Jules Gravereaux and Roseraie du Val-de-Marne: A Paradise of the World's Roses in France

by DerdriuMarriner

The rose garden started in 1894 by retired Bon Marché executive Jules Gravereaux was a dream come true for him and rose lovers worldwide. By 1910 all known roses were growing there

Retiring in 1892 from a brilliant career with Paris' renowned Bon Marché department store, Jules Gravereaux started a small rose garden at his country home in L'Haÿ near Paris in 1894.

By 1910 Jules' rose garden contained, with over 8,000 varieties and species, all the known roses in the world.

In 1914, L'Haÿ officially changed its name to L'Haÿ-les-Roses in recognition of the fame achieved by Jules' rosery.

Still widely respected today, Jules' garden has been owned and maintained by the French departmental government, now known as Val-de-Marne, since 1936.

Roseraie de L'Haÿ (now Roseraie du Val-de-Marne):

Jules Gravereaux's timeless rosy paradise
"Roseraie de L'Haÿ"
"Roseraie de L'Haÿ"
Aristide Boucicaut, founder of legendary Bon Marché department store in Paris
ca. 1870 photographic portrait
ca. 1870 photographic portrait


Jules Léopold Gravereaux (May 1, 1844 - March 24, 1916) started out in March 1856 as an apprentice, at the age of 12, to a hatter, Monsieur Caillault, on rue du Bac in Paris, France. Two years later, at the age of 14, Jules began employment on the same street, at its corner with rue de Sèvres, in the haberdashery and novelty boutique of Aristide-Jacques Boucicaut (July 15, 1810 - December 26, 1877) and Marguerite Guérin Boucicaut (January 3, 1816 - December 8, 1887).


In 1848, the Boucicauts had become involved in the management of Au Bon Marché (today known, since 1989, as Le Bon Marché), founded by Paul and Justin Videau in 1838. By 1863 the Boucicauts achieved complete ownership with their buyout of the Videau brothers.


Jules advanced along with the success of Au Bon Marché. Briefly leaving from 1866 to 1870 to work for Les Grands Magasins du Louvre, Jules returned to Au Bon Marché, where he was associated with Gloves Umbrellas and Fans (Gants Ombrelles et Eventails). Jules became a member of the board of directors (conseil d'administration) in 1871.



Marguerite Guérin Boucicaut, co-founder of Bon Marché
undated photo of Marguerite Boucicaut
undated photo of Marguerite Boucicaut

Annexe: at angle of rue du Bac and rue du Babylone, across from Au Bon Marché main building

"plus de 6000 mètres à nos surfaces de vente" (over 6000 meters to our sales floors), to showcase Tapis Ameublements Literie (Carpets, Furnishings, Bedding)
annex and main building of Bon Marché; Souvenir offert par les magasins du Bon Marché (1894), p. 23
annex and main building of Bon Marché; Souvenir offert par les magasins du Bon Marché (1894), p. 23

Marriage in 1873: "I owe nothing, I possess 9,000 francs"


In 1873 Jules' residence, which was less than one mile (1.5 kilometers) from Au Bon Marché, was located on the Seine's left bank (rive gauche) at 9, rue de Seine, in Paris' desirable sixth administrative district (6e [sixième] arrondissement), known as the Luxembourg district (l'arrondissement du Luxembourg), the area of so many of Paris' architectural and cultural treasures. His fiancée, Laure Marie Alexandrine Thuillier (December 30, 1852 - July 2, 1932), was residing, less than two miles (3 kilometers) away, with her parents, Alexis Eugène Thuillier (May 4, 1816 - January 1893) and Philiberte Héloïse Gaultier Thuillier (September 21, 1825 - October 8, 1893), on the right bank (rive droite) at 63, rue du Faubourg Montmartre, in the culturally trendy ninth district (9e [neuvième] arrondissement), known as the Opera district (l'arrondissement de l'Opéra).

On August 9, 1873 at 11:00 a.m., Jules married Laure in a civil ceremony in the ninth district's town hall (la Mairie du neuvième arrondissement de Paris).

On August 1, 1873, Jules had written in his notebook:

"... Huit jours avant mon mariage: je ne dois rien, je possède 9000 F."

(“. . . .Eight days before my marriage: I owe nothing, I possess 9,000 francs.”)1


1Note: In 1873, one French franc was valued at 0.29032 grams of gold, one U.S. dollar, $1.00, was valued at 1.505 grams of gold, and the pound sterling was valued at 7.3224 grams of gold.


