What is Graphene? The trading community discussion boards are abuzz with talk of the newest wonder material that is set to revolutionize the market. Touted as the new silicon, and with whispers that the material could dominate the market like computers did through the eighties and nineties, graphene is a two dimensional hexagonal arrangement of carbon atoms that is breaking records in the world of physical chemistry like no other material before. With properties that make it ideal for super efficient solar panels, super strong fibres, lightweight but robust vehicle and aircraft manufacturing, it is thought to be the material of the nanotech generation. It is the only material strong enough to make an elevator into space theoretically possible, it has superconducting electrical properties that make it a potential rival to silicon in the computer chip manufacturing world, and it can be used in nanomedicine as a substrate for DNA analysis, for nanoradio subcutaneous drug administration, and a whole raft of other things. In fact the limitations of the substance are being overturned every day as new research papers are published detailing the latest findings from the university labs aroung the globe.

Make money from the graphene revolution
by ghemmings
Graphene is the new miracle material that is setting the trading community alight. Get in early and maximise your profit potential.
How to Invest.
To profit from the expected graphene revolution it is best to consider the options and then invest with all due diligence undertaken. Investment at the mining, manufacturing or product development stages is the first thing to research.
Graphene is not a natural substance, it does not occur in nature but can be made from large flake graphite or through a process called chemical vapour deposition. Investment in graphene and in graphite mining means finding the few mines in the world that are capable of producing the high grade large flake mineralisation of graphite. An astonishing 80% of the world's graphite mines are located in China, but the mineral grade is low in these mines and so Canada is thought to be the best global source of the required grade.
Alternatively, chemical vapour deposition can be invested in through several companies and finance companies that specialise in this area. Durham University and CVD Equipment Corporation are both known for their research in this area.
For an investment in product development try Sandisk, as the company has financed and patented several graphene devices that will soon be ready for market release. Equally, as mentioned, nanomedicine, solar panels manufacturers, and chemical coatings manufacturers would be credible inclusions in a graphene portfolio.
Finding shares in graphene can be a daunting task at first but with a little bit of digging it is possible to identify a number of candidate investments. Further research should make the choice of deciding on which way to invest a little easier. Whatever you choose you can relax in the comfort of the fact that according to the leading economist, Norm Poire, the graphene investment bubble will not burst for another 70 years.
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