How To Draw A Beatle Bug

by onepagearticles

Step by step quick drawing tutorial on how to draw a Beatle bug. Draw something new today and have fun!

Draw a Beetle every step of the way. Drawing a Beetle Bug tutorial.

Quick Way To Draw A Beetle Bug

Draw A Beatle In Steps

Drawing Insects and other bugs always fascinated me and even now as I attempt to challenge myself to draw many things I haven't sketched for years in a bid to sell some of my artwork here and there this how to draw a Beetle Bug was just sitting on my Hard drive for a good few months before I found it again. So I thought I would just do a quick step by step drawing tutorial to help others draw a simple bug Beetle.

To refresh my knowledge of bugs and insects I had to look up a book on the subject that had some amazingly magnified photos that were great to draw and sketch from.

So lets get on with this basic drawing tutorial shall we?

The first thing to sketch is the head and the shape of it looks like a top half of a circle and this will sit onto the body quite well....

Draw This Quick Shape For The Head

Draw a Half Circle Shape For The Head
Draw a Half Circle Shape For The Head

Sketching The Body

Now you can sketch in the body shape of your Beetle and it looks almost like an ovalish shape with a line that goes right down the middle of the Beatles back separating the body as if it has wings, some do and some may not, but this one does not. Later we help add some curved lines to give the body some tone and shape which gives the Beetle an almost 3 dimensional quality which is what you need.

Notice that the head sits well on the body and nearly matches the width of the body.

Draw The Oval Shape For The Body

With A Vertical Line For The Back
Draw In The Body With The Line For The Middle.
Draw In The Body With The Line For The Middle.

Sketch In Some Antennas

The Antennas are just like toothpicks really, so sketch them in making sure that they are evenly spaced on the head at either side leaving room for the eyes later on.

Draw Some Antennas

Draw Antennas On The Head
Draw Antennas On The Head

Draw In Two Front Legs

Now you can draw in two of the front legs and try and make sure they are pointing outwards as you'll find on most beetles and insects that the legs do point outwards so try and sketch in that bended leg shape early on in the drawing process.

Draw The Two Front Legs

Draw In Two Front Legs
Draw In Two Front Legs

Sketching The Centre Legs

The middle legs are equally important to make the Beatle look balanced as it seems to hold the weight of the back and front and counter balances the body in some way. See the drawing below to see what I mean! Again draw these centre legs pointing outwards.

Draw Centre Legs

Draw In The Middle Legs
Draw In The Middle Legs

Drawing The Back Legs

When drawing in the back legs they sort of have some mirroring effect on the front legs and adds a certain completeness to the Beetle drawing and so you'll see that all the legs point outwards just giving the bug a basic design that's very simple to draw again and again.

Sketch In The Back Legs

Draw Back Legs
Draw Back Legs

Draw Two Eyes

Draw two round tiny circles for the eyes right in the middle of the Beatles face most times these are black, but I left them as white just because I forgot.

Draw In The Eyes

Draw Some Black Eyes
Draw Some Black Eyes

Add Definition To The Body

By drawing or sketching slightly curved lines on to the Beetls body you are giving the basic drawing some tone and shape. It's a simple way of developing a drawing or design with quick pencil work.

Body Details Now

Sketch Some Tone Lines
Add Some Tone Lines On Body
Add Some Tone Lines On Body

Finished Beetle

Finish off the Beetle by darkening any pencil lines and adding some more tone to the top of the body. You could ink this drawing and color it if you wanted or practice drawing some more Beatles. Just try and draw regularly and challenge yourself to draw new things if you are serious about being an Artist or if drawing is your Hobby then just have fun drawing this quick Beetle design.

All Finished

Finish Darkened Pencil Lines
Finish Darkened Pencil Lines

Drawing Pencils

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Faber-Castell Graphite Sketch Pencil ...
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Nicpro 6PCS Art Mechanical Pencil Set...
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Faber-Castell 9000 Graphite Sketch Pe...
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Updated: 04/10/2012, onepagearticles
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Drawing A Beetle

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DerdriuMarriner on 12/06/2023

Drawing beetle bugs necessarily concentrates upon body parts.

But beetle bugs have biogeographical contexts, such as soil and their non-woody and woody plants.

Is it smoothest to draw beetle bugs and their contexts separately, on two pages, or together, on one page?

One drawback for the one-page approach might be changed minds or drawing mistakes!

onepagearticles on 02/15/2012

Cheers glad you found it fun!

teddletonmr on 02/15/2012

Wow this makes it much simpler to draw something more than a straight line of which I have a hard time drawing. ;)
Great fun, thanks for sharing the tips. Mike

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