How To Draw Zombies Easily With Drawing Video Tutorials

by onepagearticles

How to draw zombies and ideas for rotting zombies by artist Wayne Tully through drawing videos which demonstrate some possible ideas to sketch out.

Learn To Draw Zombies Through Sketching

Draw Zombie Creatures Of The Undead

Drawing Zombies can be an idea if you are thinking of something to try and draw, but also for inspiration purposes I've laid out several different videos that deal with drawing figures and the heads of Zombies just to vary the ideas slightly and give some motivations to draw some cool rotting Zombies. First of all, all you will need is a pencil and paper and that's it as we are dealing with the process of sketching and drawing in pencil to relay our ideas onto paper and so with the specialist art equipment out of the way we can start to sketch down some ideas and what better way to do that than with a video of drawing the figure of a Zombie.

I like to draw the curve of the spne first as this gives me a basis to draw the figure and then it's a case of adding in a rough oval shape for the head and then marking in the arms and the rest of the body including the legs. Note in the video I draw very light and sketchy in this process because you'll find that exploring your way through a sketch is the best way to draw and this is what I did. Once you have an idea you are happy with, you can start to press harder on the pencil and clear up those pencil lines more.

The pencil I used is called a Popper pencil, they are simple disposable pencils that have sharpened lead plastic points that can be replaced as you use each one and they are great as there is no need to sharpen them and when you've used all the lead points you can use them to store mechanical lead refills as I have done or fill them with paint to blow paint on your artwork (An experimental way of painting that sounds fun!)

Once the Zombies figure has been decided just add the required shading and you have a workable pencil drawing that you can go on to ink and color as you wish. Watch the video and be inspired to draw some Zombies!

Draw Zombie Figures

Sketching Zombie Art

Drawing The Top Torso Of A Zombie

Drawing Zombies

Sometimes when sketching Zombies you'll find that drawing the top half works quite well too as you can make your drawing more dramatic like in the following video in which I tried to draw a Zombie emerging from a hole in the ground which could possibly be a grave and the idea works.

Additionally when you only draw the top half of a Zombie you can sketch in the entrails too like it's been ripped in half which can be fun drawing all of the intestines and rotted flesh dragging behind. I didn't do this in the video but it's an idea to sketch for another time.

Draw A Rotten Zombie

Drawing The Undead

Time To Draw Some Zombie Head Sketches

Draw Zombie Heads

Sketching some Zombie heads now you can really add personality to each Zombie head that you draw, some can have hair, others can be bald or even be completely scalped or burnt. The sky's the limit with drawing and sketching Zombie heads and faces. Take a look at some of the following art videos I prepared as you can gain some unique insight and inspiration to draw your own Zombie heads any way you want.

Quick Drawing A Zombies Head

Sketch A Zombie Head

Drawing A Detailed Zombie Head

Pencil Drawing A Zombie Face

Inking A Zombies Face

Adding Inkwork Over The Zombie Head Pencil Drawing

Burnt Zombie Head

Zombie Head Art Gift

Ink That Twisted Zombie Face Drawing

Draw Zombie Head

How To Draw A Zombie Head

Drawing A Zombie Face With Missing Bottom Jaw

How To Draw Zombies Further Reading

Draw Zombies Inspirational Art Books
How to Draw Zombies: Discover the secrets to drawing, painting, and illustrating the undead (Fant...

Walter Foster Publishing  / $7.62  $101.47
Zombie Coloring Book For Adults: 50+ Creepy Illustrations of the Undead For The Fearless Colorist...

Independently published  / Only $7.99
Updated: 01/25/2012, onepagearticles
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How To Draw Zombies

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DerdriuMarriner on 12/04/2023

The first subheading, Learn To Draw Zombies Through Sketching Draw Zombie Creatures Of The Undead, ends explaining popper pencils as "simple disposable pencils that have sharpened lead plastic points that can be replaced as you use each one and they are great as there is no need to sharpen them and when you've used all the lead points you can use them to store mechanical lead refills as I have done or fill them with paint to blow paint on your artwork (An experimental way of painting that sounds fun!)"

Might you have time in your schedule for a paint-blowing tutorial?

onepagearticles on 04/30/2012

Nice one. Glad it could help somewhat!

Wizmaster on 04/30/2012

Interesting tutorials. Even me, who cannot draw anything manage to create a good looking zombie face :).

onepagearticles on 01/25/2012

Lol! Thanks. Sometimes I worry myself. Might try and draw something nice next time, after my upcoming Monster drawing tutorial and sketching more Zombies however....

lakeerieartists on 01/25/2012

This is an excellent tutorial, but sometimes I worry about you, Wayne. ;)

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