If I want to prepare for my son's future, I must start now. It's time to put what I have learned so far into action.These are the steps that I have done so far:
Set My Financial Goals:
- List down my monthly expenses.
- List down the projected amount of the following for the next month (or two)
> the amount I want to save monthly
> the amount I want to give to my tithes
> projected monthly expenses.
In effect, I have projected what I need to earn.the next month.
- Then, I made another list, project what I need or want to earn after one year.
Just to give you an idea, starting next month I projected that I need to earn twice I am earning now. For the next year, at least seven times.
Next: Find The Means to Achieve My Goals
I am on this stage right now, finding the ways to achieve my goals. For the short term these are the possibilities.
- Bubblews - probably I could get about a hundred dollars a month or so.
- Wizzley - I still don't know how much I could get from here each month.
- Fiver - I have earned about $20.00 in a week from Fiver. I'll try it again
- oDesk - I'm hoping to get a job from oDesk soon
- Get clients for network design and installation and troubleshooting
- Get clients for web development.
For the long term
- Invest in the stock market.
- Start several business.
These are the possible means that I could think of for now. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it.
Thanks for reading.
Kids can be great as far as inspiration comes. They are great teachers too - ie if you really want to learn from them.
Yes he is, VioletteRose. Thanks for dropping by
He looks cute :)