I Love Movies

by dmcgaw

I love to watch movies - let me tell you about my movie watching habits.

Watching movies is a pastime for many people. And movie tastes vary so much. I love movies of all genres. There's very few movies I won't watch once. Some movies I will watch many times over and over again though! I've watched some pretty bad movies in the past and I've watched some great ones. Read on to find out more about my movie watching adventures!

Chick Lit Books as Movies

A lot of people don't like to watch movies that are based on books because they are often very different from what they have read.  I think it depends on what you do first though - movie first, then book, or book first, then movie.  

Most of the time I do prefer to read the book before I see the movie because I think it gives me a more indepth understanding of the characters when I see the movie.  But it depends on how well the movie was put together, too.

I love reading chick lit books and then seeing the movie though. Chick lit is always such a relaxing read for me.  I don't have to think too much.  I just enjoy the story.  And I usually enjoy chick lit books that have been turned into movies just as much.

My all time favorite chick lit book that was turned into a movie is Eat, Pray, Love.  I read the book first and fell in love with it.  I didn't want it to end.  I was hesitant to watch the movie because I didn't know if it could possibly measure up to the book and to all they hype that it was getting in the media. But I should have known that Julia Roberts knows how to keep a movie strong.  I loved it in the end and I would read the book or watch the movie again in a heartbeat.

Read the Book or Watch the Movie

Eat Pray Love

Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) is a modern woman on a quest to marvel at and travel the world while rediscovering and reconnecting with her true inner self in Eat Pray Love. At a c...

$6.49  $1.89
Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

$6.22  $28.62
Pretty Woman
Pretty Woman
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Chick Flicks Rock!

Of course, any chick flick is good in my opinion.  My husband doesn't always agree with me but he's pretty good about it when I choose a chick flick for our movie night. 

I guess part of the reason I love chick flicks so much is because they are often such tear jerkers and there is nothing I love more than having a good cry at a movie.  I know - most people don't like to cry at movies but I love it.  There are some movies that have absolutely had me bawling!

Some of my favorite chick flicks are big time sobbers but I like the funny ones, too.  I love anything with Drew Barrymore in it like Ever After and The Charlie's Angels movies.  And Meg Ryan always does a great chick flick, too.  Who doesn't love Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, and You've Got Mail?  All movies that I could watch again and again!

What is your favorite kind of movie?

Comedy Movies

I think that most people love good comedy movies.  The difference is what people consider "good", right? 

My personal preference in comedy is ridiculously stupid. Yes, I love bad comedies.  I like the comedy movies that movie critics think are horrible!  If a movie critic says that the movie is not worth watching I'm pretty sure I'll love it.

For example, I love almost anything with Adam Sandler in it!  Yes, I'm an Adam Sandler junkie.  I admit it.  His worst movies are some of my favorites.  The Waterboy, Mr. Deeds, Billy Madison - they all make me laugh.  The ones I really loved though include 50 First Dates (Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore together is great!), Grown Ups, and Reign Over Me (one of his best). I think I've seen pretty much all of them.  I even saw Punch Drunk Love (and hated it!).

And then there are movies like Due Date, the Hangover and The Hangover II, Superbad (I love Seth Rogan, too), and Road Trip that no one will admit they liked if they are over 25.  Yes, I loved them.  Like I said, stupid comedies are what I love.

More Great Comedy Movies

Happy Accidents

Only $6.49
Definitely, Maybe

Only $3.79
Tower Heist

Only $3.99

Post Apocalyptic Movies

The movies I really love follow a post-apocalyptic theme.  I'm completely obsessed about this genre.

Needless to say I was eagerly anticipating the first movie of The Hunger Games.  I was waiting for it from the time they announced that they would be making a book based on the movies.  This is the one time that I was disappointed by a movie based on a book that I'd read first.  I knew that a lot was going to be missed out but the writing of the script seemed to leave the characters kind of flat and not really representative of who they really were.  It wasn't horrible - it just didn't live up to my expectations.

One of the post-apocalyptic movies that surprised me was The Book of Eli.  I had heard not great things about it but I loved it.

Right now I'm watching the Resident Evil movies.  So far I'm completely loving it!

Updated: 09/08/2012, dmcgaw
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