Need Help Paying Your Rent? Find Out Who Can Help

by K_Parks

If you're struggling to pay rent here you can find out where to turn and who might be able to help pay your rent.

Often around the Holiday times many families struggle to make ends meet. Whether you need help paying your rent or hep paying bills in general there are programs that can help.

Don't let a rejection deter you - just keep looking if the first program is unable to assist. Often the programs put in place to help pay rent have limited funds that are not enough to cover the large need.

Rental Assistance
Rental Assistance

Local Assistance to Help Pay Rent

In a lot of cities and towns there are programs designated for locals that can help pay your rent. Often you can find a community resource number in your local phone book or often through your utility company that can direct you to bill assistance programs that you can reach out to.

Call local Community Action Program Services
Check with your Utility Company for Resources
Check your local phone book for a community resource number or contact designated utility assistance programs for a resource list
If you have kids ask the school they often have access to assistive programs

Charitable Assistance to Help Pay Bills

Most local and out of town charitable organizations will assist families and individuals who need one time help paying rent.

These programs and services are often made up of churches and other services/organizations such as the Salvation Army that can assist a family in need.

Personal or local churches
Salvation Army

State Programs

Search for the social and health services in your area. These services are typically referred to as the state welfare program and often have offices in most major cities. However you do not have to currently be receiving state assistance or apply for long term assistance to qualify for some services such as diversion grants which are aimed to help pay rent or assist with help paying bills outside of rent such as electricity.


Help Paying Bills for those Fighting Serious Diseases

Some programs, organizations and foundations dedicated to helping specific illnesses/diseases such as A.I.D.S/H.I.V, cancer or other life threatening conditions will often have resources designated solely to help families or individuals who have been diagnosed with these conditions. Be sure to check with relevant foundations and organizations (, AIDS Foundation...) to see if they can assist in paying your rent or mortgage.

What you Need to Know About These Programs

Most of these programs will limit how often you can use their services to get help paying your rent, electricity or other bills. For the majority 1 time a year is the max allotment of services while others may require several years between receiving additional assistance with paying your rent or electric bill. 

Updated: 03/31/2012, K_Parks
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Rose on 01/08/2014

A very helpful list.

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