Église du Dôme (Dome Church) and Jardin de l'Intendant (created in 1980), Les Invalides, 7e arrondissement:

complex of buildings begun in 1671, only a few minutes' walk from Jules' home on avenue de Villars
"The Dome Church, known as Église du Dôme, at Les Invalides"
"The Dome Church, known as Église du Dôme, at Les Invalides"

Among Jules' and Laure's children: "dear daughter Rose" and "dear little Pierre"


Between 1874 and 1885, Laure gave birth to seven children --- three sons and four daughters. In a seemingly charmed life, Jules definitely experienced two wrenching disappointments: the death of two of his children in infancy, both noted with pain and sadness in his notebooks:

  • Henri Gravereaux (May 27, 1874 - November 28, 1953)
  • René Gravereaux (November 10, 1875 - October 29, 1960)
  • Blanche Gravereaux Alvarez del Campo (December 15, 1876 - August 22, 1968)
  • Rose Gravereaux (December 15, 1876 - March 11, 1878) --- Jules wrote:  "Mort de notre fille chérie, Rose, à 1h après-midi, lundi - catarrhe suffocante" ("Death of our dear daughter, Rose, at 1:00 in the afternoon, Monday - suffocating catarrh"). Suffocating catarrh is synonymously known as capillary bronchitis or acute childhood pneumonia.
  • Pierre Gravereaux (December 31, 1878 - November 7, 1879) --- Jules wrote:  "Mort de notre petit chéri Pierre, à l'âge de 10 mois et 8 jours de l’affreuse maladie du Croups" ("Death of our dear little Pierre, at the age of 10 months 8 days from the hideous illness of croup”)
  • Madeleine Gravereaux Villeminot (February 19, 1881 - March 9, 1968)
  • Amélie Lili Gravereaux Ballu (May 16, 1885 - February 14, 1960).


Jules' Parisian neighborhood:

Square Montholon, built 1862-1863, only minutes away from building that Jules purchased on rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
view of Montholon Square from 6, Pierre Sémard Street
view of Montholon Square from 6, Pierre Sémard Street

Purchases of property: from avenue de Villars in Paris in 1885 to rue Jean Jaurès in L'Haÿ in 1892


In 1885, Jules purchased two buildings: one at 4, avenue de Villars, in the seventh district (7e [septième] arrondissement), for 190,000 francs and the other on rue du Faubourg Poissonnière, in the ninth district, for 275,000 francs. For their family home in Paris, Jules selected the building on avenue de Villars, located in the same district as Au Bon Marché, the aristocratic Palace of the Bourbons district (l'arrondissement du Palais Bourbon) on the left bank.

In 1892, at age 48, Jules retired from Au Bon Marché and purchased a property at 1, rue Jean Jaurès for 220,000 francs in L'Haÿ, a small city (commune) about 6 miles (9 kilometers) south of Paris at 48°46'48" North latitude, 2°19'48" East longitude. L'Haÿ is 3 miles (5 kilometers) southwest of Jules' birthplace, Vitry-sur-Seine (48°46'48" North latitude, 2°24'0" East longitude).

The property included a manor, or country, house (petit château) in the Empire style built in the second half of the eighteenth century, possibly by architect Jean-Pierre Brulle who owned the domain in 1772. Reconstruction of the house was resumed by an architect surnamed Larseneur in 1804 for then-owner Henri Auguste (1759 - 1816), former goldsmith (l'orfèvre) to the doomed French King Louis XVI (August 23, 1754 - January 21, 1793). Henri Auguste ended up fleeing to England in 1809 to escape a fraudulent bankruptcy judgment and died ultimately in Jamaica. Construction of stables and creation of an English garden (jardin à l'anglaise) are also attributed to this epoch.

Jules and Laure recalled the inimitable refined grandeur of the Empire style (1803 - 1821) by decorating their country home with furnishings in that style. Their son-in-law, Carlos Alvarez del Campo (January 7, 1867 - July 1, 1930), oldest daughter Blanche's husband, advised Jules and Laure in their interior decorating and also was inspired to create silhouettes and rose designs for lampshades, all appropriately harmonious with the Empire style.


