Dreamcatchers originated with the Ojibwe people but were gradually adopted by Native Americans of different nations. They are basically a round or oval hoop covered with fabric, leather or yarn on which a web is woven inside the hoop. It is then decorated with beads, trinkets and feathers.
An old Lakota spiritual leader, alone on a mountaintop, had a vision. The vision came to him in the form of a spider who spoke to him. The spider told the Lakota about the circle of life where we begin as infants, then we move on to childhood then into adulthood. Finally we reach old age and must be taken care of as infants.
All the while the spider was spinning a web. When he finished his story, the web was complete and he gave it to the Lakota. It was an intricate web with a small hole in the center.

Legend of the Dreamcatcher
by candy47
Dreamcatchers are considered by some Native Americans as a symbol of unity between nations.
Above photo credit: Pixabay
The Great Spirit
Native American legend says if you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will catch your good thoughts and the bad ones will escape through the hole in the center.
While Native American customs and cultures may vary, there is a common belief among all tribes that the universe is connected by spirits to all natural life. Humans, animals, air, earth, water and plants.
These are just some of the legends and stories of those told by Native American tribes of the Northern Plains.
Beautiful multi-web dreamcatchers
Dream Catcher Meditation
5 minute video with beautiful Native American pictures and soothing music for relaxation and meditation. Enjoy!
Catch the Good Dreams
Traditionally, dreamcatchers are hung over the bed of an infant to catch the good dreams while evil dreams escape, keeping the child safe from outside forces.
Make your own dreamcatcher with a kit!
Lakota members of the Sioux tribe believe the dreamcatcher holds the destiny of their future.
This beautiful wolf dream catcher on the left has several wolves hidden within the web and fabric. See the wolf howling at the moonlit sky.
The double circle dream catcher on the right interprets the dreamcatcher legend in a different way. In this acceptable legend, the bad dreams escape through the hole in the center while the good dreams are captured in the web then slide down the feathers to the sleeping person.
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Thanks DerdriuMarriner, I just put Tony Hillerman on my reading list.
candy47, Very interesting description and products! I've come across the detective novels written by the late Tony Hillerman, and he says that Navajo culture believes that only the evil remains after death, that the good gets away from the living: Yikes! I suppose the same could be true of Dreamcatchers, with good thoughts going to the Great Spirit and bad escaping through the hole to stay here.
I agree with you Bill Kasman. Pretty ornaments, that's it.
One of my sisters-in-law believes in the dreamcatcher and all that it encompasses. Personally, I think they make beautiful ornaments.
Thank you so much for your kind words Veronica.
Absolutely beautiful. What a lovely post. The tradition is enchanting.
The dream catcher examples are quite lovely too. Ty for posting, Candy.
So do I Kim. They are as beautiful as their legend.
I love Dream Catchers
I haven't made one yet Barbara but I'm going to give it a shot!
Love these - I remember when one of the kids were young they made them in Art Class - he had it in his window for years :)