Mustard Potato Salad - My Mother's Home Recipe

by CountrySunshine

A side dish of potato salad can be served at a family gathering, barbecue, or for a homemade meal. This recipe was created by my Mother, and was a family favorite.

My mom made the best potato salad. Now, I'm certain you think your Mother's recipe was the best. The reason we both think ours is the best? Mother always added that something special - that little sprinkling of love!

I make her version of potato salad for every family gathering. It tastes great, it's easy to make ahead of time, and it's a crowd pleaser. What more do you need for a meal?

Ready to make potato salad? Here's what you need to know:


  • 7 medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
  • 5 eggs, hard-boiled
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 large dill pickle, chopped
  • 1 cup mayonnaise or Miracle Whip
  • 1 1/3 cup yellow mustard
  • 1/4 cup pickle juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
Boil eggs in a sauce pan
Boil eggs in a sauc...
Country Sunshine

Step 1

Boil eggs until hard, about 20 minutes.  Drain eggs, then let them cool.  Remove shells, and set aside.

Step 2

Peel and cut up the potatoes into small chunks.  Place them in a large saucepan, and boil until the potatoes are tender. 

When the potatoes are done, drain the water, then mash with a potato masher into peanut-sized pieces.  Set aside, and allow them to cool.

Mash potatoes with a potato masher
Mash potatoes with ...
Chop vegetables for potato salad
Chop vegetables for...

Step 3

While potatoes are cooling, chop onions, eggs and dill pickle into small pieces.

Step 4

In a small bowl, mix mayo (or Miracle Whip), mustard, pickle juice, salt and pepper until well blended.

Blend dressings
Blend dressings

Step 5

Add egg mixture to potatoes, and stir to blend.  Then add dressing mixture, and stir to cover the eggs and potatoes.

Mix all ingredients together
Mix all ingredients...

Step 6

Cover your potato salad with saran wrap, and refrigerate.  The salad is best if made the day before it is to be eaten.

Serving Ideas:

I think this recipe is perfect just the way it is.  However, there are other ingredients you can add:

  • Green or red bell peppers
  • Bacon bits
  • A sprinkling of paprika on top before serving

Potato salad complements just about any meat.  I especially like it when paired with:

  • Baby back pork ribs
  • Barbecued brisket
  • Broiled or barbecued chicken

What's your favorite type of potato salad?

Do you like mustard or mayo potato salad?  German perhaps?  Please let me know if you try this recipe, and how it turns out!

Updated: 09/29/2015, CountrySunshine
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ologsinquito on 10/26/2014

This looks delicious. I'd love to try it.

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