Vitamin E - The Powerful Vitamin All Women Should Be Taking

by katiem2

Vitamin E is the powerful vitamin all women should be taking as there are many health benefits that can change your life for the better. Learn why you should add vitamin E now.

A good Vitamin E supplement can improve how you feel both physically and mentally. Now, when's the last time that happened with just one little added nutrient? Vitamin E is a vital supplement all women should take regularly. In fact both sexes benefit from this amazing supplement.

Often times we get aches and pains expecting a trip to the doctor may be in order. Most often our body is telling us it needs something and that something is essential vitamins. Many women who experience breast tenderness can begin taking vitamin e and note quick and complete relief in no time. We forget about many things during the course of a busy day however the power of vitamin e is a thing to remember.

Natural Sources of Vitamin E

There are many great and tasty food sources for vitamin E as for most vitamins.

 Vitamin E is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, which is vital as you age.There is also ever growing evidence that it's a preventative against cancer, and for the treatment of benign breast lumps. Vitamin E also relieves breast tenderness.

If you don't get enough in your daily intake it is then important to take a 400 to 800 I.U. supplement daily. I take 800, yet either dose will give you enough protection against the harm created by free radicals.

The Natural Sources of Vitamin E

1)            Raw Almonds

2)            Cashews

3)            Corn Oil

4)            Hazel Nuts

5)            Olive Oil

6)            Safflower Oil

7)            Sesame Oil

8)            Walnuts

9)            Wheat Germ

Vitamin E Relieves Stress

Vitamin E has stress reducing powers that can calm and soothe the nerves.

The last but not the least attribute of Vitamin E is its stress reducing power. Anytime I'm feeling a bit stressed, or shall we say, less than nice, I think, "have I taken my E"? Most often I haven't taken vitamin E, I do and then all is well again. So do remember this all important Vitamin and enjoy feeling better.

Vitamin E For Skin Care

Vitamin E oil has proven itself to be a great treatment for skin care.

Vitamin E oil is great for reducing the appearance of scars, lines and age related spots.

Simply apply a small amount of vitamin e oil onto clean skin.

It's is great for moisturizing and improving the overall quality of the skin. 

Vitamin E oil nourishes the skin creating better cellular repair and maintenance.

It is a great anti aging treatment so good for the skin it reflects a much better glow and appearance.

It also makes for a great cuticle treatment.

The uses go on and on, vitamin e oil is definitely an oil women should always have on hand.

Updated: 05/15/2013, katiem2
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Vitamin E - The Powerful Vitamin All Women Should Be Taking

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katiem2 on 06/07/2017

frankbeswick, True, women need vitamin E very much so.

frankbeswick on 06/07/2017

While well informed men know that we need Vitamin E, it was important to remind women that they need it as well.

katiem2 on 06/07/2017

DerdriuMarriner it softens the hard and dry cuticle softening it so that it is more easily removed and or exfoliated. Plus it is healing to the skin, many times when giving or getting a manicure scratching or small cuts occur, vit e helps soothe and heal.

DerdriuMarriner on 05/30/2017

katiem2, What is involved in vitamin E as a cuticle treatment?

katiem2 on 01/02/2013

Lilly, Good point!

Lilly on 12/25/2012

So true vitamin e works like valume for me to beat stress quickly...

katiem2 on 11/29/2012

CherlysArt, Good take your vitamin E daily for over all good health. You'll feel so much better. :)

CherylsArt on 11/28/2012

Thanks for the reminder. I had some Vitamin E sitting on the counter.

katiem2 on 11/23/2012

Mira, both walnuts and almonds are super foods good choices. :)

Mira on 11/23/2012

Vitamin E is pretty cool. I try to have almonds and walnuts almost daily (walnuts also have omega-3 fatty acids). I also happen to like almonds and walnuts. :)

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