Breaking news, intimacy is great therapy for patients having suffered a heart attack. More and more we come to realize the healthful benefits of Intimacy. The rewards and healthful benefits of intimacy are countless. This information is to help you understand what you need is truly within reach. You're equipped with everything needed to meet your deepest desires; you just need a little training. Regardless if you're in a relationship that needs a little spark or looking to develop a new and exciting experience you're about to start on a quest for the best in healthy intimacy

The Benefits of Adult Love and Intimacy
by katiem2
Learn the health benefits of adult intimacy. Increase the pleasure in your relationship and improve your over all health.
The Benefits of Love and Intimacy
It is both good for our health and mental well being to be intimately connected to another.
Love and Intimacy are basic human needs and yet all too often left by the wayside leaving us without the human contact we so badly crave. Loving touch is vital to our well-being. We understand the importance of hugging and appreciating our children, yet often mindlessly leave adult needs unattended. Intimacy is the bond building for better relationships with more meaningful connections.
Although our busy lives often leave us little time to nurture these basic needs love is vital to good health. All we need is love; without it, life becomes dull and often meaningless.
The Benefits of Intimate Contact
- All too often we categorize ourselves, we remove intimacy from our identity which makes it a thing we do, not what we are, and therefore tend to put up walls or boundaries to our deepest desires denying the best experience possible.
- These deep intense desires we bury or hide are who we are and impact all areas of our lives; mind, body, and soul. Take time to allow yourself to think about and imagine what your desires are and how tapping into these connections can open up entirely new and exciting possibilities.
- Turn your attention inward thinking about what you want and like giving yourself permission to think about anything that feels sensual, open your mind up to connections hardwired into each of us physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Let yourself go without judgment openly sharing with your partner.
Why Intimacy is Important
Intimacy is important for adult relationships to grow and maintain a deep loving bond.
Love is a powerful tool that helps us to soar and excel in life. When others have a big test, game, or event at which their best achievement is desired we love them, encourage them, and build them up to succeed.
The Power or Love
The loving connection between two people is theraputic.
We, adults, need a similar uplifting factor in our lives to achieve our best at the many tasks we face day in and out. It is our intimate partners who are our biggest cheerleaders. Embrace this again in your life.
Love Making is a potent tool for creating this quality in our lives. Talking and sharing with your partner will open your eyes to the many desires you've yet to experience or those you once cherished which will have you back in the game and reaping many healthful benefits. Everything we do well in life is due to something we've learned. We study to learn, we practice to achieve, and work hard to be at the top of our game. Work on your most intimate relationships with your partner and bring back the intense fire to your love life.
Relationship Bonding
Long term relationships build strong intimate bonds.
Lovemaking is as simple as holding your lover's hand, lovingly touching their face, arm or shoulder.
Human contact such as hugging is love making, our partners need all the many gestures of love that actually lead up to intimate moments. Bringing simple loving gestures back into your relationship will warm you both and before you know it you'll be feeling deep and more intense desire. Hold your lover's hand today, hug them for no reason, and be prepared for more love to come your way.
Eliminating Stress
We often get overloaded with the demands of life and stress needing a release we tend to overeat, work excessively, and on and on the list goes. We're designed to experience and enjoy physical contact with our mates providing stress relief and relaxation.
It's a basic vital need that will help you achieve a very restful night, and vitality for life that gets you up and ready to conquer the day or possibly the world.
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Chat about healthy adult romance and relationships
Angel, Good for you, the most important component is knowing the vital need for adult intimacy and working it in as time allows, don't forget to hold hands, hug and give each other those much needed pecks on the cheek. Thanks for stopping by.
AMEN sister. I love those intimate times with my husband. Unfortunately with four kids we don't get that chance very often. We cherish it when we do have the chance. Great article.