How To Turn Content Into Cash

by katiem2

How to use your written online content to create fresh new products, books, and courses.

Do you have old content lying around the web that isn’t earning money? You have options!
The ability to create content is a beautiful gift, and If you can do it, you have leverage. You can recycle old content in many lucrative and fulfilling ways.

In this article, I’ll share how I’ve recycled old content by converting it into two books I feel really good about. I’ve also created some online mastermind courses. Now, I’m in no way suggesting you remove your content. I’m sharing how to use it to launch something bigger and better.

I’m finally doing what I’ve been thinking of for so long: sharing what I’ve learned with those who know they’re meant for more—YOU!

I intend to present what I feel to be the most helpful information to help you breathe life into your old online content and renew your belief in something more.

What You Will Learn

Tools of the Online Trade

There are far more online tools and resources than any successful content provider, writer, vlogger, or social media influencer needs.

The variety of online tools can distract you from succeeding. Pick one that will be of most use to you and that you can get excited about.

Stick with it until you both master it and put it to good use. I'm sharing the tools I frequently use, those I couldn't live without.

While I use them routinely, I do not feel you must, either. In the spirit of authenticity, I encourage you to be true to yourself and follow your passion. I also have tips for identifying your passion.

  • KDP – Kindle Direct Publishing
  • Canva – Graphic Designs
  • PowerPoint – Slide Shows
  • Screencast-O-Matic - Screen Recorder & Video Editor
  • Microphone -My pick for quality sound and ease of use while eliminating background noise.

I've found many tips and tricks to streamline the entire process of creating good content.

Small Things

Be You!


As content providers and writers, we tend to get lost down the rabbit hole seeking fresh ideas. The problem is that anytime you veer away from what excites you, there's a risk you will bore potential long-term followers. Bored people don't tend to return.

After years of writers like us trying to compete by producing content in volume, we've lost something those searching the web crave most: authenticity.

SO be AUTHENTIC, it will shine through and attract followers which will one day become raving fans.

Decide who you are and the message you deliver, and stick to that. Volume is good, yet it is relevant content created with passion that attracts followers and raving fans.

I created my book covers using canva, it's a lot of fun.

KDP - Kindle Direct Publilshing

First write the book...

The first book I wrote, The Power Of NO!, was based on recycled content. To your right, you can see the graphics I created using Canva for the book covers. 

I first blogged about how to say no long ago.  I felt passionate about the topic at the time and do even more today  When you feel passionate about something, you put your heart and soul into it, and people respond. 

Many people struggle with the inability to say no. Far too many of us become burnt out and tired of tasks we dread as soon as the habitual yes falls from our mouths.

Yes, it is a knee-jerk reaction that corners many in situations they have zero interest in doing. Aside from their lack of interest, they should not take on tasks or busy work that does not serve their true abilities and interests or those who can benefit from their best. Yeah, I know that's a mouthful, but it's important.

All this busy work gobbles up their time, frustrates them to no end, and causes mental and physical stress, none of which is good. Not only that, but it also causes resentment and prevents those who can't say no from living their best lives.


I use old articles I've written as motivation. I copy the articles into a Word document and break the content into sections that can stand independently, making for a solid book chapter.

I expand on the ideas, edit the articles beyond recognition, and improve the content. I use what I wrote years ago to inspire new content that soon becomes over 20,000 words in the first book and over 45,000 in the second.

TIPS: Take your time writing the book and then learn how to use KDP or the other way around, whichever works best for you. I advise you to avoid attempting both at once; this can cause frustration, and you don't want that. If you complete the book and are happy with it, you will be more motivated to get it through the KDP process. Like learning anything, it gets easier the more you do it.


KDP - Kindle Direct Publishing

Follow the KDP publishing guidelines and take advantage of the many tutorial videos they offer. They provide both written and video guides, but I prefer the videos. The book formatting is crucial, but not to fret. There are also videos on YouTube that can easily guide you through the process. You have two learning options. Check out both and use what works best for you. Don't get frustrated with a process; instead, find one you understand. Reach out for help here by leaving questions in the comments section.

TIP—I find it best to work on one chapter at a time, perfecting and editing it just as you would a single article before moving on to the next chapter.

Canva – Graphic Designs

I love Canva and use it for everything.

There is a free version of Canva. I suggest you use it until or if you later decide you want to expand your use of this tool. Don't let anything not included in the free version deter you from taking advantage of Canva. Remember, less is more. I find I use the free items as much as the pro.

Good graphics add greater marketing power and a professional edge to your online content.

For example, quotes come to me often. I use Canva to make my quotes stand out and have a more significant impact. I've added several quotes throughout this page as examples and to uplift and inspire.

Canva is great for creating images to support your online posts. Images grab the reader, so include exciting images.

You can design graphics for just about anything you create. 

Now, Canva has a lot of tricks up its sleeve. There is a learning curve. I encourage you to search YouTube for how-to-use Canvas tutorials. There are many great videos. 

The most important thing is to select someone you can relate to or who teaches in a manner conducive to your optimal learning.

Remember to create a section for learning tools so you don't lose those precious videos that work for you. I revisited videos several times along my learning journey.

