P90X or Insanity

by qqq0104

Want to choose between P90X or Insanity, but don't which program is best for you? Find out how they compare here.

When it comes to finding an at-home workout program that produces results, most people find themselves trying to decide between P90X and Insanity. Yes, these two programs have transformed thousands of lives. However, these programs are very different from one another, and you must know which one is right for you to get the results you want.

P90X vs Insanity - Choose Wisely for Best Results

P90X and Insanity are the two best-selling at home workout programs on the market. Why? Because they have produced tremendous results in real people. The info-commercials you see at 3AM for P90X and Insanity are the results of real people who have gone through the programs and have had amazing results.

Does this make Insanity and P90X some sort of miracle programs? Close but "NO", neither P90X or Insanity are revolutionary, but they both use intense exercise with basic healthy nutrition programs that are detailed and easy to follow. This is what I love about the two programs they are blue-prints to making a major transformation of your body in a very short time period.

Now with the above said, both programs are very intense. They will push your body to the edge, but if you stick with either of the two programs you will have fantastic results. All that it takes is commitment, 60-days for Insanity or 90-days for P90X.

What These Two at Home Workout Programs are About

P90X is a full body conditioning program that uses weightlifting workouts alternating with cardiovascular and stretching workouts. With P90X weight workouts, you will be doing lots of variations of pull-ups, push-ups, curls, rowing movements, and lots more. Cardiovascular and stretching workouts in the program include a plyometrics workout, Yoga, cardio workout, and Kempo (a Tai-Bo style workout),

For the most part, Insanity workouts are cardiovascular workouts with plyometric workouts, pure cardio workouts, and also some balance and core work is performed.

P90X and Insanity Training Principles

There is Science Behind These Programs

P90X relies on the exercise principle known as "muscle confusion". While the muscle confusion principle is not new, it is a proven training principle that always keeps the body adapting. P90X employs the muscle confusion training principle by alternating workouts on a 3 phase schedule. This scheduling makes the body constantly adapt to the training, so people do not plateau on the workouts.

Insanity uses "Max Interval Training". Unlike classic cardiovascular exercise where you perform exercise at a moderate pace for an extended amount of time, you perform long bursts of high intensity exercise with a short rest period in between. This type of training is often used by athletes looking to improve cardiovascular health and muscle endurance.

P90X Versus Insanity Workout Schedule

P90X is a 90-day program where you workout six days a week. Three weight workouts are alternated with cardio/stretching days. A sample 1-week schedule is below:

Day 1 - Chest & Back, Abs

Day 2 - Plyometrics

Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Abs

Day 4 - Yoga X

Day 5 - Legs & Back, Abs

Day 6 - Kempo X

Day 7 - Rest

P90X workouts average just under an hour with the exception being Yoga X, which is a daunting 1.5 hours. People often only do the first half of Yoga X as the second half is more about achieving better balance than burning calories.

Insanity is a 60-day program where the workout schedule for Insanity is not as variable as P90X. Insanity is set up as a two month program. The first month of the program, you perform workouts that are about 40 minutes in length. During the second month of Insanity, the workouts get longer and more difficult and average about 60 minutes. A recovery week is set up in between to allow the body time to recover for the second month of training

Insanity Vs. P90X Equipment

One of the major downfalls I find with P90X is that it requires an awful lot of equipment to do. To get the most from the workouts, you will need a chin-up bar, resistance bands or dumbbells, and a Yoga mat & blocks. I also recommend a heart-rate monitor.

On the other hand, Insanity does not require any equipment. However, I do have a couple of pieces of equipment I do suggest: a plyometrics mat can absorb some of the shock from all the jumping around you will do, and a heart-rate monitor is also very advisable as you will be working out at a very high intensity.

P90X and Insanity Diet Explained

P90X and Insanity are not only about working out. They also contain a diet plan. Like the workouts, the diets are explained in great detail and both include exact meals that can be followed for the duration of the programs.

The P90X diet is a little more complicated than the Insanity diet. The P90X diet is broken in three phases that correspond with the phases of the workouts. The first phase of the P90X diet is the fat shredder phase, which is a high protein, low carbohydrate and low fat diet that, like the name suggests, is designed to help burn body fat. The second phase of the P90X diet is the energy booster phase, which is a balanced diet of 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% healthy fat. The final dieting phase is the energy maximizer phase, which is a high carbohydrate diet often used by elite athletes to maximize energy output during workouts so they can train at the very intense levels required of their professions.

The Insanity diet is a 40% carbohydrate, 40% protein, and 20% fat. Insanity suggests eating five meals a day, about 2-3 hours apart, with each meal being equal in calories. The timing of the diet is important as it keeps your energy levels constant, meaning no highs and lows like many people experience throughout the day.

What are the Expected Results with P90X and Insanity

The results you can expect with Insanity and P90X may at first sound a little confusing. P90X and Insanity can both build muscle, tone muscle, help you lose weight, and improve your cardiovascular health. They just differ to the degree that they will accomplish these results.

For the greatest body fat loss, Insanity is better option than P90X. Yes, you will lose weight with Insanity and P90X, but you will have greater weight loss with Insanity. On the other end of the fence, P90X will help you build muscle as will Insanity, but Insanity is not geared towards muscle building like P90X is.

So, for someone who is looking to lose weight, Insanity is a better potion. But, if someone wants to lose weight and also build a significant amount of muscle, P90X would be the better option.

P90X and Insanity Results Pictures

P90X Top - Insnaity Bottom
P90X Results
Insanity Results
Updated: 04/21/2012, qqq0104
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