Jules Gravereaux in his rose garden:

portrait by Charles Paul Renouard (November 5, 1845 - January 2, 1924)
"Jules Gravereraux dans sa roseraie"
"Jules Gravereraux dans sa roseraie"

Retirement pursuit: photography or rhodology


Jules was enamored of photography and developed his photographs in his dark room in the mansion in L'Haÿ. Laure is credited with spurring him on to establish a rose garden as she was concerned that he was spending too much time indoors within the confines of his dark room and precious few moments outdoors in the fresh country air. Jules had became interested in roses during buying trips for Au Bon Marché to the northern French textile center of Roubaix, where he befriended a cotton manufacturer and avid hobby rose grower surnamed Nicolas. (Nicolas' son, Jean-Henri [August 13, 1875 - September 25, 1937], found fame as an internationally renowned rose hybridizer.)

In 1894, as a result of Laure's enthusiastic prompting, Jules set about establishing a rosery in the property's kitchen garden (jardin potager). Inspired by his fragrant, visually stunning plantings, Jules undauntedly conceived the remarkable plan of creating a "Rose Garden of Intelligence" by gathering together every species of rose in the world. Devoting a garden to one genus was virtually unheard of at that time. A "Rose Garden of Intelligence" is achieved through complete knowledge and understanding of the Rosa genus. Jules studied as well as learned through practical experience in his test garden (jardin d'essai) and through worldwide contacts with other rose enthusiasts, botanists, horticulturists, rose breeders, and rose growers. In this way, Jules transformed himself into an esteemed rhodologist (Greek: ῥόδον, rhodon, "rose" + λόγoς, logos, "study").


Monte Carlo's famed casino (begun 1858):

its iconic park was designed in 1881 by landscape architect Édouard André, who undertook refinement of Roseraie de l'Haÿ 18 years later.
Monte Carlo Casino
Monte Carlo Casino


By 1899, with his rosery comprising around 1,600 species and varieties, Jules presciently ascertained that his design required refinement. Thus, Jules invited pre-eminent late-nineteenth century French landscape architect (architecte paysagiste) Édouard François André (July 17, 1840 – October 25,1911) to create a formal design for his rosarium. The son of a nurseryman from the central French departmental capital of Bourges, André apprenticed with the municipal horticulturist of Angers, capital of the western French department of Maine-et-Loire, and attended the prestigious Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris.


gardens designed by Édouard André contemporaneously with Roseraie de l'Haÿ:

gardens of Villa Masséna (1898-1901), Nice, southeastern France, against backdrop of Promenade des Anglais and placid yet vibrant Mediterranean Sea
garden of villa Masséna in Nice, France
garden of villa Masséna in Nice, France

André's international reputation was achieved by designing around one hundred public and private parks and public spaces, such as:

  • Sefton Park in England’s south Liverpool,
  • the parterre and topiary garden in Madeira Botanical Garden (Jardim Botânico da Madeira) in exotic Funchal in the North Atlantic’s breathtaking Madeira archipelago, and
  • Plaza Zabala in cosmopolitan Montevideo, capital of Uruguay (República Oriental del Uruguay) on the southeast coast of South America.


Central axis of Roseraie links latticed Dome and Norman pavilion

view of reflecting pool and Dome from Norman pavilion
view of reflecting pool and Dome from Norman pavilion


The essential design of Jules' garden by Édouard André comports with tightly geometric horizontal divisions of themed parterres enlivened vertically by archways, pergolas, statues, towers, trellises, and urns. The central axis of the garden runs from the Norman pavilion (pavillon normand) which housed Jules' Rose Museum (Le musée de la Rose) and test laboratory, to the latticed Dome (Dôme), with its curving wings that extend gracefully into another set of longer, curving wings.

The Dome tops a Temple of Venus (le temple de Vénus) in whose shelter stands a reproduction of "La Baigneuse" ("The Bather"). The famous marble statue, sculpted in 1757 by Étienne Maurice Falconet (December 1, 1716 – January 4, 1791), was seized from the collection of Jeanne Bécu, comtesse du Barry (August 19, 1743 – December 8, 1793), during the French Revolution (1789 - 1799) and added to the Louvre by 1855.


reproduction of "La Baigneuse" ("The Bather"), famous marble statue sculpted in 1757 by Étienne Maurice Falconet

"La Baigneuse" in the Temple of Venus
"La Baigneuse" in the Temple of Venus


Jules' Rose Museum (Le musée de la Rose) in the Norman-style pavillion encompassed almost 11,000 rosy items that Jules carefully collected from all over the world. Fossil remains were exhibited in the herbarium corner of the museum. Porcelains and textiles were  displayed. Also hanging in the museum were paintings by the best of French contemporary rose artists:

  • Madeleine Lemaire (May 24, 1845 - 1928),
  • Louise Abbéma (October 30, 1853 – July 10, 1927),
  • Gustave Bienvêtu (1850 - 1916),
  • Georges Jeannin (August 24, 1841 - December 10, 1925),
  • Ernest Filliard (1868 - 1933), and
  • Achille Théodore Cesbron (November 5, 1849 - January 3, 1913).

