Leather Gauntlet Gardening Gloves

by MarthaWillow

Rose gloves or gardening gauntlet gloves are an essential practical part of a gardeners arsenal. These are elbow length gloves designed to keep you comfortable and protected.

Leather Gardening Gloves
Leather Gardening G...

Gauntlet Gloves for Green Fingered Hands

Finally, No More Painfully Rough Hands

When gardening, the last thing you want to worry about is getting a thorn in your finger, worse than that is the hardened sore texture you end up with on forefinger and thumb. It has to be my least favourite of all feelings, I can handle the sore back and aches and pains but scratched up hands and arms is a pet hate for me. 

So the only way for protection is by wearing gloves, this I thought was easy enough through wearing a pair of well made soft leather garden gloves that stopped at my wrist. Wrong, this only went so far as to annoy me with all the soil filling my gloves, so that every few minutes I wound up lifting my hands above my head to shake out the clumps of dirt and soil. 

I don't know if this sounds familiar to anyone but for me it was a God send when I was given a pair of leather gauntlet gardening gloves for Christmas. Time was when I just  made do but now I can get to gardening without a worry. 

There are many gauntlet gloves on the market and are designed for many different uses, there are the motorbike, log burning fire gloves and many more. There are varying degrees of quality too and if you don't have the luck of someone buying them for you, its a simple pleasure of a useful, quality gift to yourself that makes a summer a happy one. 

Buying as good a quality pair of gloves as you can afford will serve you well in the long run as they will last. High quality grain leather, kid leather are the best to choose as the leather will form perfectly to your own hands. Natural leather gloves also offer protection against water and wear well with use. 

My own pair use suede for the forearm gauntlet and this performs perfectly in keeping rose thorns and scratchy twigs at bay. Even so there are other options in materials if you prefer to have your gardening gloves made from something else. There are synthetic leather gardening gloves that also incorporates Spandex into the design to ensure manoeuvrability in the hand and fingers. 

Synthetic suede and leather features predominately across the board for these gloves but there are also fabric designs that look great and perform well. 

Keep Arms & Hands Protected with Gauntlet Gloves

The Best Gardening Gloves
Legacy Gardens Leather Gardening Gloves for Women and Men | Thorn and Cut Proof Garden Work Glove...

ENJOY YOUR GARDENING... WITHOUT THE GRIEF!Tending to your garden can be a relaxing, pleasant and wonderfully satisfying pastime. But as every experienced gardener knows, it's no...

$34.95  $18.95

How to Care for Leather Gloves

Care Instructions
  • Leave to dry naturally when wet
  • Under no circumstance should you put them on the radiator as they will harden to a crisp

The above is usually the most that I would do for a pair of leather gloves but if they do manage to get particularly bad then you can do the following, but make sure you follow the rule at the top

  • Using a glycerine soap gently wash the gloves and rinse them in cold water
  • The final rinse is good to have a drop of olive oil in 
  • It's important to massage the gloves as they dry so that they do not develop cracks
  • Put a peg or something similar in the fingers of the gloves to hold the shape whilst drying 


Bare hands or protected whilst gardening?

And what materials do you choose to wear?
Updated: 01/10/2012, MarthaWillow
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