The music industry is a tough one to crack and for every band that is signed there are thousands that simply never get there. This is the nature of the business and for many artists it’s a dream that just never comes true. What we fail to realize as artists is that there are many ways to make it in the music industry without that big contract. Image by Morguefile.

Making a Living in the Music Industry
by brlamc
Looking to make money in the music industry? There are many ways you can make money besides just having a band.
Reach for the Top But Make Money Too
Many music artist struggle day to day to make any real money in music because they are so focused on making the “big time” that they don’t realize the wealth of opportunities available to them in the music industry that don’t involve the “big contract.” Here’s a few ways to make money while still pursuing your dreams of becoming a big recording artist.
- Be a Music Teacher – One of the easiest ways to fund your music career is to simply teach music in your spare time. If you’re struggling to make cash then visit your local music store and ask if they need any teachers. You can do this in your spare time at home in your studio. If you have any music theory credentials there are music school that will hire you for full-time decent pay. This allows you to be a musician but at the same time make money while you reach for the top of the music industry ladder.
- Session Playing –There’s literally thousands of artist out there they need a good player to create parts for them. You can even find these jobs online through freelancing sites or through local studios. A session player can command big dollars and it’s a perfect way to have a career while still working on your band and your big time dreams. The best part about session playing is it’s usually a short-term gig so you can still travel with your band once the gig is over. It’s something you can do in whatever city you plan to visit or in your local area too. It allows you to be flexible with your music. The only downside is you need excellent music theory skills for the larger gigs.
- Use Other Skills – thanks to the Internet there’s more ways than ever to make real money in the industry. If you have skills in web design, video production, or social media you can help promote other artists and make some money at the same time. Since you already have some experience in the music industry this type of job can be appealing.
There Are Other Jobs Out There
If you’re struggling to “make it” in music you may be looking in the wrong direction. You can still pursue your dreams but you need to make money at the same time. Consider teaching music, trying your hand at session playing or using other skills you have that relate to the music industry. When you apply yourself and avoid the “poor me” syndrome you’ll find the money is out there. The music industry just isn't about the big time contracts there are a lot of other jobs out there so go find them while you work on your ultimate goals.
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Thanks for the comment.
Also there are lots of venues. I think that if you do want to play your music out there, you can find a way. You may not make the big bucks you may be after, but you may find you can make a living. I know people who do :)