How To Realise Your Full Potential

by DrKevin

I truly believe that the majority of people will "depart their mortal coil" without having achieved anywhere near the potential they are capable of. Isn't that just so sad.

The potential to have more, be more and do more with your life is certainly within your grasp. However, this potential is very often squeezed right out of us by so called well-meaning friends, family, teachers, peers and often by people we don't even know.

These people are often referred to as "dream stealers". Does this not sound familiar when your best friend says? "Don't be crazy that would be impossible", or “You aren't smart enough to do that", or "That would cost way too much money" and the list could go on and on.

This leads to us actually believing that achieving our dreams and desires is simply out of our reach and we actually begin to rationalise why it would not be possible to achieve our potential, realise our dreams and live the life we truly desire and deserve.


With this we begin to "bonsai" ourselves. A bonsai tree is a tree that has the potential to be huge, but that is clipped in order to keep it small. We do this to ourselves and we allow others to do it to us as well.


For many of us, our negative self talk voice booms much louder in our ears then out positive, affirmative talk. "I'm not smart enough to do that", "I have failed too many times to try again",  "I’m too overweight to be given that opportunity", "No one from my community is ever achieved that" and again the list could go on and on.


Here are three tips to prevent this from happening.


Number one – VISION


It is so im portant for us to have dreams. Many of us have lost the ability to dream like we used to when we were kids. As an eight, nine or 10-year-old it seems totally natural to dream of being a fighter pilot, a fireman or a movie star. By 18 or 19, for most of us, these dreams have been totally dashed.


My challenge to you is to start dreaming again. Dream with zero boundaries; allow your mind to fly to the highest heights; do not "bonsai" yourself or let anyone "steal your dream".


This book by Rollan A Roberts will definitely set you on your way to understanding the importance  of, and, "how" to dream.


Number two – BELIEF


 All too often we start the process with the best intentions only to be derailed by "weak belief". As is often said, the biggest cause of failure is simply quitting too soon.


The world we live in today is one of instant gratification. However, when it comes to our dreams this process can often take a little longer! I truly encourage you to "hang in", keep striving and do not let anything get in your way. In the words of Dr Wayne Dyer, "it is possible to manifest your destiny". Please read this book by Dr Dyer to help you on your way.




Number three – PASSION


I am of the belief that nothing really worthwhile in life can ever happen without "Passion". What does passion actually mean?


Well, essentially, it means that you will maintain, with a burning, unstoppable desire your determination to succeed and realise your dream(s). You will not be derailed by the first obstacle that presents itself, and believe me, present themselves they will . You will associate with people and things that will fuel your desire to succeed and you will stick to it with unrelenting purpose.


And, as a final note, remember that life is a journey, not a destination. You may have to adjust your course along the way, but that is part of the enjoyment, learning and growth process that will come with reaching your ultimate dream.

Updated: 04/29/2014, DrKevin
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