Missouri Botanical Garden

by mbgphoto

Missouri Botanical Garden is a wonderful place for both the nature lover and the photographer. This beautiful garden in St. Louis Missouri was started in 1859.

St. Louis Attraction

National Historic Landmark

    The Missouri Botanical Garden was opened in 1859 and is the oldest continously operating botanical garden in the USA.  The garden features 79 acres of gardens and Henry Shaw's original 1850's estate home. 

    The garden is home to  one of the world's largest collection of rare and endangered orchids.  In addition the garden is seen as a center for botanical research and science education.

     I have always enjoyed visiting the garden, but never really appreciated all that it had to offer till I took a five week photography course at the garden.  In these few weeks I discovered the garden had so much more to offer than I had realized.  

   I was familiar with the Japanese garden, the Climatron, and the Children's garden and had throoughly enjoyed visiting these areas.  In the class I was also introduced to the wonderful Chinese garden and the English style woodlands garden.  I had missed both of these areas on previous visits.  

     With 79 acres, there is always something new to explore and with the changing seasons it never looks quite the same.  I look forward to many more visitis to this St. Louis treasure.

Flowers Change with the Seasons

Missouri Botanical Garden

The flowers at the botanical gardens are always changing.  I have been taking a garden photography class(Garden Photography) and have been visiting the garden each week for five weeks.  It is really interesting to see the changing flowers and flowering shrubs.  One week there was a bed full of purple delphium and the next week that bed was completed replanted with some tropical looking ferns.

Flowers for all Seasons


Irises at the Botanical Garden

gifts from my photographs

Missouri Botanical Garden Books

beautiful colored photos
Missouri Botanical Garden: Green for ...
Missouri Botanical Garden
$114.6  $108.41
Missouri Botanical Garden (Images of ...
Arcadia Publishing
$24.99  $16.42

Art at the Botanical Garden

Chihuly Trellis
Chihuly Trellis

Art and Sculpture at the Garden

There are many works of art at the garden.  Several years ago the artist Chihuly had an exhibit at the garden with many pieces throughout the garden.  After the exhibit was over several of the pieces of art remained.  This one of the yellow glass sculpture over the trellis of the rose garden is one of my favorites.

Tropical Flowers and Plants



tropical setting

The Climatron is often seen as a symbol of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  It covers 1/2 acre and is a beautiful tropical paradise.  This climate controlled building is the home to over 1400 species of tropical plants.  It also has several pools and waterfalls and tropical birds that add to the tropical rainforest setting.

Calming waters throughout the Garden

    In addition to the beautiful flower and plant life in the garden you will find many water features. It starts when you first enter the gardens with a beautiful entrance waterfall.  The photograph to the left shows the waterfall that is near the entrance to the Japanese gardens.  You will also find many small streams that flow throughout the park such as the ones depicted on the botanical garden gifts below.  This stream was located in the woodland garden section of the garden.

Water Features at Missouri Botanical Garden

Waterfall near Japanese Garden
Waterfall near Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

stroll around the garden

One of my favorite places to visit is the Japanese garden. This garden is 14 acres with a 4 acre lake.  There is a path around the lake and as you take a stroll you will see many beautiful flowers.  Cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums,peonies,azaleas, and lotus are just a few of the flowers that visitors enjoy during their seasons.  The fall also brings beautiful colors to the garden and the quiet streams and waterfalls add to the serene setting.

Japanese Garden

Japanese festival
Arched Bridge
Arched Bridge
Updated: 05/27/2011, mbgphoto
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ohcaroline on 06/02/2011

I would become a very frequent visitor here if I lived very close to it. I can't imagine 79 acres of beauty in one place. Thanks for sharing. Maybe I'll get there one day.

PeggyHazelwood on 06/02/2011

This is beautiful! I miss the flowering plants like these.

netlexis on 05/31/2011

What a great -- and beautiful -- place to spend the day. I have to agree, the Japanese Garden would probably be my favorite place, too.

Dianne on 05/30/2011

As a former horticulture major, I love plants and flowers. The botanical garden looks awesome!

SquidRich on 05/29/2011

Looks like a wonderful place to visit, and your photos are so inviting :)

theraggededge on 05/28/2011

It looks so inviting - your photos are, as always, a real treat.

nightbear on 05/28/2011

I'm a Missouri Girl and I Have seen this garden, I just love it, so gorgeous.

Michey on 05/27/2011

Like the post, that garden is great, and the presentation on this platform is so handy
Thanks for o great post.

mandeesears on 05/27/2011

MaryBeth your photos are breathtaking and Zazzle is an awesome medium for others to enjoy them.

Guest on 05/27/2011

I went to uni in Missouri, but I never realized how beautiful it was until I saw it through your eyes.

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