A library contained scientific treatises, and "Thousands of tales, sonnets, odes, and fables demonstrate the influence of the Queen of Flowers on the literature of every country." (Jules Gravereaux, p. 187 [1917])


Rosa 'Alexandre Girault': Hybrid Wichurana Rambler, featured as 800 plants draping Dome in Jules' garden

Introduced in 1909 by René Barbier (1845-1931) of Barbier Frères & Compagnie, based near Orléans, north central France
"Rose Alexandre Girault - Roseraie de Bagatelle (Paris, France)"
"Rose Alexandre Girault - Roseraie de Bagatelle (Paris, France)"


In between the two axial endpoint structures of the Norman pavilion and the Dome, a central garden basks. At its center, highlighted by the colorational spectrum of modern roses in mass plantings, a rectangular pool, embellished with concave corners, serenely reflects the amenable sinuosities of 'Alexandre Girault' roses, newly introduced in 1909, atop the Dome against the inverted magic of clouds and sky in this beguilingly fragrant, ornamental setting.

By 1902, Jules' rosery encompassed 4,000 varieties of cultivated roses and 900 species of wild roses.

By 1910, Jules had realized his goal of representing all known roses in his rosery, which totalled 8,000 different species and varieties. Further reorganization and expansion of the rosery were necessitated to accommodate adequately this ultimate collection. Jules' son, Henri, was entrusted with the project, which expanded Édouard André's designs and configured the rosery into its present contours.


portrait of dramatic soprano Félia Litvinne, who appeared in Jules' Theatre of the Rose

oil on canvas by Alexei Harlamov (October 18, 1840 – April 10, 1925)
oil on canvas by Alexei Harlamov (October 18, 1840 – April 10, 1925)

"...the Rose garden should not be made for ourselves alone..."


Jules Gravereaux once observed:

"Many lovers of the Rose will, I think, consider as I do, that the Rose garden should not be made for ourselves alone but also for the Rose. . ." (Jules Gravereaux, p. 18 [1914])

Jules organized his rosery according to what was best for roses, and the result was an endearing paradise. Jules also understood that a rose garden that is secluded or completely private is not a living history, for a living history of roses provides a panorama for present-moment events so that the present is played out in the context of vintage and modern roses.

A very successful undertaking in this rosy venue was open-air theatre (le théâtre de verdure, literally, "theatre of greenery"). Known, of course, as Theatre of the Rose (le Théâtre de Rose), the stage featured a Temple of Venus modeled on the temple at the Petit Trianon, the mid-eighteenth century manor house on the grounds of the Palace at Versailles that had provided an enchanting reprieve for doomed Queen Marie Antoinette (November 2, 1755 – October 16, 1793). The rosy temple was flanked with colonnaded wings in which were displayed reproductions of dancers sculpted by Antonio Canova (November 1, 1757 – October 13, 1822).

The impetus behind this artistic celebration of roses was the Rosati Society (La société des Rosati), founded on June 12, 1778, at Blangy, near Arras, in the far north of France, and dedicated to paying festive, literary tributes to the rose. Rose-themed plays, ballets, and music were performed in the Theatre of the Rose by some of the most popular artists of the day:

  • modern dancer Isadora Duncan (May 27, 1877 - September 14, 1927),
  • multi-careered poet-filmmaker Jean Cocteau (July 5, 1889 – October 11, 1963),
  • Paris Opera (l'Opéra de Paris) ballerina Emma Sandrini (1871 - 1927),
  • Comédie-Française actress Cécile Sorel (September 17, 1873 - September 3, 1966),
  • dramatic soprano Félia Litvinne (October 11, 1860 – October 12, 1936).

Constructed circa 1905, the theatre flagged with the onset of World War I (July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918) and heard its death knell with Jules' death on March 23, 1916.


