Organize your online work from home

by MimiBrusko

How many times have you hit the "I forgot my password" link? Wasted time looking for that scrap of paper you wrote it down on? There's a better, easier way.

Inexpensive tools to get organized online are worth far more than you can imagine. The time saved searching for lost info can be used productively instead if you spend a little time setting up.

Purchase a file box that holds 3x5 index cards, one or two packs of index cards and a pack of alphabetized dividers of the same size. Basically, it is the same set up as for a recipe file.

Information please

Fill out a card for each site used, ever, in your online work. Blogs, content sites, social media and sharing sites, affiliate sites, individual clients - one card for each site. On the top line write the name of the site - example:

Below this, enter the email address used, username, password or any other information necessary to use the site. It's easy to replace a card if the old one is filled up with changed passwords or new information. Keep a stack of blank cards in the back of the file for updates or taking notes. 

This is much easier than hunting through a notebook of scribbles and unorganized information. The start-up may take a little time, but is easy if you fill out and file a card for each site as you go along. The u[keep only consists of filing the cards and changing to a new card when necessary.

If you have multiple varieties of sites, use color-coded cards for ease of setting up your work schedule. Sites for marketing your work get "green" and sites to write content all get "yellow" or any variation to suit your particular needs. 

Color coded cards

On the go and mobile

A different style suits traveling and use of time waiting much more than an awkward box. Index cards on rings are easy to throw in the laptop bag and take with you to utilize time spent waiting or while traveling. Plane trips, motel room stayovers and other down time can be productive. 


Fill out the cards with duplicate information from your at home box and only include the sites needed while away. It's easy to remove or exchange cards as needed to suit your needs at any time.Going mobile

Daily use and upkeep

By keeping a supply of blank cards in the back of the file, you readily have access to fill out a card for a new account or site or replace a current card if it has become hard to read for any reason.

To schedule your work for the next day, pull the card for each account you need to work through and place them in a pile in order of priority. It helps to make a card for each task, such as marketing your work - list each site used for marketing to have a list of cards to pull for your marketing. A list of sites to provide content is also another idea.

As you go through your stack of cards, file each one when completed and it's easy to see how your day is progressing. Rinse and repeat for the next day!

Updated: 07/25/2013, MimiBrusko
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MimiBrusko on 07/26/2013

Thanks, kimbesa! That is what matters, finding what works for each of us. I'm naturally unorganized so need intensive help. LOL

kimbesa on 07/26/2013

I've got a notebook (binder) with letter tabs. More room to write, and I don't need to take it anywhere. I can see the cards work well when your laptop travels!

MimiBrusko on 07/26/2013

Thanks, Thamisgith, a 6x4 works, too! I used the 3x5 because they're so readily available and I already had some at home.

Thanks, Elias!

EliasZanetti on 07/26/2013

Interesting idea and nice tips.

Thamisgith on 07/26/2013

I must be a bit old fashioned I suppose, but despite having a plethora of gadgets for getting on the interweb, I still rely on my old 6X4 card filing system. Had it for years - and it works well for me. I think that you shared a great tip here!

MimiBrusko on 07/25/2013

Sometimes necessity breeds genius - I am the most disorganized person I know!

MaggiePowell on 07/25/2013

genius and simple.... why didn't I think of this

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