1. Red is the color of sun, warmth, life. It calls for action and it has a provable effect on metabolism: it increases blood pressure and speeds up the pulse. Red has the longest wavelength in spectra which can be seen with human eye. If the wavelength is even longer, it can be sensed as a heat. In this case, it is called infrared.

2. The color red is the color of passion, seduction, and lust. Ever heard about red light districts?
Redheads were considered very special through all known human history. Women with red heads are considered more passionate, have more intimate partners and are in general more popular among men. Many ladies who colored their hair red reported after that simple act their life really changed and became more similar to this stereotype!
There was even a research in Germany made in 2006 which proved redheads have more sex than brunettes or blondes, but this stands only for ladies. Men with red hair were never popular...
One possible explanation is the rarity of the gene for red hair. Only one percent of the world population carries this gene. Men with this gene can look too risky to be considered as possible partners to women, but women with this gene can look like a trophy to men!
What do you feel about color red?
From the top of my head I can say red (for blood) and black (for land) were used by Nazi collaborators in Ukraine in WW2. I am sure there are other examples as well.
Black and red are supposed to be the colors of the legendary Atlantis.
Would you know of any country -- apart Germany -- that has those colors as icons, standards, symbols or talismans?
Because they're the strongest of all and because they look great together. Actually from the physical point of view, only red is a color because black can be interpreted as a mixture or simply a lack of information (light).
Why is it that Valentino Garavani considers black and red the only mention-worthy colors?
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The fundamental step starts with opening up the Safari browser on your iphone device. Just Safari web browser supports as well as nothing else internet browser.
It certainly isn't appropriate for every situation. In negotiations where you are looking for cooperation and compromise, red is strictly forbidden from psychological point of view. It is a color of of aggression after all. Thanks for stopping by, VioletRose.
I love red roses, red gemstones and red dresses, but I do not like it in everything. Sometimes this color makes me feel scared.
Agree on that, WriterArtist:)
I love the brightness and the alertness of red though. A wedding dress in crimson is outstanding.