Natural Ways to Relieve Acid Reflux with Fruit & Food
by wrylilt
Many people experience reflux - especially during pregnancy or at night time - but don't want to use traditional medicines. Here are some natural remedies to relieve acid reflux.
Acid reflux involves stomach acid flowing back up into the esophagus, causing pain and a burning feeling. The feeling often increases after eating certain foods or when lying down (when it's easier for the stomach contents to flow back up the esophagus.)
It can appear during times of stress, due to other medical issues or lifestyle changes (such as pregnancy) or can be a continueing problem known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
There are many over the counter remedies for acid reflux, however for various reasons, some people prefer not to take them. Here is a guide to some basic items in your kitchen that may help relieve acid reflux.
An apple a day doesn't just keep the doctor away - it can also help relieve reflux.
Half an apple after each meal and if needed, half an hour before bedtime helps aid digestion and relieve the common symptoms of reflux.
Another option is a small drink of apple cider in place of an apple.
A slice of fresh mango will help relieve acid mango.
The juices in the mango help neutralize acid and also coat the lining of the esophagus, relieving any pain caused by the acid moving upwards.
A mango before bed is a simple and easy way to relieve most minor acid reflux problems - mango is also more gentle on the digestion than an apple.
Honey & Molasses
Raw fresh honey and black strap molasses both help coat the esophagus as well as neuetralize acid in the stomach.
Take a teaspoonful before bed, straight, or mix half and half with apple cider.
It works best when not mixed or highly diluted, so it can work quickly and efficiently.
Milk contains calcium, which helps neutralize reflux and strengthen the stomach. Many over the counter acid reflux medicines contain calcium carbonate for this reason.
A glass of milk half an hour before bed will help aid digestion, improve your chances of getting to sleep and help relieve acid reflux.
Try to avoid adding flavoring as this may increase the chances of reflux.
![]() Fresh Milk |
Foods to Avoid
Some foods are more likely to cause acid reflux than others. Some of the main foods to avoid include onion, capsicum and tomato. You should also try and avoid processed or greasy food.
If you only get acid reflux at night time, try not to eat any acid causing foods in the 4-6 hours before you go to bed.
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You are right it is hard to live without onion and tomatoes, but the suggestion to eat them prior 5-6 hour to go to bed is great.
Useful to know, a few I already knew. But life would barely be worth living without onions, tomatoes and capiscum (hot chillis?) - they are my staple foods! Fortunately this is not a problem I suffer from, or I would be a very unhappy bunny