Inspirational Quote Rings in Affordable Sterling Silver

by Mira

Valentine’s Day is a time when many people buy rings for their special one. Consider buying a quote ring if you believe in love, hope, and the power of faith.

Women in general like jewelry. Most of us also like inspirational, uplifting quotes. So combining the two makes sense. I’ve been browsing rings on Amazon and several quotes caught my eye. While many of these quotations are from the Bible, there is more to these rings than purity rings (“Love can wait”) or rings only for those of Christian faith. There are, in fact, messages that can be embraced by people of any faith, such as “Create in me a pure heart, O Lord,” or “When you have faith, anything is possible.” There are also messages that will appeal to people of no religious faith, such as “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” a statement I saw on a sterling silver cuff bracelet, for instance.

Amazon offers a nice range of quote rings, some in silver and some in stainless steel. I’m showing here only a selection of silver rings. You’ll be surprised to learn that some of them cost as much (as low, rather) than stainless steel rings. In fact, I saw one of them marked down from $74 to $20. And with Valentine’s Day coming up, Amazon offers 20% off select jewelry and watches, up to $200, when you pay with the Amazon Rewards Visa Card.

Create in me a pure heart, O Lord

This quote comes from Psalm 51. Here’s the whole passage, in Psalm 51:10-12, in the New International Version:

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

Create in me a pure heart, o Lord – sterling silver purity ring

Create in me a pure heart, o Lord
Create in me a pure heart, o Lord

True love waits – Infinity Purity Ring in sterling silver

S925 Sterling Silver True Love Waits Infinity Criss Cross Rings for...

True love waits – Men's Purity Ring in titanium

True love waits
True love waits

Speaking of inspirational quotes, the Psalms are a wonderful section in the Bible.

This ring is marketed as a purity ring, but I think we can agree a pure heart is a broad concept that can mean different things to different people.

For I know the plans that I have for you

This is the beginning of a statement in the Bible (Jeremiah 29:11) that goes like this: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” We often choose a path in life and choose to believe that God supports us in our endeavors. What this quote says, however, is that God already has plans for us, which may or may not be the ones we chose ourselves. This passage invites us to keep an open mind that things may be in store for us of which we are not aware.

I know the plans that I have for you -- silver-plated ring-style necklace pendant

Dicksons I Know The Plans I Have for You Mobius Ring Silver-Plated ...
Only $38.46

I know, if God already has plans for us, what about free will? Well, predestination and free will would probably take me a lifetime to sort out. For the moment, I take the view that God has a number of possible futures for all of us, and that at junctures in our lives we choose one path or the other – but they are all written in God’s book. 

When you have faith, anything is possible

I recently watched a series of documentaries about people who underwent chemo to treat their cancer – and then they took the matter into their own hands. They looked at alternative treatments, followed them to a T, and beat cancer. Of course, part of it can be that chemo helped in the beginning as well, but the stories go to show that sometimes where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I know other stories where strong faith in particular helped treat cancer. I read of one person who was sent home with a big tumor which then disappeared in a matter of weeks with fasting and praying. I'm aware this doesn't always happen, but these stories tell us that with faith anything is possible. Faith, Hope, Love – I really like this trio.

Faith, Hope, Love – motivational ring in sterling silver, with a cross

Inspirational Jewelry Sterling Silver Engraved Faith Hope Love Simp...
Only $20.99

Faith, Hope, Love – inspirational ring in sterling silver, with a cross and cubic zirconia

DAOCHONG Inspirational Jewelry Sterling Silver Engraved Faith Hope ...

Love Ring

If you want to declare your love to your partner with a ring this Valentine’s, you may decide that a simple, thin silver ring with “LOVE” engraved on it is the way to do it.

You may also choose to express your love for God with such a ring (for “God is love”), or love for the miracle that life is. “Love,” in the imperative, is a good mantra to live by. If all of us would turn more often to the love planted deep in our hearts, the world would be a better place.

Depending on your religious faith or philosophy, and personal background or inclination, “love” will, first and foremost, mean different things to you. If you’re a teenager, it might mean passion. If you’re a Buddhist or drawn to the Buddhist philosophy, it will most likely mean compassion.

And if you're a parent gifting a ring to your child, it will mean "Love you to the moon and back," as the quote says on the two rings below the Love ones.

Two hearts and a third larger one – sterling silver ring with CZ

925 Sterling Silver Ring, BoRuo High Polish Cubic Zirconi...
Only $13.99

Love Script Promise Ring, sterling silver

Sterling Silver Simple Love Script Ring Thin Band Promise Ring (ste...
Only $21.99

Love you to the moon an back -- sterling silver ring with flowers

Angemiel 925 Sterling Silver Cubic Zirconia Flower Promise Ring For...

Love you to the moon and back – sterling silver ring

925 Sterling Silver Jewelry Engraved I Love You To The Moon and Bac...
Only $16.99

Hope Faith Love – Triple Interlocking Ring

Hoops & Loops Sterling Silver HOPE FAITH LOVE Inspirational Triple ...

Hope, Faith, and Love Interlocking Rings

If your partner is facing serious illness or going through a dark time in his or her life, a Hope or Faith ring will be a nice way to express your support, to show that you’re there for them but that they, too, have to be strong and believe they will pull through.

You can choose between a simple Faith (or Hope) statement, but you can go one better and add Love to the duo with a cross ring like the ones above, or with a triple interlocking ring.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world

To end on a positive note, there’s a quote and ring out there for those of you out there who step boldly into their teenage and adult lives thinking you can change the world in a big or small way. In fact, we all can change the world for the better if we adopt this mindset, whether it is by being nice to one person at a time, teaching those around us various things, helping people in need emotionally, financially, or with the labor of our body, or by being enviromentally conscious in big or small ways. Or, perhaps, with our prayers.

"The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life." – attributed to Robert Louis Stevenson

Updated: 12/17/2020, Mira
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Mira on 11/29/2016

Thank you for commenting on these rings. I'll have to see what other rings like these I can find on Amazon. I really like the idea of quote rings.

DerdriuMarriner on 11/29/2016

Mira, Very nice! My favorite is the quote -- that appears in "Soul Surfer" -- from Jeremiah.
In another direction, messages on rings always make me think of how the writing on the inside of a ring altered the trajectory of Joseph Cotten's character in "Shadow of a Doubt."

Mira on 11/11/2013

Thank you! I like rings that tell a story :)

ologsinquito on 11/10/2013

These are beautiful rings. I like the Bible quotes. What a great gift.

Mira on 02/13/2013

Thank you, Hollie! Glad you like them :)

HollieT on 02/13/2013

I love the "be the change you want to see in the world" rings, Mira. These are lovely gifts.

Mira on 02/12/2013

Thank you both!

WiseFool on 02/12/2013

Like Katie, I think these rings would make a great gift for a loved one. Some really nice choices here, Mira!

katiem2 on 02/12/2013

These quote rings are a great gift for anyone you care about. It's a great way to let someone know they have meaning and that others see it in them. :)K

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