in the time to make it pay off. Things don't happen by osmosis. You have to put in your effort to get back from it. You have to set goals and put plans in place to achieve them. You have to work your business like a business. It is not a hobby or just playing with makeup. It is a serious commitment. When I have put in the time I get good paybacks for it. When I don't have the time to put into it I don't get anything from it. Don't go jumping and buying $3,000 worth of inventory and then complain that you are in debt. You have to come up with a plan and work it.
The women are great in this business. They are always willing to help. Go to your unit meetings and you will find a group of women there that will be by your side for a life time. I can not tell you how many good friends and supporters I have found in Mary Kay. It is worth every bit of effort you put into it.
Good Luck with your new business adventure!
Visit Me at My Mary Kay Website
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Thanks so much Vincent. Mary Kay was truly an amazing woman. Some of her principles were so simple but yet so successful and inspiring to other women. I stay in it because it makes me feel good as a woman. So much motivation. I am an electrical engineer and work mostly with men so this gives me the needed woman time..LOL..
Mary Kay was an amazing business woman, way ahead of her time. A motivator and inspiration to thousands and thousands of consultants. My first wife was a consultant up here in Canada. She kept very busy with parties and eventually made her way up to driving a pink Buick Regal, she had her eye on the Cadillac but while I was married to her she drove the Buick. She was an excellent sales lady and I admired her. I was also in the sales and marketing business, a realtor and busy listing and selling homes. I even used the male Mary Kay products from time to time back in the 80's. LoL. Her empire is thriving long after her death, RIP Mary you deserve it, I'm sure your on the other side on another great journey of discovery. Well written article, shared and tweeted.
The good thing about it is that you can pick it up and start back anytime Brenda. I get spells where I am just not in the mood for it and don't do like I should but then I get excited and start selling like crazy. I always support my regular customer base and have kept them throughout moving. We are getting ready to move again and I will keep the customers I have here. Just will mail them the product instead of delivering it. It is a great product and I have a lot of fun selling it. Find a director in your area, get adopted by her, and go to weekly meetings. You will get motivated to do it again if you go to meetings. It is hard to do but always motivates me.
My MK business was starting to really take off in CA and then I moved. I love the product and use it faithfully.
Thanks Katie - so many women complain that it is a scam or they don't get anything out of it. You have to work at it like any job to get anything out of it. I have made good money with MK and made some good friends along the way.
Very good advice. I know of many women who try to take on a sales job with a work from home company, it seems the Mary Kay Consultant are those who actually succeed. I can see why with this sound business model you can't go wrong.