Vault of climbing roses (Voûte de rosiers grimpants) at Roseraie de l'Haÿ

Voûte de rosiers grimpants, aquarelle (watercolor) by Claude Sébastien Hugard de la Tour (April 1818-1886)
Jules Gravereaux, Les Roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902, Plate 8, opposite page 140
Jules Gravereaux, Les Roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902, Plate 8, opposite page 140

A desirable preservation: "sufficient artistic and historical interest"


Roseraie de L'Haÿ remained in the Gravereaux family until 1936, when ownership passed to the Department of the Seine (département de la Seine), a French administrative division. With the abolition of that department on January 1, 1968, management of Roseraie de L'Haÿ was secured by the newly created département du Val-de-Marne. Roseraie de L'Haÿ is now known as Roseraie du Val-de-Marne, a name change that occurred in 1994, the rosery's centenary year. Since 1970, its splendid manor house has been the residence of the sub-prefect (sous-préfet) for Val-de-Marne's western district (arrondissement) of L'Haÿ-les-Roses.

In recognition of the garden's singularity in theme and design, of its influence on public and private rosaria in the early twentieth century, and of its significance as a fine example of the masterful creativity of Édouard François André, the rosarium and its historic buildings (Norman pavilion, stables, and petit château) were inscribed on August 10, 2005 on the Supplementary List of Historic Monuments (l’Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques). Inscription necessitates the active consideration of the roseraie's environment in assuring the entire property's preservation. The inscription decree began:

"Considérant que la Roseraie . . . créée en 1899 par le collectionneur rhodologue Jules Gravereaux et par l’architecte paysagiste de renom Edouard André . . . présente un intérêt d’art et d’histoire suffisant pour en rendre désirable la préservation. . ."

("Considering that the Rosery. . .created in 1899 by the collector-rhodologist Jules Gravereaux and by the renowned landscape architect Edouard André. . .presents sufficient artistic and historical interest to make its preservation desirable. . .") ("Arrêté de classement N°2005/1618")


Jules and his garden today: still "the Eden of rose gardens, the king of rose gardens"


Today Roseraie du Val-de-Marne throbs with activity year-round, from upkeep by gardeners to research and studies by botanists and horticulturists to cultural events and workshops, especially during the summer. An open-air theatre has been established where a popular series, “Parfums de Musiques” ("Musical Scents"), takes place during the first two weekends in June. In 2011 musical traditions of Azerbaijan, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, New Caledonia, and Rajasthan were featured. As a participant in the national program, Rendez-vous aux jardins ("Rendez-vous in the gardens"), Roseraie du Val-de-Marne offers a range of workshops and activities during the first weekend of June. In 2011 the Rendezvous theme at Roseraie was the nourishing garden, with a highlight being floral drinks at the "Flowers Bar."

Cultural events are further enhanced by the renovation of the Norman pavilion. Closed at the end of August 2009 for almost two years, the pavilion was updated into a single social and reception area. The pavilion reopened to great fanfare only recently on June 9, 2011.

Édouard André once proclaimed:

"L'Haÿ rosarum Eden! Gravereaux rosarum Rex!"

("L'Haÿ is the Eden of the rose garden! Gravereaux is the King of the rose garden!")

After more than a century, despite the ravages and neglect imposed by two world wars, Roseraie du Val-de-Marne is considered one of the most important rose gardens in the world. This Eden of rose gardens still enchants and enthralls, no small testament to the timeless vision that was inspired by one generous man's love of roses.


Dome of the Roseraie in Val-de-Marne (Dôme de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne): adorned with 800 'Alexandre Girault' roses

"Dôme de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne"
"Dôme de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne"



This page is dedicated to the memory of Jules Gravereaux in recognition of his grand contributions to the history, culture, and appreciation of roses and in honor of his great, amiable spirit.


Arches of climbing roses (Arceaux de rosiers grimpants) at Roseraie de l'Haÿ

Arceaux de rosiers grimpants, aquarelle (watercolor) by Claude Sébastien Hugard de la Tour (April 1818-1886)
Jules Gravereaux, Les Roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902, Plate 7, opposite page 124
Jules Gravereaux, Les Roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902, Plate 7, opposite page 124



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


In addition to a resplendent rose garden, Roseraie du Val-de-Marne encompasses a peaceful park

"Le parc de l'Hay Les Roses"
"Le parc de l'Hay Les Roses"

