One person with arthritis who found out how helpful exercise can be is Billie Jean King. At the age of 18, she was in a car accident that probably contributed to the development of osteoarthritis in both her knees. Instead of letting it stop her, King went on to become one of the most successful players ever in women's tennis.
Years later, King promotes exercise as the best therapy for arthritis. "When I don't exercise, I feel worse; it's that simple," said King in an article in the medical journal Physician and Sportsmedicine. "When I get the circulation going in the knee joints, it helps a lot."
King is not the only one to have made this discovery. One report from the University of Michigan concluded that most people with arthritis who perform regular aerobic exercise not only make significant gains in aerobic capacity and muscle strength, they are also likely to experience a positive impact on their entire quality of life, including greater tolerance of joint pain, happier moods, and more social activity.
Active Body, Healthy joints
Sure, you know that exercise is good for you. It's good for your heart. It's good for your lungs. And it's good for your waistline.
But did you know that exercise is also good for your joints? In fact, exercise is great for your joints! Especially if you have arthritis.
Just as birds were meant to fly and fish were meant to swim, joints were meant to go back and forth and up and down and twist and turn. And if, by lack of exercise, joints don't get to do what they were meant to do, they start to suffer.
Without regular movement, the muscles tighten, the tissues become tighter, and eventually there are actual changes in the joint structure.
Unfortunately, some people with arthritis use their aches and pains as reasons not to exercise. But this inevitably creates "a vicious cycle". You feel soreness and pain, so you avoid exercise. Because you avoid exercise, your joints get stiffer. Your stiffer joints cause you more soreness and pain, so you avoid exercise. And so on...
Ready to break out of this vicious cycle? Then get ready to hop onto an exercycle ... or into a swimsuit ... or onto your living room carpet for a few easy movements that will pay off in many ways. You'll find that not only will you be able to move your joints with greater ease, you may also feel less pain and stiffness, and your daily tasks will become easier and easier to do.
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