In A World Without Light
We step out into the world, hoping to soak up the freedom to do as we choose. And we do…but what does that really bring us in the end?
Physical Darkness
Can you imagine living in a world without light? Many who are blind do so on a daily basis. They have adjusted to this dark world of theirs, compensating for the darkness through touch and smell.
We have all stumbled through a dark room, stubbing our toe on the furniture and other objects, receiving a great deal of pain for our trouble.
It is amazing that we do this when all we needed was a quick flip of the wrist as we turned the switch of electricity on the wall to lighten our path.
However, this article is about a darkness far more ominous than anything you can experience from physical darkness.
Our World Is Changing
As we look around us at the changes in our world, what do we see?
Do we merely see the seasons or architecture? Do we observe fashions and the accepted lifestyles looming around us? Or, are we more conscious of our government, our homeless, abused children, crime, children having babies, excessive alcohol consumption of our youth…the list could go on and on.
Why do you think our world has become so corrupt? And, have you noticed how quickly these changes are taking place?
If you haven’t paid attention, it is time you did because our nation, the world as we know it, is losing ground and there is but one reason for this.
History Does Repeat Itself
Over the centuries, listed in our history books, time and time again, great nations have turned from their roots to find themselves overtaken by the same things the United States faces today.
The world operates on conformity. If we do not conform, the world will be against us…turn against itself. “To get along, you must go along.”
However, once we go along, it becomes the norm and life in the world becomes easier and easier.
Soon, we don’t notice anymore the changes caused by that conformity. Suddenly, we realize we have learned to accept that which we once knew to be wrong.
So much of what we see is totally against the basics most of us were taught as children because, as adults, we want to make our own choices.
Therefore, we step out into the world, hoping to soak up some of that freedom to do as we choose. And we do…but what does that really bring us in the end?
Take a good look at our country and you will see what this random, thoughtless action of ignoring consequences really brings to all of us.
What Path Do You Follow?
Our world walks in darkness, even in the bright light of day, because they have left behind the values set before them.
Our country was once great but they lived by values set for them over two hundred years ago.
Ours has become a country who does not want light because that light only comes from one source and to obtain that light, we must give up our own way and follow the path laid out before us.
"I Am The Way, The Truth..."
We have just celebrated Christmas. Christmas is the designated day when we celebrate the birth of Christ. He was born in a stable and died on the cross because he became
the light of a world…a world who did not want light. And yet, He is the light which guides our path.
As Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth, ye know Him, and have seen Him.”
John 14: 6-7
When the United States began to turn away from God, as it has been seen so many times before, we found ourselves sinking in our own corruption.
It Is Time!
There is one way back to the light we once found in this country and one way only. We must walk the path back to what our forefathers knew to be true.
The United States and it’s people will only survive if we once again follow His light and teach our children the way of the Lord.
Do you wish to continue to live in a world without light? Do you really want to experience such an existence and leave such an
to your children and grandchildren? Do you prefer to take the easy way and simply adjust to what you see there?
Or, do you want to reach for that switch and release God’s light on the world once again?
Take a good, hard look at our youth across the country…this is your legacy…only through God, can we make it right and relight our world of darkness.
It is time to take a stand before this is truly a world without light...without hope!
Allegiance To America, Under God
Reap Your Destiny
Our job, in this lifetime, is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out whom we already are and become it. If we are born to paint, it's our job to become a painter. If we are born to raise and nurture children, it's our job to become a mother. If we were born to overthrow the order of ignorance and injustice in the world, it's our job to realize it and get down to business. We need to discover our innate abilities and use them always in the way God directs.
Lasting Happiness
It is said, to make a man happy, you must, rather than add to his possessions, subtract from the sum of his desires. In other words, you must desire less and be happy with the things God has given you.
Laus Deo “Praise Be To God”
Our world, as we know it, is changing faster than most of us have the ability to keep up. In my sixty years, I have seen these changes, some which are amazing and others that worry me greatly. The loss of faith in God in America has made the most overwhelming changes both to our moral culture and our government.
Allegiance To America, Under God
When an American says he loves his country, he could be describing the rolling hills of the Carolinas or the flowing, unpredictable waters of our oceans. He could be telling us of the wide, rising plains of the mid west or the beautiful, majestic mountains of Virginia.
But more than this, he is saying he loves the very air and light of our great country. He loves the freedom it affords him to make his dreams come true, its very breath of self-respect, and its freedom of speaking his own mind.
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Comments Are Always Welcome!
Thank you!
Great article, beautiful pictures!
Good thoughts.
Thank you very much Rita...so very glad you enjoyed my article.
rthat os aweesome ugenia i loved it so much!!!!!!
I agree with you Dustytoes...her comment was definitely well thought out and well written. I know what the Bible tells us and I feel, too, that God is letting us know that the world is winding down. However, as you say, we still must keep trying. He gave us the command to spread the gospel in our own meager way.
I really do agree with you here. When we have no one to answer to, and therefore no consequences for our actions, we think we can do anything we want. I am disgusted at what I am seeing in the world today that is accepted as being just fine - TV is the worst. However, because of what the Bible says, I do not have much hope in it getting better. The world is winding down and we still have to try, but I don't see change for the better coming.
I am a Christian but I agree with what wisefool said about being "religious" causing (at times) more division. It is the one type of bigotry that is okay! Usually on a believer's page, like this one, I will find one, or more, mean and nasty comments from non-believers so it's refreshing to read wisefool's thoughtful, well-written comment.
Samantha, Thank you for your most eloquent rebuttal. :) Very nicely said! I have lived my whole life as a Christian and, I suppose, find it difficult to imagine not believing in the Lord Jesus Christ or depending on him to guide me. I, too, received good upbringing and was taught respect for all people. So, I do agree with you there. I think, when someone believes in God and what the Bible teaches us, they have a set of rules to live by, even when they were not afforded good parents. Of course, I grew up in the Bible Belt of South Carolina where parents were parents in the 50s and 60s. However, I received very valuable training within the walls of our church as well...these lessons have gone with me throughout my 61 years. I agree that we each have the right to our own opinion and I honor that. But I will pray, too, that you will come to know the Lord "someday" and be afforded you place in Heaven. Thank you, Samantha, for sharing your thoughts with me.
I enjoyed your article and I think you make some interesting points. I can't disagree that much of the world (not just the U.S.) is on a slippery slope, as successive generations become more unruly. However, personally, I'm not sure religion (or lack there of) can exclusively be cited as cause or, conversely, is the only way back into the light. I consider myself to be very moral and respectful, but I'm an atheist. My behaviour and attitude is the result of a good upbringing; with firm boundaries and consequences for breaking them. My sense is that that's what's been lost. No doubt, religion can provide those boundaries, but they can be set and enforced without it, too. Unfortunately, I don’t share your faith that belief in God and/or Jesus will rid the world of selfishness (of course, in some cases, religion simple causes more division). That said, I have the utmost respect for your opinion, found your piece compelling reading and think you raised some fascinating points of debate. Thanks, Jeanie.
Thank you, Kingnet...I am glad you shared my thoughts on this subject!