You no doubt are here because you too have mixed Maca with everything you can think of only to leave it hidden in the freezer or the back of your pantry. It is torture knowing the many benefits yet not being able to stomach the taste. I can relate, no matter what I mixed Maca with I could not stomach it, until one day, I stumbled upon something that both mask the flavor and made it taste good. All the wonderful stories you have heard about the magnificent benefits of this natural root are true. I can attest to the increased energy, added muscle mass and the relief of symptoms due to hormonal imbalance.

How to Make Maca Taste Good
by katiem2
Make Maca taste good with two low calorie ingredients amp up the benefits such as; increase energy, hormone balance, menopause relief, muscle gain, enhance fertility etc.
What Maca Did for Me
The Loss of My Thyroid
A Health Emergency - The results of a biopsy lead to the surgical removal of my thyroid. I had no idea how vital this little butterfly shaped organ was until I lost mine. I had zero energy, was angry, cranky and in pain. My amazing 14 year old (at the time) daughter who studies everything medical, researched to find a cure. She found Maca and it changed my life.

Tasty Maca Drink
How to Make Maca Powder into a Tasty Drink
Prep time 1 min - Total time 1 min - 48 cal/serv
Ingredients for 1 serving
Organic Maca Powder • Emergen-C • Trader Joe's 100% Pure Juice • 1 ounce water • sports bottle
Mix and Shake
Combine 1 ounce water, 1 teaspoon maca powder, 1 ounce pure cranberry juice, and one packet of Super Orange or Blueberry Acai Emergen-C powder into a sports bottle and shake vigorously and enjoy your tasty maca. Watch my video below to see me do it first hand.
How to Make Maca Taste Good by katiem2
What is Maca
Maca is a root plant producing leaves
Maca is similar in size and appearance to a radish.
The plant originates in the Peruvian Andes and grows in a higher altitude than any other crop known in the world. It thrives in extremely rocky soil other vegetation would not survive.
Maca survives the extreme climate of the Andes such as intense freezing temperatures, sunlight and wind.
It is the root of the plant originally found to increase the energy, fertility, and stamina of the indigenous people living in the region.
Benefits of Maca
Note: Studies revealed maca key to surviving the extreme conditions of the Andes Mountains.
Maca offers other health benefits see the list below
Maca's Healthful Benefits
- Enhanced Fertility and Libido
- Reduced Menopause Symptoms
- Balance Hormonal Irregularities
- Relieves Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Alleviated Depression
- Anxiety and Stress
- Increased Circulation reducing Anemia and increasing time to Heal Wounds
- Improved Memory
- Learning and Mental Ability
- Improved Skin Conditions and Appearance
- Healthy Teeth and Gums
What Maca Did for Me
Maca Supported Loss of Thyroid Function for Me
I myself sought out maca to solve my personal health issues. I developed the symptoms of thyroid cancer and yet at the time had no idea what I was experiencing pointed to this disease. My general MD referred me to an endocrinologist who found a lump upon her first exam. I felt careless not having noticed it myself.
Why I Need Maca
The tests that followed were radiation treatments, and surgery to remove my thyroid. In the end, I developed hypothyroidism a condition in which the thyroid gland no longer produces the important hormones needed for energy, metabolism, heart health, bone health and more.
In short, the lack of a thyroid robs the body of its ability to supply the vital hormones responsible for so many functions. I began the balancing act of the prescription drug levothyroxine, a drug intended to replace the natural function of the thyroid.
While replacement therapy helps those suffering from the natural progression of thyroid disease, there are those like me who experience a sudden shock to the system after having the thyroid surgically removed. I did not experience a slow decline in thyroid function, it was as if someone pulled the battery pack from my body replacing it with a much weaker model. Long story short it was not until I found Maca that I felt alive again. Maca did what medication could not.
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Maca Chat about How to Make Maca Taste Good
DerdriuMarriner, lol thanks, I noticed my nails after the video, thought I needed a manicure and then thought meh keep it real..
katiem2, Thank you for the information and hope that all's well. Blueberry, cranberry and orange can make just about anything swallowable!
P.S. Great fingernail polish in the video.
Veronica, Thank You VERY much and may your 2017 be remarkable
You give so much support, understanding and positivity to everyone on here Katie. It's pay back time. Please be well.
Veronica, Thanks for the positive thought, much appreciated.
Oh Katie you poor love. What a worrying and difficult time you had there.
TY for the tip off about Maca.
I am sending you lots of positive thoughts across the cyber. You are a remarkable and brave lady and a fine example to us all.
frankbeswick, yes indeed as we age, eat unhealthy or stress our bodies and many other things our systems can benefit from the aid of maca as it would many other of natures remedies in a positive manner. Maca is a wonderful measure to provide the body greater health and wellbeing.
This sounds interesting. Is it a plant product that could be usefully taken by those of us who have no ailments, save in my case being somewhat past my physical prime?
I didn't know about maca. Your daughter is a wonderful person to have looked for a remedy for you, and how wonderful, too, that she found one. I'm glad you're feeling well and energetic again. Pinning on one of my Health & Nutrition boards.
It is really great info for the individuals on Maca. Nice post, keep posting :)