I'm confident you're going to love Canva.

Have fun, and enjoy adding your flair to all you create.

Katie's Quotes
Katie's Quotes
Find Yourself
Find Yourself


2024 UPDATE: I Now Use Canva and When Creating Videos

I love PowerPoint and use it for all my videos.

You no doubt teach or impart information and knowledge to your readers. I’ve found it better to create slide shows with both images and written content to cover each style of learning.

I rarely include my floating head in the corner. I’m only joking, a bit of video humor.  You can include a frame of yourself in videos, it’s a matter of preference.

The most important thing is that you create videos. Why? Because videos convert higher than written content alone. Yes as a society we’ve evolved and or changed given the advancements and changes in the online delivery of information.

I use Canva to create images for my videos and I also use free images from pixaby. Once I build the PowerPoint slides I record the video using Screencast-O-Matic.  I like it for its ease of use and love the easy edit features.

Again, I’ve been using these tools for a while. Those of us who've been doing something for a while sometimes forget what it was like to learn from scratch. There is a learning curve. Take your time to get the hang of it all. Remember, learn one new skill at a time, don’t try to juggle. Don’t beat yourself up for not learning it the first time. If when watching a video tutorial on YouTube you feel lost or confused, look for a different teacher. It is often the teacher's style that doesn't work for you, not that you cant learn how. 

I once used my laptop microphone but it was difficult and timely because I had to be in a quiet environment which was hard. There were a lot of things that interfered with my recordings. The microphone I will share with you later is a dynamic mic that only picks up the sound directly in front of it.

I now record my videos using the dynamic mic. The television can be on in the other room and the mic only pics up my voice. It is WAY easier than the laptop mic and the quality is amazing.

I’ve added a video I recorded using PowerPoint, Screencast-o-matic, and a dynamic mic plus one I created using only my laptop for comparison.

video using laptop mic

Video using dynamic mic

Screencast-O-Matic Screen Recorder

2024 Update: I Now Use Canva and or Capcut When Creating Videos

Screencast-O-Matic is my favorite screen recording video tool. It is easy to use, and the edit feature is very handy.

Before recording, check the record options, as seen in the black popup screen below. This can be accessed by clicking the tool icon, also known as the blue gear.

When first viewing the black popup setup screen, you will see the record option, which shows three choices: 1. screen, 2. webcam, or 3. both. Select one to choose the area you want to record.

The first choice is a screen that provides an adjustable frame you can customize to include the specific area you want to share in your videos. It works like a cropping tool.

Webcam records you.

Both options record your computer screen and you.

I use the screen view in all my videos. I adjust the size to record my PowerPoint slide presentation with my voice as narrator, teacher, and guide.

This is also where you select time; I opt for none.

Size is the next option. I leave this at the default, which is determined by the area you select to record.

Narration is the next option. This is where you click to choose the mic you want. Be sure to test the mic. The default mic will be your laptop mic or what you currently use as your primary mic.

The dynamic mic I use is a simple USB plug-and-play device. Use the test portion of the setup to select your mic and test it.

Computer audio allows you to include computer sounds, etc.

Below the black popup box, you will see four features: record, tool, edit, and erase. The record is the red circle. The blue gear is the tool option, the path to the black popup I described earlier. The pencil is the edit feature, and the final option is the cancel action button.

Take your time and practice learning the varying options on Screencast-O-Matic. Allow yourself time to learn.



Pro Tip:  Don't try to power through a video from start to finish. It is stressful. Mistakes can be made, and there is no need for this when using the Screencast-O-Matic screen recorder.

During record time, you can pause to stop the video. When you begin again, you will see a countdown from 1 to 3. The countdown will not be seen on the actual recording; it resumes recording after the countdown reaches 3.

Once you've finished recording a video, the edit option becomes available. You want to make sure you take this screenshot. While in edit mode, you can listen to the video, add music, and delete any sections that need to be removed.

This is crucial because if you mess up while recording, there is no need to start over again. Simply pause, allowing a few seconds of silent recording. This creates a flat line and marks the spot you want to delete.

When you're finished editing, name the file and save it. You have two save options: save to SCOM or your computer file. I prefer my computer, but you can do both.

screen recorder
screen recorder


I use the Samson Q2U Recording and Podcasting Pack as seen to your right. It includes a dynamic microphone with a cardioid pickup pattern. It's designed to capture vocals while rejecting ambient sound around the mic.

This is SO very important to me because I work at home and live in the suburbs. I have three dogs, one cat, and lots going on outside. I get deliveries who ring the doorbell. As you can imagine, there is a lot of noise in my environment.  This mic eliminates the stress I experienced in the past while recording videos. I can now record in a fraction of the time.

Before, I had to hide away and close myself off in my upstairs office. I prefer to be in the middle of all the action and see everything going on around the house inside and out. With this mic, I can record using my laptop at the dining room table if I choose. I choose to do so a lot. This mic takes the stress out of creating videos, which I’m not very good at. So, I need all the help I can get.

This mic also has the simple connect and create feature. Simply connect either the XLR output to a mixer, recorder, or PA system or use the USB option directly to your computer. No drivers or installation are required. I use the USB option; it is just so easy.

