National Donald Duck Day On June 9th - Donald Duck Day Facts, Activities

by VioletteRose

National Day for Donald Duck, one of the most popular cartoon characters from Disney, is celebrated on June 9th every year. See more on Donald duck day facts and activities.

It is 81 years since the debut of Donald Duck, who is one of the most loved and popular Disney cartoon characters of all the time. I always love watching the Disney movies featuring Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, and now my kids are also great fans of these funny cartoon characters from Disney. In fact, many of us are great fans of Donald Duck, whose National Day is celebrated every year on June 9th.

The popular Walt Disney character was introduced to the world on June 9th,1934 through the movie "The Wise Little Hen" and hence this day in June is celebrated as National Donald Duck day. The origin of this celebration is not traceable.

On June 9th 2015, eighty one years have passed since Donald Duck has debuted.

Did you know that the full name of Donald Duck is Donald Fauntleroy Duck?

One of the most loved and funniest animal cartoon character created by the Walt Disney Productions in 1934, Donald duck has soon become popular. In fact the most number of Disney films are made based on this character. He is known for his funny character, and also his unstable temper which in turn results in funny incidents.

Donald Duck along with his pals make movies and comic books funny and entertaining to both kids and adults.

Buy From Amazon - Surprise birthday party Donald Duck receives from his pals!

Walt Disney's Donald Duck's Birthday ...

More Facts About Donald Duck

Donald Duck holds a honorary degree from the University of Oregon.

Donald Duck’s parents are named Quakmore and Hortense Duck.

Donald Duck suffers a type of colour blindness.

He is sometimes used as a mascot in the U S coastguard.
In the Scandinavian countries, voters write “Donald Duck” for placing protest votes!
And the most interesting thing is that there is a controversy on Donald’s actual birthday.

Walt Disney states that Donald Duck’s birthday is on June 9th, the day he was debuted in “The Wise Little Hen”.

However, it is said that the birthday of Donald is mentioned as March 13th, probably a Friday, in the cartoon named “Donald’s Happy Birthday”.

Donald Duck Poster Perfect For Parties And Celebrations

Donald Duck - Advanced Graphics Life Size Cardboard Standup

Donald And Daisy Duck

The Disney character Daisy duck was created in 1940, as the girlfriend of Donald duck and she was introduced to the world  through the Disney movie “Mr Duck Steps Out”.

Daisy duck is very loyal to Donald duck and she is graceful and glamorous.

It is interesting to note that even though the character Daisy duck was only introduced in 1940, a character named Donna Duck was introduced in 1937 through the movie “Don Donald”, but later Walt Disney clarified that Donna Duck and Daisy Duck are different names of the same character. However, Daisy Duck became the well known name for Donald duck’s girlfriend over time.

Watch one of the popular cartoons featuring Donald Duck and Daisy Duck!

Classic Cartoon Favorites - Best Pals - Donald & Daisy (Vol. 11)

Did you know that june 9th is the National Day for Donald Duck?

You Might Also Love Mickey Mouse And Goofy

Mickey Mouse who is the friend of Donald Duck and one of the most popular animal cartoon characters, was created as a replacement for “Oswald The Lucky Rabbit”, another cartoon character. Interestingly they couldn’t find a distributor for the debut movie of Mickey Mouse, which was a short cartoon named “Plane Crazy”.

Mickey Mouse was created in 1928, few years before the creation of his friend Donald duck. The cartoon “Plane Crazy” had the test screening on May 15, 1928. The founders had once stated about the beginning of everything as “It was all started from a mouse”.

The second movie with Mickey Mouse “The Gallopin’ Gaucho” also was not released due to the lack of a distributor. However, the third movie made with Mickey Mouse as the central character “Steamboat Willie” was released on November 18, 1928 in New York and it is considered as the debutant movie of the great cartoon character Mickey Mouse!

Goofy, the funny dog cartoon character was introduced in 1932, through “Mickey’s Revue”. Introduced as a close friend of Donald and Mickey, Goofy is part of great cartoon movies that are extremely funny. Goofy was originally named as “Dippy Dawg” but later the nick name Goofy became popular.

Do you love the idea of celebrating Donald Duck's Birthday every year?

Watching the Disney movies starring Donald duck or even reading the comic books featuring Donald Duck is one of the best ways to celebrate our dear and funny Disney character’s birthday. The day for celebration comes every year, so here are few suggestions for you to explore and celebrate. You can enjoy these on other days of the year as well!

In the above collections, the first one is a great collection of Disney cartoons featuring Donald Duck.

The second one is an excellent Disney cartoon that focus on entertainment and education.

And with the third one you can watch the animated musical version of the classical tale played by the three Disney friends.

In the above books, the first one is the comic series that should be never missed!

Read the second book and get lost in the Disney world yourself.

The third one is a Great colouring activity to enjoy with kids.

Updated: 12/08/2016, VioletteRose
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Let me know if you too love Donald Duck and what is your favourite cartoon movie or comic book from Disney!

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CruiseReady on 07/22/2015

i can't hear Donald Duck mentioned without remembering my daughter's early reaction to a cartoon of him on TV. She was about two or three. The cartoon came on, and she watched for a moment, then turned and walked away, saying indignantly, "Ducks can't talk!"

blackspanielgallery on 07/21/2015

Donald is my favorite.

VioletteRose on 05/16/2015

Thanks so much for reading Mira :)

Mira on 05/16/2015

I had to laugh at Goofy being initially called Dippy Dawg!! Fun page :)

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