Image Credits


"Roseraie de L'Haÿ": Malcolm Manners (mmmavocado), CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/mmmavocado/5496923767/

ca. 1870 photographic portrait: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aristide_Boucicaut.jpg

undated photo of Marguerite Boucicaut: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Marguerite_Boucicaut.jpg

annex and main building of Bon Marché; Souvenir offert par les magasins du Bon Marché (1894), p. 23: Public Domain, via Internet Archive @ https://archive.org/details/souveniroffertpa00pari/page/23/mode/1up

"The Dome Church, known as Église du Dôme, at Les Invalides": Diliff, CC BY SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Dome_Church_at_Les_Invalides_-_July_2006.jpg

view of Montholon Square from 6, Pierre Sémard Street: Orodrigu, CC BY SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SquareMontholon.jpg?uselang=fr

"Jules Gravereraux dans sa roseraie": Guy villeminot, CC BY SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jules_Gravereaux_toile.jpg

Monte Carlo Casino: uppure, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/60158957@N00/394182932/

garden of villa Masséna in Nice, France: dalbera, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Villa_Masséna_Nice_-_Garden.jpg

view of reflecting pool and Dome from Norman pavilion: Dk58 - Renaud, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/dk58888/4676366080/

"La Baigneuse" in the Temple of Venus: Dk58 - Renaud, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/dk58888/4675740061/

"Rose Alexandre Girault - Roseraie de Bagatelle (Paris, France)": Georges Seguin (Okki), CC BY SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rose_Alexandre_Girault_20070601.jpg

oil on canvas by Alexei Harlamov (October 18, 1840 – April 10, 1925): Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Felia_Litvinne_(1860-1936)_by_Alexei_Alexeevich_Harlamoff_(1842-1925).jpg

Voûte de rosiers grimpants, aquarelle (watercolor) by Claude Sébastien Hugard de la Tour (April 1818-1886) Jules Gravereaux, Les Roses cultivées a l'Haÿ en 1902, Plate 8, opposite page 140: Public Domain, via Biodiversity Heritage Library @ https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/15285137; via Internet Archive @ https://archive.org/details/lesrosescultiv00rose/page/n164/mode/1up?view=theater; via

long arbor at Roserie du Val-de-Marne: Malcolm Manners (mmmavocado), CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/mmmavocado/5867622233/

"Dôme de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne": Capodel (Caroline Potez-Delpuech), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dome_roseraie.jpg

Arceaux de rosiers grimpants, aquarelle (watercolor) by Claude Sébastien Hugard de la Tour (April 1818-1886) Jules Gravereaux, Les Roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902, Plate 7, opposite page 124, Public Domain, via Internet Archive @ https://archive.org/details/lesrosescultiv00rose/page/n146/mode/1up?view=theaterArchive; via Biodiversity Heritage Library @ https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/15285119

"Le parc de l'Hay Les Roses": besopha, CC BY SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Le_parc_de_l'Hay_Les_Roses_June_11,_2012.jpg

"Roseraie de L'Haÿ: Hybrid rugosa rose, named for the garden": Malcolm Manners (mmmavocado), CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/mmmavocado/5867624155/


Sources Consulted


Alexander Girault.” Rose of the month. September 2009. Roseraie du Val-de-Marne. www.roseraieduvaldemarne.fr

  • Available at: http://www.roseraieduvaldemarne.fr/roseraie_internet_2010/spip.php?page=rosedumois&id_rubrique=183&id_article=876&lang=en&annee=2009

Andersen, Phyllis. “Mon cher ami: The Letters of Edouard André to Charles Sprague Sargent.” Arnoldia, Vol. 54, No. 2 (Summer 1994): 11-19.

  • Available at:  http://arnoldia.arboretum.harvard.edu/pdf/articles/910.pdf

Beales, Peter. Passion for Roses: Peter Beales' Comprehensive Guide to Landscaping with Roses. New York: Rizzoli, 2004.

Brenner, Douglas, and Stephen Scanniello. A Rose by Any Name. Chapel Hill NC: Algonquin Books, 2009.

Brun, Jean. "Jardins Secrets de Bagatelle: Médailles, Prix et certificats de 1907 à 1994." La Rose au coeur de Lyon. 3 avril 2008. Updated 14 mai 2008. www.verticille.com.

  • Available at:  http://www.verticille.com/spip.php?article478

Darlington, H.R., and Rev. J.H. Pemberton. “The Progress and Development of the Rose During Those One Hundred Years of Peace.” Journal of the International Garden Club, Vol. I, No. 1 (August 1917): 243-255.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: http://archive.org/details/journal11917inte

Dolisi, Georges. “Catarrhe.” Bio-Top: Terminologie médicale. Last modified 24/10/2010. www.georges.dolisi.free.fr.

