Independence day, the Fourth of July, comes during the summer, so celebrations are often picnic events for friends and family, or are outdoor public events with fireworks and music provided. Of course if it is too hot, or to be safe that rain will not spoil your event, an indoor party is an acceptable alternative.
Regardless of whether you are having an indoor or outdoor event, food is usually hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, and other traditional picnic food. So, what will you need for your party, provided you are not going to a large even that provides food, and how will you show your spirit?
The grilling basket are a sampling of what is available. There are deep, no handle vegetable baskets, and special baskets for fish. I picked what might be used on the occasion. I have written specifically on grilling baskets in another article.
blackspanielgallery, The pinwheels and the top hats are quite fetching. The grilling baskets for your suggested fare of burgers, corn-on-the-cob, hot dogs and salad are workable for first Memorial Day and then for July 4th.