How To Draw Vampire Skulls

by onepagearticles

Drawing a vampire skull video drawing tutorials that will inspire you to draw.

How to draw a Vampire Skull. Three YouTube videos that will show you how and then we will look at drawing variations of the same theme to give you more idea and inspiration to draw your own Vampire Skulls. See the Video of drawing a vampire skull step by step

How To Draw A Vampire Skull

Draw Vampire Skulls With A Pencil

Drawing a Vampire Skull is really about trying to follow the usual rules of drawing a skull but making it look simply more Vampire like as possible. Sketching in the Vampires teeth helps to distinguish this drawing from a regular skull piece of artwork. The following three part video drawing series will help you work out how to approach the drawing process of sketching a Vampire skull.

Sketching a skull with Vampire teeth in pencil is really all about finding the design and the look of your artwork. The beginning sketches are really important for how the end result drawing will look. I tend to get a feel for a drawing quite early on in the sketching process and if I realise that the drawing isn't working, I'll start another drawing. Here in the first video below we have that beginning stage of sketching your rough idea and seeing if you can build on it.

I use mechanical pencils a lot because they don't need sharpening and if your like me, always losing your pencil sharpeners then these types of pencils are going to be great for your drawing. (Er...Just don't lose the lead refills!)

Drawing A Vampire Skull

Vampire Skull Drawing In Pencil

Ink Pen Inking The Vampire Skull

Inking The Vampire Skull Pencil Drawing

Inking your drawing is entirely optional. It's a process that I personally enjoy as you are doing more than simply re-treading a sketch, you are improving upon that initial pencil sketch with longer lasting ink that adds a nice contrast to any drawing or design. Of course inking is mainly a graphical art term which is more often applied to illustration and for me drawing comic books.

When inking your Vampire Skull, try to ink areas with cross hatching that all goes roughly in the same direction. Although not an important point it can look good visually when you are quick and not too precise about the inking process. Spontaneous ink strokes with a nice fine ink pen can help create energy within the drawing and make faces almost come alive. As I often state. I use Gel Ink Pens almost exclusively for this inking process as they are cheap and can be disposed of easily.

Do remember though that some gel ink pens will clog when you try to ink over heavy graphite pencil artwork, so if you know that this is going to happen then you can leave out all of the pencil shading and just ink the drawing direct. Watch the video below to see how to ink your Vampire Skull.

Inking The Vampire Skull

Ink Vampire Skull Drawing

Coloring A Vampire Skull

A Crayola Coloring Project - Vampire Skull

Crayola color pencils are another cheap art product that I use a lot and can be used to color your Skull drawing. The classic pencils are great, but you can also use the Crayola Twistables range which don't need sharpening, you just twist the lead out. I've often said that these budget art pencils are great for blending colors together and for this particular Vampire Skull design I enjoyed creating almost like a flesh colored skull that looks cold and dead with Purples and Reds.

The exciting thing about coloring your own drawings is watching the 2D drawing come alive and layering in lots of color along the ink lines you can really help to breath life into your drawings. Watch the art video below and consider using Crayola pencils if you don't already and make your drawings pop!

Coloring A Vampire Skull

Crayola Color Pencil Vampire Skull

Draw A Vampire Skull Step By Step

Follow Through This Alternative Vampire Skull Drawing Tutorial

Here is another possible variation on the vampire skull theme to practice drawing and I've broken it down into manageable steps to follow along. By the end of this you will be able to draw a Vampire Skull blindfolded!

Drawing A Vampire Skull In Pencil

Vampire Skull Drawing Step By Step
Sketch an oval for the head.
Sketch an oval for the head.
Sketch in the eye.
Sketch in the eye.
Now draw in the skulls nose, mark in the teeth and cheek bone.
Now draw in the skulls nose, mark in ...
Start to define the shape of the skull outline.
Start to define the shape of the skul...
Begin to sketch in the teeth.
Begin to sketch in the teeth.
Finish the teeth.
Finish the teeth.
Apply pencil shading to the recessed areas.
Apply pencil shading to the recessed ...
Shade random areas like so.
Shade random areas like so.

Inking Vampire Skull

How To Ink The Vampire Skull
Start to lay down the ink with an ink pen.
Start to lay down the ink with an ink...
Don't worry if your ink pen can produce some good ink effects.
Don't worry if your ink pen clogs...i...
Continue to ink.
Continue to ink.
Nearly finished inking.
Nearly finished inking.
Signed with my signature.
Signed with my signature.
Erase all pencil marks.
Erase all pencil marks.

Color Tone Your Vampiric Skull

Coloring With Crayola Pencils
Shade the entire skull with a black crayola pencil.
Shade the entire skull with a black c...
Add red on the eye and in the mouth.
Add red on the eye and in the mouth.
Color bits of red here and there.
Color bits of red here and there.

How To Draw Skulls Ebook

Drawing Skulls Kindle Ebook
How to Draw the Anatomy: The Skull
Only $5.0
Skulls and Skeletons: An Image Archiv...
Vault Editions Ltd
Only $9.99
Updated: 05/17/2012, onepagearticles
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Drawing Vampire Skulls

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DerdriuMarriner on 12/02/2023

The second paragraph to the first subheading, How To Draw A Vampire Skull Draw Vampire Skulls With A Pencil, considers halting a drawing that "isn't working" and starting another drawing.

Your other wizzlies describe some drawings as abandoned and some as finished.

What do you do with your abandoned, halted drawings?

onepagearticles on 05/21/2012

I like drawing them any way possible....cheers now!

Elaine on 05/21/2012

this is AWESOME thanks for the the "pictures" . I have a silly you have a hard time drawing your skulls facing left or right? I find it's easier when they face to the left. I do however practice drawing them facing to the right....i'm right handed and i WAS lefty when i was younger but .......anyway i was just curious.

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