I never imagined the human body could malfunction to such a degree and yet all the while I live and breathe within it! My pregnancy hung in the balance.
Making a choice to become a stay home parent is often the hardest of all choices. It's not often in life when you just say no to work. I was a driven professional who thought I could not get pregnant.
I know, you've heard that before. Yes you guessed it I became pregnant and was in shock for a long long while. It was very hard for me to shift my thinking from successful working professional to MOM. I was clueless! Be warned it can happen to the most career oriented type A personalities, yes you too could become a stay home Mom. Read on the hear my real life story.
Chat about stay home Mom's verses working Moms.
katiem2, Is your online writing in the areas and on the subjects that you imagined in your closet writer days?
Thanks Mira
Great article, Katie! :-)
Sandy, I understand how that feels. Both stay home or working parents are good for a growing child. Rest assured you did what was right for your family. :)
I stayed home with my daughter the first nine months of her life. She was chronically colic and didn't think a babysitter could handle her. Then when I did go back to work, I felt like what if I miss the first time she talks or walks. It was hard at first and I do wish that I could of stayed home for her.
Scott, Thanks for sharing your real life experience being a stay home Dad, many Dad's are deciding to stay home with their kids. :)
I stayed home with my daughter when my wife went back to work, she made more money at the time and while we both planned to work after our first child was born we just couldn't pass her off to a baby sister while she was so little and fragile, I didn't want to miss a moment. It was hard for us to adjust to a tighter budget and yet the distraction of our pleasant little bundle of joy kept us distracted from life as we once knew it. Great helpful web site, so glad you and your baby were both okay.
koffeeklatchgals, Thanks for adding your real life experience with supplementing your income writing. Always good to hear from those who make it work for them. :)