There is also built-in headphone monitoring. You can plug your headset directly into the mic to listen while you record or edit. The headphone output comes with a level control to monitor your performance.

Accessories included are a mic clip, desktop tripod stand, windscreen, XLR cable, and USB cable.

NOTE: create a safe space for your mic when not in use. I store mine in a cabinet only I use for work, where it won’t be disturbed.

The Microphone I Use

Yeti Microphone

This is the more expensive Yeti mic I 've heard so much about. I think it's top heavy and the stand is akward. It is for this reason I passed on it.

How To Write a Book Using Old Content

The second book I wrote is one near and dear to my heart. Both books are, it’s akin to picking your favorite child, who can?

I've been helping people transform their lives for years now. I enjoyed many years of face-to-face sessions helping those who believe they were meant for more sort it all out and make it happen. I’m a transformation coach.

During the pandemic I could no longer meet face to face with those I typically helped. I had to shift my paradigm.

I began Zoom meetings, and before long, I was having group sessions. Together, we formed a beta group that helped me sort out the best content for the books. Long story short, I used the help of my beta group to design two mastermind courses and the books.  Creating The Life You Crave By Becoming The Creator Of Your Happiness and Success is below and contains around 47,000 words. Not bad for repurposed material.


Updated: 06/03/2024, katiem2
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katiem2 on 10/12/2022

Holistic_Health Creating videos can be helpful in many was. I dabble in it but keep learning and doing more.

katiem2 on 10/12/2022

Thanks Mike, As always your input is appreciated.

Holistic_Health on 09/16/2022

I'm enjoying the discussion between you and @teddletonmr. Makes me want to look into video editing apps.

teddletonmr on 12/17/2021

Katie, I completely understand not using apple devices. There are a couple of really good video editing apps available for windows and android devices of which I am sure you are aware.
Thanks for everything you do, make it a great day and a prosperous new year.

katiem2 on 12/17/2021

teddletonmr, I'm not an apple or Mac user. I really should get a VA for video mastering. Maybe I will and yet I'd rather do it myself. We shall see. My winter hobby is making low content books under a pen name. I make blank cook books, sketch books and varying activity and puzzle books. I feel the need to mix it up a bit after writing high volume books and courses. I plan to add restructuring, or more to the point, revamping my YouTube channel this winter after the holidays I look forward to more videos from you. Vision changes are something most all of us struggle with as we age etc. You videos can help many.

teddletonmr on 12/14/2021

Hi Katie, my youtube intro? Recorded on my iMac webcam, editing using the Final cut pro app on the mac. I have updated my gear a bit since recording that particular video. I am considering a redo.
Start to finish, recording, and publishing the intro took 1-day. Overcoming low vision challenges and all that takes me a bit more time.
The final cut pro app on the mac makes it easy to edit B-roll and audio.

katiem2 on 12/14/2021

teddetonmr, Great to hear from you, Mike. As always I appreciate your input. I've watched many of your videos. How did you create your video introductions? I'd like to improve my video library on YouTube which is seriously lacking. It's a matter of time. I need to put the time into it to do better. All your helpful tips and comments are always welcomed.

teddletonmr on 12/12/2021

Hi Katie, I enjoyed reading this information packed article. I devil in video creation my self. Where I use Apple devices for video recording and editing, I do use free Version of Canva.
My graphic design skills do not require the added features of the expensive paid pro Version.
As for audio recording I use several external mics. The USD Blue Yeti with including table top mic stand is as you say, heavy, Additionally, the table stand picks up keyboard clicks along with the noise generated by fingers tapping. When the mic stand is sitting on the dining table I use as my work station. For that and other reason I use a professional floor style mic stand that allows me position the blue yeti and other mics just out of frame.
I also use my reflections of previously published articles for inspiration. When drilling down on relevant content as reflected by the analytics.
Make it a great, break a pencil.

katiem2 on 11/21/2021

DerdriuMarriner, I find it best to approach content with an all inclusive learning style as much as possible and what time allows. The book covers are a done deal now. I personally have to sensor myself when it comes to artistic exspression. I could go on and on changing and or adding to my work. There comes a time when i must decide a protect is complete for the sake of production. I rescue pit bulls. My cat, jellybean, is friends with the dogs and happy to be the queen. Good to hear from you and I appreciate your input.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/20/2021

katiem2, Thank you for plenteous product lines, practical information and pretty pictures.
Does it reinforce the learning curve to work from both the videos and the written guides? I like them both but always like to support books and writing (perhaps from having read Fahrenheit 451 and We).
It's really telling, the difference between the dynamic and the laptop mics.
Especially, I like all your sample covers and quotes although I guess if push comes to shove I'd put the cover to Creating the life you crave just a nano-bit ahead of the take your life back cover (or would I?).
In particular, I also like all the precautions that you include, such as about the mic, since sometimes I leave out for convenience what really needs not to be in plain sight.
In another but perhaps related, perhaps not, direction, what breeds are your cat and dogs? Does your sentient feline get lonely without other feline sentients, or is it like being an only child, with lots of attention from parents and relatives?

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