Do you love books? If you do, one of the best places to get a huge range of them is a book fest, which is basically short for book festival.
A book fest is basically a huge sale set up specifically to sell large amounts of second hand books in every genre imaginable.
In my local area a book fest is run each year by a local charity. They transport books from hundreds of their charity thrift shops to one gigantic shed for a wonderful two days of bookworm heaven.
Most years there are usually at least 100,000 books for sale at very low prices - with a special section set aside for high quality and newer books that have been given to charity.
Below you'll find some great tips to prepare for your big day out at the book fest and get the most variety for the best price.

How To Get The Best Books And The Best Prices At Bookfest
by wrylilt
Love scrounging through boxes at local bookfests? Here are some tips for making the most of your time and money!
Check the Days - Most book fests that run for more than a day usually put out new books on the second and third days. So if you miss out the first day, try on the second!
Plan Ahead - Decide how long you're going to stay and create a plan of attack. It'll be impossible to look at every single book title so make a list of particular genres or subjects you wish to look at, based on which is most important to you.
Team up - If you have some friends who love to read as much as you do and share similar interests, you can all share in the search. Each of you can write down particular favorite authors or books to look for and make a copy for each member of the team. You can also decide on which person should concentrate on which subject or area.
Start early - If you get in early, you'll have a better chance at getting the most popular books and authors, as well as better quality books.
Stay Late - At the end of the day, especially on the closing day, you'll find that prices are often cut drastically as book fest organizers try and get rid of as many books as possible before closing time. Often you can get a whole box of books for the price of a couple.
Skim - Don't spend too long on any one topic or section. Look at names and authors but try not to spend too long on a single book, since you might end up missing out on three more great books!
Save it for later - If you like the look of a book but aren't sure if you want it, throw it in your trolley or box. When you next take a break, sit down and have a closer read of those books and return the ones you don't want.
Compare - Most book fests have a high quality book section which contains good condition and often almost new volumes. If you spot a particular book that you want, see if you can have it held while you double check the main section of the book fest. Sometimes you'll be lucky and find the same book in almost the same condition for a much lower price.
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Book fests over here focus on new releases. Of course, publishing houses bring older releases as well, but everybody lines up to get the new books, to hear authors speak, etc.