The popularity and daily use of social media has changed the dynamics of relationships. Ask yourself if you feel this may be causing doubt, tension or mistrust in your relationship? Today we take a deeper look into the social technology advancements; a means of communication and or a cyber-relationship fix. Many fights or break ups occur when one or both partners get close to someone, other than their real life partner, online. Is social media bad for your love life? Is twitter, facebook, instagram, texting and face time an additional cause of cheating and breakups? Let's Explore

Is Social Networking or Media Bad For Your Love Life?
by katiem2
Learn how social media like facebook, instagram, face time, twitter and texting can impact your love life and how to deal with social networking before it breaks you up.
The Problem With Social Networking?
The temptation to see if others find you attractive or interesting is great.
What's The Problem With Social Networking?
- People can pretend to be someone their not, playing around innocently at first only to later become involved with the online person.
- it’s easy say things you wouldn't face to face, this takes down barriers aiding the open sharing of details which bring two people closer sharing a more intimate bond.
- The element of rejection isn't so painful online therefore people are more outgoing and forthcoming.
- it’s easy to test drive a relationship without commitment, testing the waters with another to merely see if it would work or how it would feel.
- You can experience the thrill of a new relationship secretly even if you're already committed.
Social Media and Relationships
Do you feel the daily interactions occurring on social media have a negative or positive impact on committed relationships.
Real Life Confessions
Have you ever gotten involved with someone using social media a bit more than you would have in your everyday life?
Social Media and Cheating
The many things that could create serious issue in your real word commitment can happen so easily and effortless in the world of social media.
How Trouble Starts on Social Media
- The temptation to see if others find you attractive or interesting is great. It feels good to receive complements and feedback from strangers, it boost the ego.
- It soon becomes tempting to test drive other relationships with little effort or expense it can happen so easily almost before you realize it's happening or does it?
- First you become harmless friends and then comment back and forth before you know it a deep connection is created forming an intimate bond.
- Friendships maintaining constant communication via social media can escalate into something of a physical nature and or emotional attachment.
- While this is a good tool for meeting others and building relationships,it is not right to do so if you're in a committed relationship.
Building relationships with someone online does not classify as dating one person exclusively. If you have a living breathing committed relationship with someone in real life, in the flesh, sparking online flirtations and ongoing contact is cheating.
Social Networking and Dating
The Impact Social Networking Has on Real Life Relationships
The Impact On Your Real Relationships
- Lose interest in current real life partner becoming distracted by electronic devices.
- Stop keeping up your appearance, as online it doesn't matter and consumes your time.
- Displays of anger due to the underlying guilt.
- An unrealistic expectation of real relationships.
The real issue is the lack of reality and ability to interact with and understand the opposite sex. We all need relationship skills in order to be a successful partner in any relationship. Its one thing you should accomplish before tackling the social networking relationship world.
Basic Relationship Skills
The lack of good relationship skills sets you up for difficulties maneuvering the social media lifestyle.
When it comes to anything in life as important and rewarding as relationships we should learn a thing or two about such interactions.
Many of us just don't have good relationship skills. These skills are taught by way of social heredity.
Your parents and childhood experiences determine the level of experiences you had good or bad. History has a way of repeating itself unless we step in and reprogram ourselves.
Stop and think about what you've been taught and imagine having better skills to help you manage the high-tech social networking world we now live and love in.
Dealing With Social Networking
It's best to learn how to both deal with relationships in a world of face time, skype, facebook, twitter, instagram, texting, pic text and such.
The Fix
Understand that all the social networking is meant for communication and sharing between friends. The bond between friends of the opposite sex are better and deeper now with the aid of social networking tools. This is only natural.
Those secure in a healthy relationship enjoy their partners sharing friendly bonds between friends. They will talk keeping the lines of communications open letting each other know if and when they feel uncomfortable about any particular activity online.
Maintain the same guidelines interacting with the opposite sex online as you would face to face.
Does Social Media Cause Relationship Problems
Do you think social media is an invasive issues causing problems in relationships?
Yes, Social media causes relationship problems because;

Not for me, but I have seen it cause problems for many other people. Watch Dr. Phil.

It happened to me once and it wasn't even my fault. Had a jealous girl friend who sent me a Facebook invitation for an app called "Hotties" so I checked the thing out and turns out to be a voting app that asks you if random people are attractive or not. I installed it after receiving the invitation not knowing what it was. Then Facebook publishes something like "Luis is searching for hotties!". The result... angry girl friend. I was like... YOU sent me the invitation! LOL I still find the incident funny.
Some friends have been tagged after lying to their partners of their whereabouts. Leading to real problems. I think that social sites can be dangerous so I tend to have my privacy filters high. No tags unless approved, private profiles and options like that at least on more personal accounts.
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Is Social Networking Bad For Your Love Life? Chat Now Here
DerdriuMarriner, Thanks, good to know
katiem2, Virtus has an excellent series on social media dangers and how to handle them, predominantly from parental and teacher viewpoints, but also as adults and seniors.
Brenda, That is another big issue with most anyone using social networking sites. The good old fashioned face to face is vital to good health and well being. Great point!
This is a great reminder for people, Katie. My main problem with social media now is that I don't get out as much to meet people face to face. However, it's a necessary evil for those making their living on the Internet. I'll Tweet this to get the word out to others.
QuantumLouie, That is such a funny but seriously real occasion showing just how easy it is to offend someone your in a relationship with. This is a good lesson and a vital warning to avoid such applications on facebook. Thanks for sharing you story in the social media section above. :)K