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  • Available at:  http://www.rose.org/fragrant-roses/

Gravereaux, Jules. La Malmaison: Les roses de l'impératrice Joséphine. Préface de Frédéric Masson de l'Académie Française. Paris: Éditions d'art et de littérature, c1912.

  • Available via HathiTrust at: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/002010619

Gravereaux, Jules. "La Roseraie de L'Haÿ." Pages 21-29. In:  Edward Mawley, ed., The National Rose Society's Rose Annual for 1914. Croydon: Jesse W. Ward, 1914.

  • Available via HathiTrust at: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015065427794

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  • Available via Internet Archive at:  https://archive.org/details/lesrosescultiv00rose

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"Jules Gravereaux, son oeuvre." Le jardin: Histoire. La Roseraie du Val-de-Marne. Conseil général du Val-de-Marne.

  • Available at:  http://www.roseraieduvaldemarne.fr/roseraie_internet_2010/spip.php?page=rose_roseraie_rubrique&id_rubrique=213&lang=fr

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  • Available via Roseraie du Val-de-Marne at: www.roseraieduvaldemarne.com/roseraie_internet_2010/IMG/pdf/arretemonumentshistoriques.pdf

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  • Available via Internet Archive at:  http://archive.org/details/souveniroffertpa00pari

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  • Available at: http://www.investitor.net/glossary/money/United_States_dollar.htm#The_Gold_Standard


Rosa 'Roseraie de L'Haÿ ':

namesake of Jules' splendid, fabled rose gardens, Roseraie du Val-de-Marne, L'Haÿ-les-Roses
"Roseraie de L'Haÿ:  Hybrid rugosa rose, named for the garden"
"Roseraie de L'Haÿ: Hybrid rugosa rose, named for the garden"

La Roseraie du Val-de-Marne (site available in English and French)

Hours: Open mid-May to mid-September, every day, 10:00a.m. to 8:00p.m.

Best flowering time:  end of May to end of June.

address:  1, rue Albert Watel, 94240 L'Haÿ-les-Roses, France


  • general information:  00.33 (0)
  • reception on site and reservations:  00.33 (0)
  • technical and horticultural information:  00.33 (0)
  • Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne:  00.33 (0)

email:  [email protected]

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the end which is also the beginning

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DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 11/02/2013

JoHarrington, Jules Gravereaux is one of my botanical-horticultural heroes, and I wrote this tribute to express my appreciation of his enduring, endearing accomplishments.
So your visit and comments honor this great, generous, amiable rose-lover as well as expressing the esteem which you hold for Dustytoes' recommendations!
My thanks for your visit and comments, Jo, and my thanks also to Dustytoes for appreciating and recommending this tribute to Jules Gravereaux and his magnificent rose garden.

JoHarrington on 11/01/2013

I'm not even into gardening and plants, but this article held my interest. Great story and beautiful images. Thanks for the recommendation, Dustytoes!

DerdriuMarriner on 10/30/2013

Dustytoes, Your appreciation of my tribute to Jules Gravereaux and his rosy accomplishments is much appreciated!
The garden is so photogenic, and it is indeed fortuitous that it is maintained with care and respect.
I loved including the artwork for conveying the turn-of-the-century atmosphere of Jules' rose garden.

dustytoes on 10/30/2013

What an ambitious page about a stunning rose collection. I would absolutely love to see it in person, but the photos included here are also quite nice. I like how art was included along with the roses in the garden.

DerdriuMarriner on 10/29/2013

jptanabe, Jules Gravereaux's garden was a wonder of the world at the beginning of the 20th century. It's wonderful that the garden is being maintained.
Thank you for appreciating this tribute to Jules Gravereaux and his fabulous garden.

jptanabe on 10/29/2013

Some really beautiful rose gardens! Thanks for sharing.

DerdriuMarriner on 10/29/2013

Writer Artist, Yes, many thanks indeed to "Jules Gravereaux for his devotion to roses"! Rose gardens represent a special kind of earthly paradise.
Thank you for appreciating roses.

WriterArtist on 10/29/2013

I love roses and can imagine how a Rose Arbor can look like. Lovely and stunning images of the rose garden -thanks to Jules Gravereaux for his devotion to roses.

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