Maternity Body Pillows & Maternity Wedges - Your Options
by wrylilt
During pregnancy it can be difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. A wedge or pillow may help.
The first few months of pregnancy can be tough - ranging from random cramps to intense morning sickness, there are all sorts of symptoms that arrive in the first trimester.
However as soon as you enter the second trimester and begin to feel a little bit better, you will suddenly realize that a new problem has risen - literally. By the fourth month of pregnancy many women discover that their abdomen has started to swell to a reasonable size.
It may not be gigantic but your new pot belly will certainly start to get in the way. And there's nothing quite as uncomfortable as trying to sleep soundly and comfortably while pregnant, especially in the second half of pregnancy.
Some of the best aids for sleeping well in pregnancy are body pillows and wedges in different shapes and sizes.
Straight Maternity Pillows
The most basic type of maternity pillow is the straight pillow.
One of these is great for using in different positions or can even take the place of two pillows if you and your partner wish to share it later.
You can wrap one of these around your body in a way that you find comfortable and you can easily bend it if you want to be propped up to read a book or watch TV later in your pregnancy (when no position is comfortable!)
Straight body pillows are also one of the easiest to buy pillow covers for and store. If you're after something easy to use, transport, and store one of these straight pillows is perfect.
Beyond Down Gel Fiber Body Pillow Sleep Better |
Soft-Tex 20-Inch by 54-Inch Body Pillow, Assorted Colors Soft-Tex Only $19.99 |
Curved Body Pillows
Curved pillows are a great alternative if you want something a bit more tailor made than your average straight pillow but don't want something too big and complicated.
A correctly curved pillow can be used to rest both your head and legs on, allowing you to be comfortable in a side sleeping position, even in later pregnancy.
They're also easy to store and take with you if you need to travel, while still fulfilling all your pregnancy needs.
Leachco Snoogle Chic - Sunny Circles Leachco Only $49.95 |
The Ultimate Luxury Maternity Pillow
If you want to go all out and get the most comfortable pillow possible for your poor aching pregnant body, try going with one of the U or J shaped pillows.
The shape allows your whole body to be supported while you sleep, both back and front. They are especially good if you have the tendency to roll automatically onto your back.
These pillows are especially contoured to your body shape so they support your growing belly as well as your legs, shoulders and back.
You won't regret investing one of these - you'll find that the last ten weeks of pregnancy can be especially uncomfortable!
Leachco Back 'N Belly - Contoured Body Pillow, Ivory Leachco, Inc. Only $89.99 |
Maternity Wedges
A maternity wedge is another alternative if you're already happy with the amount of pillows in your house and don't want to buy another one that'll be stowed away unused before too long.
A wedge is easy to use and can simply be slipped under your stomach or used to prop you up however you feel comfortable.
The wedge shape allows you to move the cushion in till you reach the correct position and is easy to adjust to your growing belly.
Momcozy Portable Pregnancy Pillow – W Shaped Maternity Support for ... Momcozy Only $26.99 |
Multi Purpose Pregnancy Pillows
If you like a bargain and don't like to buy something that you may not use again (like me!) you may find one of these pillows is a better investment.
There are a range of pillows that are especially made for maximum comfort both for mother during pregnancy and baby after birth.
The Bumpil on the Way is a great example - it easily turns from a comfortable bump cushion into a seat, tummy time and breastfeeding pillow once baby arrives.
An adjustable nursing pillow that easily opens and closes with velcro is another great option.
Bumpil On the Way Bumpil |
Cuddle Cushions
If you're a minimalist that doesn't want a huge pillow in your bed, you can try a curved or smaller cushion for that extra bit of added comfort.
One of these in the right spot under your belly or behind your sore back can do wonders when placed correctly.
A colorful pillow is also a great option for using either as a decoration or as a child's toy when they are older.
Smaller, flatter pillows are great for elevating a sore area of your body without having to worry about too much padding.
Boppy Cuddle Pillow with Cotton Slipcover, Sage Circles The Boppy Company Only $39.99 |
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These pillows make me want to take a nap. And I'm not even pregnant!
I wish these pillows had been around many years ago. They sound very comfortable