If you have a wife who continually nags you each day, you are not alone. You are among the countless men who are searching for answer to what seems like a never ending problem. Listed below are a few tips on how to deal with a nagging wife. While you may not be able to fully eliminate the problem, there are certainly things that you can do to help.

How to Deal With a Nagging Wife
by Natasha
Here are some tips on "How to Deal With a Nagging Wife".....
“Listen” to her:
Chances are that you have heard the following line more than once. “You never listen to me!” To get her off your back, at least pretend like you are listening. Be willing to sit down and have a conversation with her at least once a day. Communication is an essential part of a good relationship and can really help you to deal with a nagging wife.
Shower her with gifts:
If the nagging seems like it is never ending, deal with the problem by buying her a gift. Is there something that she has been wanting? Buying her gifts will make her feel special and show her that you truly do care. Shower her with gifts in an effort to deal with nagging.
Do something special for her:
Sometimes all it takes to put a stop to the nagging is for you to do something special for her. Cook her dinner and clean the kitchen so that she can take a break and relax. The nagging may be a result of the stress that she is under from working and taking care of the family. Do something special for her at least once a week.
Talk about the problem:
Find the perfect opportunity to talk about the problem. Whether it’s over a cup of coffee or while you are lying in bed at night, find the right time to make her aware of how the nagging is affecting you. Once again, communication is the key to solving many of the problems in the relationship.
Be willing to share responsibilities:
Are you willing to help your wife with the responsibilities that come with raising children? If not, you may have just found the culprit for the nagging. It’s you! Realize that the responsibility of raising and caring for children should be shared. Be willing to be involved as much as you can. Volunteer to transport the kids to extracurricular activities or to take a night of the week for feeding and bathing. The more willing you are to help out, the less nagging you will hear.
Use the tips above on how to deal with a nagging wife if you are experiencing this problem first hand. These tips have all proven beneficial in lessening the problem. Realize, however, that this problem will never fully go away. It is a problem in relationships that must be worked on from time to time. If all else fails and the problem doesn’t work out, consider seeking counseling from a trusted source. Your marriage is worth it!
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Comments on How to Deal With a Nagging Wife
Hmmm, women! ;)
I guess I am lucky. My GF is not nagging. We communicate a lot: it seems communication is the key. If it is not good, relationship falls down, and if two have good communication, it is highly possible the relationship will last.